Help me make this viral folks

Yssup Rider's Avatar
looks like our OP cut and run.

Pity. I was so looking forward to her explanation.
Explanation of what? How many pounds of pressure it took to ram your head completely up your ass? I'm guessing with all the bullshit tucked in there it must have taken - wait for it - a shit ton of pressure to get it up there.

I said what I had to say in the first post. Nothing more needs to be added. Carry on my cranially impacted friend.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why all the vitriol on this thread? It was perfectly reasonable. You people are idiots. So the marine must pay the price of his trespass, eh? Pretty weak argument coming from dipshits who defend the President who gave guns to Mexicans for the sole purpose of taking them across the border. Guns which were in some cases used against Americans.

And this President can't take 5 minutes away from golf, fundraising, and entertainment to make a call?

Way to go, SOTF. Spread the word.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The fact that he is a soldier in totally irevelent.

Only a dumb ass would try and cross the border carrying a gun. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

I wish you would become familiar with the story before commenting, All of those good, on target posts ruined by one post made in ignorance.

He was not "carrying" a gun. He had his possessions with him and among his possessions were three guns in his car. He did not cross into Mexico deliberately. The road that he ended up on has no sign telling drivers that there is no turn back from going into Mexico. He ended up in Mexico by mistake. When stopped by the police he admitted that he had weapons in his car and he just wanted to turn around. The Mexican judicial system does not allow torture but he has been chained to his bunk all these many months. The Mexican judicial system promises (like ours) a speedy trial but they have been dragging their feet. The Mexican judicial system does not allow guards to beat the prisoner but they have. The Mexican judicial system does not deny the prisoner the right to see their family or lawyer but this has happened on numerous occassions. Your guy Obama has not even brought up this marine when meeting with the president of Mexico where Obama gave him another check of American taxpayer money.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Explanation of what? How many pounds of pressure it took to ram your head completely up your ass? I'm guessing with all the bullshit tucked in there it must have taken - wait for it - a shit ton of pressure to get it up there.

I said what I had to say in the first post. Nothing more needs to be added. Carry on my cranially impacted friend. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh

I like what you say and how you say it. I forget, were you an engineering rating?
I wish you would become familiar with the story before commenting, All of those good, on target posts ruined by one post made in ignorance.

He was not "carrying" a gun. He had his possessions with him and among his possessions were three guns in his car. He did not cross into Mexico deliberately. The road that he ended up on has no sign telling drivers that there is no turn back from going into Mexico. He ended up in Mexico by mistake. When stopped by the police he admitted that he had weapons in his car and he just wanted to turn around. The Mexican judicial system does not allow torture but he has been chained to his bunk all these many months. The Mexican judicial system promises (like ours) a speedy trial but they have been dragging their feet. The Mexican judicial system does not allow guards to beat the prisoner but they have. The Mexican judicial system does not deny the prisoner the right to see their family or lawyer but this has happened on numerous occassions. Your guy Obama has not even brought up this marine when meeting with the president of Mexico where Obama gave him another check of American taxpayer money. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You do have solid info that shows that no one in the administration has not contacted Mexico in his behalf?
I like what you say and how you say it. I forget, were you an engineering rating? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
No, I was in aviation
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You do have solid info that shows that no one in the administration has not contacted Mexico in his behalf? Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Let me rephrase it then (just for you), Obama has not publicly spoken to the president of Mexico about our marine.
Thanks for walking it back.
Thanks for walking it back. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I'll walk it forward... ur'a peater

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Explanation of what? How many pounds of pressure it took to ram your head completely up your ass? I'm guessing with all the bullshit tucked in there it must have taken - wait for it - a shit ton of pressure to get it up there.

I said what I had to say in the first post. Nothing more needs to be added. Carry on my cranially impacted friend. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
No, you accused me of posting partisan bullshit.

How was it partisan, SOTF?

Quit ducking the question and denying the error of your swift and thoughtless response to my post.

How was it partisan?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
All Obama has to do is write an executive order prohibiting people in the US from wiring money to Mexico. They'll cave in a second.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Another cunt and run by our OP.

I guess you need some more lipstick...
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-05-2014, 09:27 AM
Let me rephrase it then (just for you), Obama has not publicly spoken to the president of Mexico about our marine. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Part of the problem with politics over the past 40+ years is that too much of it has been conducted "publicly".
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
[QUOTE=Old-T;1055878047]Part of the problem with politics over the past 40+ years is that too much of it has been conducted "publicly".[/QUOte

So are you telling me that Obama has someone on this? That this entire time a crack negoitator has been putting the screws on the Mexican President. It must be nice to have faith where nothing has been demonstrated. From Fast and Furious to the children's crusade against the US, Obama has been handed his ass every time.