Robbed brutalized hospitilized and vandalized

That sucks to hear. Wishing you a quick recovery.
Hottassamelia's Avatar
Holy Shit!

I'm so sorry this happened to you!
Stay strong ,keep your head up and allow yourself some time
to heal.Physically and emotionally.
You are in my prayers..
colt's Avatar
  • colt
  • 10-07-2013, 09:43 PM
Reading that story makes me want to get the blow torch and pliers out. So sorry that happened to you. I'll do what I can to help.
Samcro84's Avatar
Meet you only once at party, liked you though. Will be thinking and praying for you to have a quick physical and mental recovery. We got you back!!!
Maxx's Avatar
  • Maxx
  • 10-07-2013, 09:48 PM
Ginger, sorry this SOB would do such a thing to a lady. No respect what so ever. Obviously no decency in the assholes way of thinking. Any type of violence against a woman is not accceptable. Glad to hear your're not too badly hurt. Material thngs can be replaced. Karma can be a bad thing when it returns on a low life like that. Hope that your road to normalcy is quick and without haste.
catchmeeifucan's Avatar
omg ginger i'm sorry that happened to u i'm praying for u
It is a damn shame this has happened to you. I don't understand why there should be a group out there who hates on you. I have met you 3 or 4 times non bcd "socially" and find you to be charming, pretty, intriquing, sexy, articulate and someone I would have liked to know better. I did get the screening approval, but never made the jump (time, health, marital stress kept getting in the way. I have not read any posts that you have made that should make any body upset. I hope you recover from this physically and emotionally and that you determine some creep is not going to ruin your life and stop you from being who you are and want to be. You just seem to be having a string a bad luck, which will turn around. I hope Ginger still lives in our community. I still want to experience you someday, after you have had time to rebound from this dasturdly deed.
Jed Clampett's Avatar
Im sorry that this happened to you. I hope you are starting to heal and feel better now. I hope that guy ends up being in jail for a long time.
sms918's Avatar
jennifer, I'm really sorry this happened to you, I hope your feeling better. hopefully things get better too. my prayers are with you. we'll talk soon.
Thank you everyone for the outpouring of support and positve messages and texts. When my REAL family turned their backs on me, my "pseudo" family here has proven to be a true Godsend. Rover14 will be along shortly to provide an update and give out a few of the details he witnessed as to the condition of my ransacked residence. I have found a safe place to relocate to and will be doing so in the next week after last Tuesday, lol. ( That mean muthfkn SOON )Or as soon as finances become available that is.



P.S. This was not hobby related. This was " Jenniffer knows some real muthaphucken losers related.
Wow now that is a nightmare! I dont know you but you are a strong B*** for just posting about this! Some poor girls would cower and hide from the world. You have balls girl and i pray this jerk gets what he has coming to him x10! Seems like there ARE some real good folks here on eccie and this family here has your back. God bless everyone. Girl, you are in my prayers. If i could help you with some $ i would... struggling as is. If some miracle happens and i have some extra funds i will contact Ck. Again god bless you girl and i hope this horrible struggle turns into a fresh perfect new start in your new place
I am so sorry this happen. I hope inside and outside heals soon. Doesn't matter the situation or the people involved violence is NEVER ok.

nerdy123's Avatar
Ma'am, I am potentially one of those that you may have rubbed the wrong way, but I hope you have a speedy recovery. If I had the cash, I would help, but starting a new career is tough. I can, however, lend a very strong hand if you need retribution. that's just my game. God Speed.
darter's Avatar
Should be back in town around 1 or so tomorrow. Give me a shout if you would like
I spent most of the day with Jennifer working on her apartment to help reduce repair costs from the landlord. I am still trying to wrap my head around what she went through and what I found. Jennifer looks great if you can get past the glued gash in her forehead that hasn't quite stopped bleeding, the bruises on one arm, and the adhesive from the tape holding the IV tubes that just won't wash off on the other. She was pretty frail and unresponsive, but after feeding her some pizza (her request) she looked much better. Then she promptly went to sleep, exactly what she needed to do.

I proceeded to consider where to start with the apartment. As Jennifer mentioned in a previous post her experience was not hobby related. It was a robbery that she apparently walked into. The place was taken apart, literally. Anything that might conceal money was opened up and strewn about the place. Lamps were disassembled, I mean the ends taken off and dangling by the wires from the frame. Furniture cut into, dressers and vanity taken apart, flooring ripped up, plumbing disconnected, pictures and frames taken down and tossed, boxes opened and dumped everywhere. Add the blood from her head injury and you start to get the idea. I've cleaned up after floods, fires, all kinds of disasters and I couldn't imagine why most of this was done as these were places to hide money I've never considered. Jennifer would wake up for a few minutes, look at it all, start crying and fall back to sleep. I was a voyeur in something I just didn't want to see.

I pulled up the rest of the vinyl flooring, scrapped up adhesive, patched and filled the holes dug in the floor (yeah, you read that right) and applied floor leveling compound. The replacement vinyl will go down tomorrow. I cleaned up the blood but I still have to do something about the orange spray paint in the tub/shower. I also cleaned up the vanity that was hacked back together by the maintenance folks when they replaced the window. But they told her it wasn't going to work so we have to replace the vanity as well, maybe tomorrow too? I moved on to cleaning up her bedroom. Jennifer was sleeping soundly through all this activity but I could tell even then she was doing better. Each time she changed positions she settled down faster and her breathing wasn't labored. So I kept on going, folding up everything I found and putting it away. She may never find some of it again because I'm sure I didn't put most of it in the right places, but when she awoke in the early afternoon her bedroom was organized and clean, ready to be vacuumed. That brought out the smile I wanted to see, then the tears again.

I repaired as much as I could of her belongings but much of it was destroyed beyond repair, and honestly I think Jennifer wanted to throw away some of the bad memories. By the end of the day we had hauled so much out of her place, destroyed flooring, torn curtains and bedding, knick nacks and decorations, so much, too much. Jennifer was doing much better so we went out and picked up the flooring to install. Still need to find a vanity I think. There are other things to deal with as well, like the wax in the carpet from the disassembled aroma device. A lot of wax. I think I have a plan, but damn. I left Jennifer with a bit of cash for groceries as the pantry and fridge were bare.

No one deserves this. I know some of the ladies have been through this sort of thing themselves. I suspect more than I might imagine, and that is extremely sad. We aren't in a third world country but I sure couldn't prove it today.

Jennifer, you continue to be in my prayers. I'm not good for much, but I can fix things. It is my greatest hope that you rise up stronger and find your way past this awful experience.