Other talents

Nutting Buckeye's Avatar
Oil painting, piano (I'm rusty...it's been several years since I've had one), non-musical theatre (unless I don't have to sing), baking, public speaking.

And before anyone says that public speaking is not a talent try improv'ing a speech without any ummm's, stammers, or awkward pauses. Originally Posted by SAangel27
SAngel27 on the piano!?! Hmmmmm......

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 07-27-2014, 08:06 PM
I sing, play several musical instruments, write, and have expertise in AV technology and computer graphics. I also have an amazing numerical memory. And saving the best for last, I can balance books on my head while walking Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Ah yes, a lady after my own heart!
Ummmmm. I can...
Im really good at....

Damn. =/
Samcro84's Avatar
I remember a pink apron that I gave one of our cooks. She looked awesome in it.
I remember a pink apron that I gave one of our cooks. She looked awesome in it. Originally Posted by travelerman
Well prepare yourself she's got a surprise for you :-)
Thats a hot piano pic
Does weave master count?!
Im also a poet. If anyones familiar w spoken word or slam poetry...similiar to that. Had some songs written off my writings....
i wish i could play the acoustic guitar or hold a note, or even dance. But its not in me.
i tried to learn to play the violin, n didnt last long
I wanna learn photography.... but ive made 0 attempts at it if it didnt involve my camera phone
I need a hobby!! ....other than this one!!
It's not much of a talent but I make my own herbal medicines, shampoos, conditioners, body soaps, household items, well almost anything really. I'm working on learning how to make my own cloth diapers and children's clothes.

I've been told that I'm extremely intelligent and book smart although I guess that's not much of a talent. I really enjoy writing poems and short stories. I want to work on writing a book (fiction of course). I have been published in a book once before.

Other than that...I'm pretty damn lazy. I spend my nights curled up with my laptop, a book, and rarely.....a glass of wine.