Max of Wildflowers is a violent felon and the mods are covering for him!

ck1942's Avatar
Sure CK, whatever you say....
deny or say whatever you like, you're a charmer for sure.. NOT Originally Posted by nuglet

Why don't you just admit you have had an issue with me ever since the one time we used YOUR venue (which was very nice, btw) for an event was the only time we would use it since you caused a severe security issue when you PUBLICLY disclosed that we had used it.
nuglet's Avatar
You're right I have an issue with you, just like you do with folks that are falsely accusing you. Some of what they say is true, some isn't.

you are a bald face LIAR. As you say....."PROVE IT!!" You sir are the risk, you are the one that blathered about the location. I NEVER disclosed where it was, YOU DID.
Come on CK you've been spouting that lie since day one, and until you stop lying about me, I continue to have "AN ISSUE' with you..
Just because you wanted to do an ALL TIME FAVE of your a favor you told lies about me. You and I both know what happened, why you continue to lie about it is beyond me, but I won't forget.. not now not ever.
And YES, you're right, my venue is very nice.
I have to admit CK that you've aquitted yourself rather well in your detailed denial.

In my mind at least the jury is still out on any accusations against you.
ANONONE's Avatar
You know after reading this thread, and the hundreds like it before and the thousands like it that will follow, it occurs to me, I should never, ever entertain the notion of being on the administration/staff of any hobby board.


Because I know I am a rat bastard. Of course, it is wrong to use your position to lord over more pussy for less of a fee or for that matter get it free. Still I am not so foolish as to actually believe I have the moral fortitude to resist the temptation. Power corrupts.

Mark my words, such a move is a VERY bad idea headed to hell in a hand-basket. Bronze this post. No matter what Anon ever says, NEVER, EVER, let him be a mod:

"Hi, I am Anon. I am a pussy-a-holic. I love the look of it. The feel of it. The smell of it. The taste of it. . .all of it makes me delirious. I am a despicable hound and should not be trusted around it. Do you have a ten step program for me?

Nope, pick a man that has more willpower than me for that position.

Okay, you guys can get back to shaking you dicks in this pissing contest.


if you are a true pussy a holic then the last thing on earth you want is to become a mod, you will discover mods rarely have time for pussy, they are too busy putting out brush fires and dealing with Drama.
nuglet's Avatar

if you are a true pussy a holic then the last thing on earth you want is to become a mod, you will discover mods rarely have time for pussy, they are too busy putting out brush fires and dealing with Drama. Originally Posted by SP Hunter
How true how true. You mods have a, mostly thankless job, and no pay, but lots of hours required. Wouldn't have your job.. whew.. talk about an altruistic group of folks..
Post edited to pm nuglet the information, so he has a chance to retract his previous statements.

One glaring omission is a reply from tcreative2. You have been accused of having finical ties with Max. One would thinck that you should at least deny it.

Maybe your taking the high road and thinck you should not even reply. I don't know.

My personal opinion, you should address the issue.
GneissGuy's Avatar
One glaring omission is a reply from tcreative2. You have been accused of having finical ties with Max. One would thinck that you should at least deny it.

Maybe your taking the high road and thinck you should not even reply. I don't know.

My personal opinion, you should address the issue. Originally Posted by Big Jake

A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
nuglet's Avatar
Post edited to pm nuglet the information, so he has a chance to retract his previous statements.

LAP Originally Posted by lickalotapus
Retract WHAT? If I've wronged someone, I would apologize, if I cheated someone, I would make amends. Neither has happened. Show the proof you never could find. I stand by my position. I'm right.
Whispers's Avatar
I've known CK for a lot years and at the moment we do not really get along all that well....... There are very few things we have agreed on for the last couple of years......

I met him at the very first San Antonio Social where I started what has been a long tradition for me an Socials.....
BYOB.... Bring Your Own Babe!....

We've been cross ways for a while about a few issues......

I no longer respect some of the ways he conducts his business.... His events are not as secure as he thinks they are....

With that being said I am going to respond to CK's statements.....

For those folks who profess to have "heard" something about ck1942:

bull shit!

It is not Bullshit CK..... It is a fact that Max has thrown your name and TCs name around in emails, PMs and on the board..... So YES... We have heard it..... The fact that it may not be true does NOT mean that it is not being spread

Lots of "something" in posts above are merely slander or rumor. The only reason I set the record straight is for those who may read on to get the facts from the front end of this horse not from those speaking from the "tale."

Agency links?

Never have I ever had ANY financial interest in the hobby. Period.

Nothing from agencies, nor from providers in the way of cash nor freebies nor even discounts unless those discounts are offered to all customers in a class (like old farts or military). Yes, I am probably "grandfathered" by some providers, but I usually pay the rack rate because I can afford to.

Do I believe you are involved in an ownership or partnership in Wildflowers.?.... No I do not..... Max says a lot of things that are not true..... I've never known you to intercede on his behalf or warn anyone off of something being said negative about him or his agency.... I have also never seen you promoting his business or any of his girls......

I also think you are smart enough to realize the danger in doing business with someone that exhibits the instability that he tends to do....

I have experienced those things however from a different Mod whose name he likes to use..... I do tend to believe there is a relationship between him and another MOD but I will not profess to know any details as to what the depth of that relationship is...

Event profits?

Never have I made any personal profit from hosting community events. Anything collected over whenever any door fee was always plowed back into future events.

Almost all events in the past 2 years in SA (and for several years in Austin, too) have been totally "self-funded" meaning the guests pay their own way directly to the venue; there is zero collection by me nor anyone except the venue and I pay my own way and routinely treat female guests to food and drink.

Yes, there have been and continue to be once or twice a year SA events in our very private venue for which I collect the door fee, all of which collection goes to the venue and to the food and to the refreshments.

I think a lot of that sentiment comes from the dollar amount you were charging for the events and giving the ladies a free ride..... I put together luncheons with top notch food for a whole lot less...... I do not have to pay to use the venue however but as a promoter of many events over the years I can understand why some would think you profit from it.....

Having reached into my pocket as well to cover costs when coming up short I do not believe you charge enough from any of the events I've been aware of over the last year or so....
Once again I base that on your not charging the ladies which I disagreed with in concept.....

Events targeted?

While the Houston event obviously was targeted, there have been ZERO convictions and almost a dozen dismissals. The organizers were not collecting the cash, the venue was, with the exception that $10 donations/or toys were set aside for the Xmas Santa project and were ultimately delivered there as well. Those who didn't follow the rules were the targets, not the event, and well, "you can beat the rap but not the ride" and a dozen got a ride while 120+ got a pass.

As for SA events being targeted, that's news to me.

To the best of my knowledge, not once in any of the years since the first SA event in 2003 has any LE shown any interest in any of the dozens of events themselves. And why should they? Absolutely zero tolerance is shown for any illegal activities and I am pretty sure LE knows that. I have have, from time to time, heard from folks who profess to have "information" that SA events have targeted. We have never canceled, nor moved nor done anything more or less than we always do.

Those who want to come to events are screened and vouched as valid members in good standing in the greater community and sent the rules and they are required to accept those in order to receive an invite.

One of these days you need to quit making excuses for what happened in Houston and take ownership of the problem.... It was your party.... Your Rules... Your Screening..... It got busted..... Your dance around those facts is what hurts your rep.....

Do I think you could have screened better? Done anything any differently? NOPE..... I think it was bound to happen in time...... The events were a little "too wild"..... too "out there" to not get noticed eventually.....

Would I attend an event in San Antonio if invited? Would I consider it safe to do so? Yes I would.. Because I know I do not engage in any illegal activities at these Socials.... So I would have no concern.....

"In charge" of what?

Never was I "in charge" of aspd, at the end nor any other time. Nor did I ever consider myself as such.

You may not have been "in charge" but you made decision as if you were......

I'll accept some credit for conceiving and thus creating many of the on-going forums after I was appointed to the support team in 2002, but much of that was in direct consultation with the board owner and other admins and staff. Credit much of that to what and and other websites have adopted. is open to all in the community who can follow the rules there. Exception: those who proved elsewhere they couldn't accept the greater community's rules get no pardons and no second chances. Not my rule, per se, but I support it.

While in recent years I was perhaps the most active of any of the admins (being on the support team) I had no more "juice" with Amber than any of the other 9 or 10 active admins. I just did more work on a routine basis.

Misconduct issues with Amber's family?

As for stealing any money from aspd, that's difficult to accomplish when one has zero access to a anything financial, all of that being controlled by Amber or by her immediate family for the previous several years.

Prior to that, the only staff member that I know of who had anything to do with collections was diamondjohn who had access to the mail lockbox in Houston. Which ended when he passed away several years before aspd's demise.

As to any family accusations about my "misconduct," well, I don't recall anyone ever named directly in that.

As for my removal, Amber could have fired me anytime she wanted to, for actual behavor, suspected behavior or mere rumors. She did not. Why that would be her request in her final hours is a mystery to me.

As for the family's "supposed" issues with me, I have never been told of any, not by them nor by anyone who might have direct access to them. I was sent a third-party PM when I was removed from staff. And later, an email saying that the board owners were exercising their right to exclude anyone from their board they wanted to exclude when I was banned.

I've known Amber and her family for 10 years.... Never have I heard a single word from any of them accusing CK of any financial wrongdoing....... Amber used me many times over the years to bring matters to the board/community that she wanted addressed especially if it involved a high profile member.....

When I spoke to her a little over a year ago (can't remember exactly) her concerns were more for the direction the board was taking and how deeply CK controlled board matters and membership through his handpicked staff....... She was considering doing something and that was when her and Deuce started talking again.....

I've heard of improprieties in CK's protection of providers to the detriment of hobbyists but never a single word in regards to his having any financial control of the website..... or having personally benefited financially at the family's detriment...

CK always directed people to mail money to the Houston PO box that only Amber had access to from what I know.

About ck1942

Been "hobbying" more than four decades and became a moderator to "give back" to the community.

Ditto for the community events.

Ditto for the assistance to members of all stripes, genders, creeds and colors.

Many folks can validate the above, but there's no need to do that here nor anywhere else. Originally Posted by ck1942
My problems with CK go to the direction he took many years ago in how much influence he was willing to give over to the women on board matters as well as his Social Events......

It would not be on topic here to discuss those matters.

I summation..... I believe CK is getting a bum rap over the WildFlowers thing... There are other issues we could discuss..... but that would be for a different thread.....
Retract WHAT? If I've wronged someone, I would apologize, if I cheated someone, I would make amends. Neither has happened. Show the proof you never could find. I stand by my position. I'm right. Originally Posted by nuglet
I'm done hijacking this thread, and nugfart if you want to continue our dialog you should come on over to "the island of misfit toys", then I'll really be able to tell you what I think about you.

I'm sure someone will give you directions.

nuglet's Avatar
I'm done hijacking this thread, and nugfart if you want to continue our dialog you should come on over to "the island of misfit toys", then I'll really be able to tell you what I think about you.

I'm sure someone will give you directions.

LAP Originally Posted by lickalotapus
thank you sir, and btw, it's spelled NUGLET. I know ya luv me..
LadiesFan's Avatar
If being a Mod is so damn difficult a job, why do all these men do it for free????
That makes no sense at all.. any logical person can see that there must be some reward for being a mod.

Its not like the warm cozy feeling you get for volunteering at the animal shelter or food bank.. you are not performing some noble task.

Why???? why would anyone be a Mod for free?


A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Originally Posted by GneissGuy
My apologies. I did not recall reading that post.