Maricopa County Election Judge Speaks Out

Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 11-15-2022, 02:34 PM
+Why is Alaska, still not finished, why are you not complaining about that? Double standard? Originally Posted by jmichael
Ranked balloting, which, I don't support, you win, or you don't, no second chances.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 11-15-2022, 02:50 PM
Trumps going to be indicted as soon as he says he's going to run, they don't need evidence, they just need a charge.

He will likely never face a trial, its enough to stop him from being a candiate.

We are going to witness the largest case of election influincing by the DOJ, and, that is TREASON.
berryberry's Avatar
+Why is Alaska, still not finished, why are you not complaining about that? Double standard? Originally Posted by jmichael
Because this thread is about Maricopa County - period.

Alaska has it's own set of issues with its absurd ranked choice voting but that is not the subject of this thread
Dr-epg's Avatar
Gentlemen let’s get back on topic no more warnings will be given
eyecu2's Avatar
LoL. There are no longer elections. All it is now is activists pounding on doors “helping” people, who have no clue whatsoever, vote for their candidate. If republicans don’t get with the program and start to employ their own vote collecting brute squad, they’ll never win another election. Stealing elections is now legal and perfectly acceptable, actual democracy is dead. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

Democracy is alive and well. Letting people vote and be heard is what the GOP doesn't want.

But don't take my word for it...take it from King Trump.

'Donald Trump admitted on Monday that making it easier to vote in America would hurt the Republican party.

The president made the comments '

“They had levels of voting that if you’d ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again,”

Maricopa county takes the time to count votes, cure votes, and ensure every vote counts. Why the GOP hates this is ridiculous. If only Kari Lake won, they would be celebrating, she lost and they are now crying unfair fake election.

Hypocrisy at the highest .
berryberry's Avatar
Democracy is alive and well. Letting people vote and be heard is what the GOP doesn't want.

But don't take my word for it...take it from King Trump.

'Donald Trump admitted on Monday that making it easier to vote in America would hurt the Republican party.

The president made the comments '

“They had levels of voting that if you’d ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again,”

Maricopa county takes the time to count votes, cure votes, and ensure every vote counts. Why the GOP hates this is ridiculous. If only Kari Lake won, they would be celebrating, she lost and they are now crying unfair fake election.

Hypocrisy at the highest . Originally Posted by eyecu2
Nope. Jacuzzme had it correct. What went on in Maricopa County is NOT democracy.

You can't have steal elections and have democracy. All of the following happened in Maricopa County and some other parts of Arizona:

One candidate for Governor also overseeing the entire election is a complete fraud.

The two local leaders supervising the election machines and counts in Maricopa forming a political action committee to stop MAGA Republicans is a fraud.

30% of the voting machines malfunctioning on election day - when the vast majority of republicans vote thereby disenfranchising them and reducing the number of their votes is a fraud

Still counting votes a week later is banana republic stuff and is a fraud

Mass ballot harvesting by Democrats is a fraud. Votes are no longer important, just getting the least engaged and least interested voters to complete ballots for you via a massive harvesting operation is. Election Day votes of people who are engaged and aware of the issues and candidate are easily negated by 1 good harvester.

You’re once again being asked to believe that Katie Hobbs who spent the year hiding in her basement and refused to debate, rarely campaigned or did interviews but who did oversee the election and got to count their own votes beat someone who campaigned harder than anyone and who had a significant lead in the polls. Please
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Mass ballot harvesting by Democrats is a fraud. Votes are no longer important, just getting the least engaged and least interested voters to complete ballots for you via a massive harvesting operation is. Election Day votes of people who are engaged and aware of the issues and candidate are easily negated by 1 good harvester Originally Posted by berryberry
Except in many places it’s perfectly legal, and dems want it to become federal law. Republicans have only a few choices. They can deploy armies of activists to buy votes like the dems do, ban the practice, or lose elections.
So, what Im gathering, and it seems to only be one side doing this, is :
If we win the election, democracy wins. If we lose an election it was rigged, there is mass voter fraud democracy has died and we'll have an endless online tantrum.
How did we get here?
eyecu2's Avatar
So, what Im gathering, and it seems to only be one side doing this, is :
If we win the election, democracy wins. If we lose an election it was rigged, there is mass voter fraud democracy has died and we'll have an endless online tantrum.
How did we get here? Originally Posted by Rege69

this is the "conspiracies are US" section of ECCIE. They wouldn't claim any fraud if they won, but if they lose- it's the same people who framed OJ, and Pizza Gate, and shot JR, and Rigged the daily number with Nick Perry. There was no mention prior to the election that the secretary of state who was running for governor, was of any question in ability to fairly execute the election or validate it fully. But once the GOP side lost- well they lost their minds and now she's conflicted. If Kari Lake had won, they would be rolling around and laughing in her face, taunting- " HAHA sucker- you can't beat Trump nominated ppl- (we are MAGA Trump boot lickers!)". Well maybe not that last part, but it would still be true if they did add that.

Imagine what we'd be seeing if more of the Trump election deniers were winners??? There would be nothing more than fox having each of them on air, selling their respective books, and hocking fruit/ veg capsules, vavaavooom, and the pillow guy having a full blown manic episode. But I'd say the DEMs have been pretty respectfully chill (surprised), about not rubbing the GOP and their State TV FOX and OAN news reporters faces in the losses.

The good people who do the work for any election, but specifically in Maricopa county earn a whopping 12.75 or so per hour. They do the work of hand counting ballots that are lawfully and legally cast. Are some of them ardent supporters of a particular person or party- for sure, but that doesn't mean they would cheat. That's why there are MANY observers there. If there was an issue, they have a method to cure and hand tabulate the votes, again with observers in place. The fact that the GOP doesn't like the outcome is not only typical, but just another election denier episode.

I would say that candidates who don't accept the outcomes of elections should not be eligible to run for public office again. The damage they do to integrity affects all of us, but it's only cause they are too big of pussies to say they lost.

Kari lake " I'll accept the results of the election when it says I won"....and if you don't? "I will accept the results because I'll win".

Bye Felicia.
So, what Im gathering, and it seems to only be one side doing this, is :
If we win the election, democracy wins. If we lose an election it was rigged, there is mass voter fraud democracy has died and we'll have an endless online tantrum.
How did we get here? Originally Posted by Rege69
You pretty much nailed it. As for how we got here, they love trump's lies, hang on his every word, and have zero shame or sense of irony, is my best guess.
berryberry's Avatar
There was no mention prior to the election that the secretary of state who was running for governor, was of any question in ability to fairly execute the election or validate it fully. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Wrong. You just ignored those pointing out the blatant conflict of interest

I would say that candidates who don't accept the outcomes of elections should not be eligible to run for public office again. Originally Posted by eyecu2
LOL - so where were you when Gore, Clinton, and scores of Lib politicians didn't accept the outcomes of elections?

What happened in Maricopa County and Arizona is a farce.
What happened nationwide with mass ballot harvesting by the Democrats is an even worse fraud on American democracy.
eyecu2's Avatar
Ballot Harvesting??

When you're full of shit, but nobody is buying that lie, dig deeper, and now it's ballot harvesting.

Q. Will the cyber ninjas be able to tell which harvested ballots have the taint of molestation and manipulation on them?

This is equivalent to the movie Chinatown where the nefarious powers to be, buy up the land rights of the water pipeline back to LA.

Where's Jake Gittes when ya need him?

Tell me how it is the GOP plans to prove ballot harvesting took place, or will it just be "2,000 mules part 2, the harvest continues"
Jacuzzme's Avatar
LOL! It’s legal in most places, I’m not sure why you’d want to prove anything. Republicans need to either get good at it or try to have the practice outlawed. It shouldn’t be, but at the present time only a handful of states even specify who can return a ballot.
berryberry's Avatar
Ballot Harvesting??
Originally Posted by eyecu2
Are you a ballot harvest denier?

Because one would have to be blind to not know about Ballot Harvesting in not only Arizona but many states in the country.

Last Tuesday proves we’re into a completely new era of American politics. Message, history, polls, candidate quality, TV ads mean nothing. It’s all about how many ballots you send out & how many ballots your operatives can harvest. If you have to compete now in a corrupted, unethical, structurally unsound system of harvesting, curing, finding the ballots rather than persuading people to go to the polls on merit you’ve already lost your democracy.

And that doesn't even touch on the mail in voter fraud of people being able to find ballots and vote multiple times. Read the two threads about Nevada for example.

Meanwhile back in Maricopa County, 30% of Maricopa’s tabulators had massive problems - only on Election Day. People left when lines were hours long. And Katie Hobbs knew Republicans would overwhelmingly be voting on Election Day.

These are the facts.