Democrats Are The Party Of Slavery, The KKK, And School Segregation, Says A Black Woman Princeton Professor. (Video)

lustylad's Avatar
What many are missing or just can't seem to grasp...and I include you two in that grouping, is that the PROGRESSIVE PARTY up until the 1960s was the Grand Ole Party.

Let that sink in.

PROGRESSIVE PARTY...the GOP from 1850's to the 1960's...then after the passage of the 1960s Civil Rights Legislation, progressives flicked (sic) to to Democrat Party.

Now if you're bright enough to understand wtf that means, you should be bright enough to know that while you are not actually are peddling a distortion, which basically is a lie. Originally Posted by WTF
Where do you come up with this complete and utter nonsense?

Anyone with a modicum of knowledge of our nation's political history knows there have been only 3 brief iterations of a Progressive Party:

1. 1912 - Teddy Roosevelt's "Bull Moose" movement.
2. 1924 - Robert LaFollette's Progressive movement.
3. 1948 - Henry Wallace's Progressive movement.

At no time did a Progressive Party make any lasting or meaningful inroads into either of our 2 major parties, Republican or Democrat.

Your ignorance of our political history is surpassed only by the insufferable arrogance with which you propagate your falsehoods.
Lie Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Here you go, courtesy of your corporate news media.
Admit it. We all wanna hear Mr. Blackman's perspective on this thread. His silence speaks volumes. Maybe one of you be his homie? If so, send him a message and invite his input.
... I surely saw the FATE of GEORGE WASHINGTON.

George Washington university about to push off
the "Old George" mascot... a bloke dressed in
a revolution costume with a "big head" to look
like "General Washington" ... He runs-about at
sporting events like the Clemson "tiger" and
The Irish bloke from Notre Dame.

... No longer... "George" is gonna be replaced by
a unicorn or a horse or something because George
has made some students uncomfortable.

So The "Father of your Country" gets CANCELLED. ...

#### Salty
adav8s28's Avatar Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie
The speaker has a PHd in political science? She does not say one word about the dixiecrat party. Both Strom Thurman and his good buddy George Wallace were in that party. You remember George Wallace? He was the Govenor of Alabama who shouted as loud as he could "Segregation now and Segregation Forever" when black students tried to register for class the University of Alabama in 1963 (The same time when "Broadway" Joe Namath was playing QB for the school).

President John F. Kennedy did not share the same views that Wallace had and sent the National Guard so that the black students could register for class.

One question for the professor of political science which party has all the separtists, white supremists, Aryan Nation and the KKK, right now that would be the republican party. Although not all rhino republicans share those views.
Kennedy was a conservative. "Ask not what you're country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." One of the most conservative comments in history. Sounds like a conservative to me. Yup, definitely a conservative democrat. They used to exist. Remember? Not any more. Probably why they killed him, too conservative. Oh, Joe Biden and Bill Clinton eulogized Mr. Grand KKK wizard Robert Byrd at his funeral. Look it up.
adav8s28's Avatar
Kennedy was a conservative. "Ask not what you're country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." One of the most conservative comments in history. Sounds like a conservative to me. Yup, definitely a conservative democrat. They used to exist. Remember? Not any more. Probably why they killed him, too conservative. Oh, Joe Biden and Bill Clinton eulogized Mr. Grand KKK wizard Robert Byrd at his funeral. Look it up. Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie
If Kennedy was so conservative why did he send the national guard down to the University of Alabama so that black students could register for class? Kennedy was for civil rights not against it.

Robert Byrd changed over time and voted for Obamacare (ACA law). Senator Strom Thurman political views did not change over time, he was a segregationist until the day he died.
Kennedy was a conservative. "Ask not what you're country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." One of the most conservative comments in history. Sounds like a conservative to me. Yup, definitely a conservative democrat. They used to exist. Remember? Not any more. Probably why they killed him, too conservative. Oh, Joe Biden and Bill Clinton eulogized Mr. Grand KKK wizard Robert Byrd at his funeral. Look it up. Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie
... Kennedy was bringing conservative ideas to the
Democrat party... And the their leaders couldn't have that.

... Might be why his Presidential years were cut short.

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Kennedy was a conservative. "Ask not what you're country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." One of the most conservative comments in history. Sounds like a conservative to me. Yup, definitely a conservative democrat. They used to exist. Remember? Not any more. Probably why they killed him, too conservative. Oh, Joe Biden and Bill Clinton eulogized Mr. Grand KKK wizard Robert Byrd at his funeral. Look it up. Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Admit it. We all wanna hear Mr. Blackman's perspective on this thread. His silence speaks volumes. Maybe one of you be his homie? If so, send him a message and invite his input. Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie
Racist much? Maybe he just doesn't give a shit enough to acknowledge such an absurd race baiting wannabe shit show thread. You sure seem to crave his attention though. I'm sure he is very flattered. LOL
the topic is laid bare

and easy for all to see

the topic is the dimocrat party and how it was and is

the discussion is how its gone from one evil to the next for the sake of a moment's power

which brings us to its current iteration and what that presages for america Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
yes are you right
If Kennedy was so conservative why did he send the national guard down to the University of Alabama so that black students could register for class? Kennedy was for civil rights not against it.

: Originally Posted by adav8s28
mr. student, often the rankest of first year students have the answers to their question within their question and not realize it

you just gave the proof of his conservatism. he had the traditional values of americans , an adherence to the constitution and american values and the belief in the idea all men are created equal

no equity person, he

write this in your class note binder, there was no radical anti-americanism in him
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Undoubtedly Kennedy would be considered a right wing radical by today’s democrats. They’d have sent the FBI into Hyannis Port to dig through Jackie O’s underwear.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Here you go, courtesy of your corporate news media. Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie
That doesn’t substantiate your lie.
Still waitin on my homeboy. Nome sayin? Yo, yo, yo. Boom boom boof, boom boom boof, boom boom boof, wi ji wi ji wi ji wi ji wi ji wi ji.