I知 A Progressive. And I知 With Her.

We won't have a Choker in Chief...

#1: What are her "policies" ... ? She is running on Bill's record.
#2: How about the records of her "Foundation" (contributors,amounts, and dates?)
#3: Did the lies and deceit of GOP put the U.S. at risk?
#4: How where she got her money (in the slush fund from which they live)? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Hillary's issues are listed on her website at https://www.hillaryclinton.com/issues. You can find everything you need to know there. She also has a section on Campaign funding. Why don't you show me proof that the Clinton Foundation has actually done something illegal?

What has the GOP done to help the economy besides bail out the banks, start the Iraq war, and create tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans and corporations (which created a large deficit and incited Bush to borrow from the social security trust fund).
LexusLover's Avatar
Hillary's issues are listed on her website at https://www.hillaryclinton.com/issues. You can find everything you need to know there. Originally Posted by SassySue
Before I spend a lot of time looking through the propaganda ....

... are there true and correct copies of the 30,000 emails she claims she deleted?

BTW: When someone says "prove it" that usually means they did "it" and "think" their actions cannot be proven.

Kinda like Hillarious-No-More "thought" she "deleted" the emails!
I B Hankering's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
Now you are really going to piss off SissyPoo! Liberals always get offended by the truth.
Now you are really going to piss off SissyPoo! Liberals always get offended by the truth. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I'm more offended by the GOP agenda than anything else. I really don't want to go back to dark ages.
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm more offended by the GOP agenda than anything else. I really don't want to go back to dark ages. Originally Posted by SassySue
Then why are you?
#1: What are her "policies" ... ? She is running on Bill's record.
#2: How about the records of her "Foundation" (contributors,amounts, and dates?)
#3: Did the lies and deceit of GOP put the U.S. at risk?
#4: How where she got her money (in the slush fund from which they live)? Originally Posted by LexusLover
And with all of the millions of dollars of taxpayer money that went missing in the State Department under HER watch, how much more money will go unaccounted once she has the reigns to the ENTIRE budget of the US ? How many Solyndras will her " friends " be able to pull off ? How much will a pardon cost in HER regime ?
LexusLover's Avatar
And with all of the millions of dollars of taxpayer money that went missing in the State Department under HER watch, how much more money will go unaccounted once she has the reigns to the ENTIRE budget of the US ? How many Solyndras will her " friends " be able to pull off ? How much will a pardon cost in HER regime ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
I'm trying to get SassyPoo to start thinking about "going back to the dark ages" ....

.... and persuade her to quit playing "doctor and patient" ....

.... and start playing Adam and Eve with me... you know, in the Garden!

Then you start going all serious about taxes, embezzlement, squandering, and crime!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I really do not thinck that you understand that what Hillary reveals to the public as her
agenda" is going to be anything like what her actual agenda will be.

She is a liar and a thief. Extortionists, pay to play, cheat, money laundering criminal.
She does not believe in anything but what is in it for her and how much money she can collect without actually working for it.
I do not care about anybody's tax returns. I would much rather see the real books of the Clinton Crime foundation and not the cooked books.

You can continue to span this forum with your lame ass crap and I fully understand there is no way you will change your mind because you are unable to understand your mental disorder that makes you the way you are. To state in public that you support a lying criminal for the Presidency of this nation just proves how wrong your mind is. You do not care how she will fuck over people to get what she wants and you do not care. You want to believe her platitudes because you want something to cling to that does not exist. She is an immensely flawed person that has no business anywhere near the treasury of the United States or in any kind of position of power.

The congress is the representatives of all of the citizens of the United States and she sat there and lied under oath to them which means you and all of us. How can anyone in their right mind support a known liar and expect them to do what they say they will do.

You just go ahead and keep on supporting her and if the voting public is stupid enough to vote for her, I fully understand that even as she fucks us all, you will never be able to see it or admit it. You are hopeless.
Her ignorant hillbilly bullshit may convince a weak minded individual that is looking for something for nothing but it does not fool me or anyone else that has a lick of sense.

It is like I have said, Dimocratts expect their politicians to be liars and thieves and they are never disappointed.
LexusLover's Avatar
I really do not thinck that you understand that what Hillary reveals to the public as her agenda" is going to be anything like what her actual agenda will be. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
It was her frigging campaign website ....

..... Hillarious-No-More can't even repeat what it says!!!!

Gruber had it right!

He made fun of folks like SassyPoo ... and still laughs at the SassyPoos!!!!

It's a good think George Bush got elected otherwise they'd have to blame George Washington!!!!
Time will tell, right?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Time will tell us she is a liar and a thief and that time was here and you missed it. You are blinded by an ideology that cannot survive a true test, it never has anywhere. Sooner or later you run out of other peoples money and it collapses.
Take a hard look at what has happened to the people of Venezuela and then send a few rolls of toilet paper their way.
Put your money where your mouth is and do something other than span this forum.
LexusLover's Avatar
Time will tell, right? Originally Posted by SassySue
Yes! It sure has with Obaminable.

I think it's fair to conclude that he's no "Jackie Robinson"!!!!

His "pacification" and "augmentation" hasn't worked out too well, right?
Time will tell us she is a liar and a thief and that time was here and you missed it. You are blinded by an ideology that cannot survive a true test, it never has anywhere. Sooner or later you run out of other peoples money and it collapses.
Take a hard look at what has happened to the people of Venezuela and then send a few rolls of toilet paper their way.
Put your money where your mouth is and do something other than span this forum. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Are you saying Trump doesn't lie? I showed proof of how much Hillary lies in another thread, done by research. Don't think you've read that one. It's from PolitiFact. It also shows how much Trump lies. I guess it's just a hobby of mine, debate, especially political debate. Sorry if you guys don't like it. I don't know of any other political boards to debate on! Guess you will just have to put up with it until the election is over. I usually try to limit it to a couple of hours in the morning. I'll try not to post anymore than that if it annoys you that much.

Here you can check statements made by both Hillary and Donald Trump to see how much they lie. This is done by extensive research and is unbiased. On the whole, I would say Hillary lies a lot less than Trump, and I still think her policies are best for our Country.
