I cringe to answer but honesty is my fault. A good 75-82% of NCNS's are inclined towards forgetfulness, overbooking, becoming gun shy, or general sudden lack of desire to go out. In my youth I profess I was less than focused on respecting the time and effort gentlemen went through to see me. Once I realized the extent, funds and effort however I made sure to put forth the same effort if not more to be on time (or early) and avoid at all costs the NCNSJaycee,
Honestly they will suffer. As they get older they will often realize that the gentlemen they so easily blew off could have been long term engagements that would have been both loyal and generous. Time cures all woes. Eventually they will not be so young nor so bold to dismiss a gentleman without warning or cause.
I do believe these NCNS should be reported especially when they come repeatedly. Nothing irks me more than a NCNS on either side of the coin. Save perhaps those that abuse generosity. However I do very much like playing the devils advocate.
OH and I never, EVER forgo a set date with one gentleman because another offers to provide more finances. I would see it as completely disrespectful to the gentleman who set the date with me in the first place and may have spent months saving up to afford my rate. Originally Posted by JayceeRivers
OK, bcpl, just to be sure that I understand the point that you seem to so desperately be trying to make.....If a lady has made an appointment with you and she happens to be involved in a traffic accident where she sustains an injury, or her child has an accident and breaks a bone, and she is unable to make the appointment and doesn't notify you prior to the appointed time, you are going to be pissed that you didn't get your pussy delivered on time??? You know, most people have real lives and sometimes, shit just happens. I know that this probably doesn't apply to you, down there in mom's basement, but most of these ladies have commitments (RL jobs, children, caring for family members, etc.) that may surface at an inopportune time. As long as they handle their business in a professional manner and offer an explanation within a reasonable period of time, perhaps even doing something extra in order to "make it right", I don't believe that they should be condemned for the occasional unforeseen event. Of course, I fully understand that your needs, wants and desires supercede everyone elses. I also understand that I'm probably wasting my time communicating with you. Originally Posted by stimulatethemindI understand your point but this is in reference to all day setting up this appointment and as soon as I arrived at the location THAT SHE TOLD ME TO COME TO the text stopped and she started ignoring me. She then later started she fell asleep in her room after only 5 mins earlier texting me telling me give her a few minutes to get ready.
I understand your point but this is in reference to all day setting up this appointment and as soon as I arrived at the location THAT SHE TOLD ME TO COME TO the text stopped and she started ignoring me. She then later started she fell asleep in her room after only 5 mins earlier texting me telling me give her a few minutes to get ready.Right, shit like this happens, and really, what if she told you she had been kidnapped by preschoolers and they wouldnt let her leave, but when they all fell asleep at nap time, she snuck out.
So yes, they do have lives other than this but that doesn't excuse this situation. She was all around horrible. Originally Posted by Jayhawker
ISO info on Candy in Topeka (So basically from reading these we can assume she has a practice of blowing clients off and not giving very good service when she does show up (late).1 2)
?????? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Right, shit like this happens, and really, what if she told you she had been kidnapped by preschoolers and they wouldnt let her leave, but when they all fell asleep at nap time, she snuck out.You know, the more of your posts that I read, the more I am convinced that this hobby is the only way you can get anyone to spend an hour around you.
So? You still had to deal with her not being there,
regardless of what happens, noting what happens is all that counts,
otherwise, how do you trust the provider(whom you may not even have met) to tell the truth?
remember, money and future bizness is at stake, so wouldn they lie to you? Does a provider ever tell you, oh I had a better offer, oh I forgot, etc?
or is it always SOMETHING BIG?
Do we really know,. no, guys don't post NCNS cause they want to get laid later on.
No records means people have "bad " stuff happening very often. My boss regaled us a tale of how one guys mom died 2x.
sometimes people have bad stuff happen to them, sometimes they jjust fall asleep, etc
from what people are trying to say in this thread is DONT REPORT IT! otherwise HER carrerr is in jeporady!!
if it does get reported(co-ed section) then she can simply address what happened and let the readers decide, which will be influenced by how many times something BAD happens to her to make her miss appointments.
I've rarely had trouble getting to any appointment I've made, simply because I make them when I know I'll have time to get there
The times I've been late I've overslept, traffic, car wouldn't start(flux capacitor had to be fixed) and one time(date) I just plain forgot.
yeah shit happens, so what, report it, then it'll happen less,
nowadays people dont want to be held accountable and just complain to complain
take the kids being too fat and eating junk lunches at school, and when that gets changed(and NEWSFLASH kids want candy and pizza) people complain again,
why don't parents tell kids, EAT YOUR LUNCH, as they should do at dinner? Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
You know, the more of your posts that I read, the more I am convinced that this hobby is the only way you can get anyone to spend an hour around you. Originally Posted by dirty doglol...so says the man who also pays for an hour with a provider. That's mighty rich of you filthy dog...my gosh I forget every time it's dingy dog...ohhhh look at that is dirty dog...
lol...so says the man who also pays for an hour with a provider. That's mighty rich of you filthy dog...my gosh I forget every time it's dingy dog...ohhhh look at that is dirty dog...Now this is rich coming from you LOL. By the way are you actually old enough to be on this board.
Go back to looking at your magazines and wishing a female would like you...even the providers don't like you...and you pay them and they can't even fake it. You're like a stalker who can't stalk right...moron. Originally Posted by Jayhawker
Now this is rich coming from you LOL. By the way are you actually old enough to be on this board.You are right. Although I'm old enough I'm probably not smart enough to post so thank you for your input and direction in this matter.
Well this is where you would be wrong, I don't come here for the pussy. I come here because the sex industry is the industry that I make money from i.e. adult book stores, Strip Clubs. I also come here because many of the members of this board originally began on either gabbys board, Master Dennis's board or ASPD. So once again your just a little short of information or that might be intelligence. You on the other hand are sitting in the middle of the whore house with $100.00 bills taped to your nipples watching the ladies walk on by. Originally Posted by dirty dog