Oh.....cut the BUUUUUUUULLSHIT! Please.
There aren't enough black guys in the hobby to be a real influence on the hobby as a whole. There's only about a dozen that I know of, self included. I don't know ANY of them that has a bad reputation with ANY of the providers for the STEREOTYPICAL reasons, like being thuggish, short changers, violent, etc. If anything, the black guys that use sites like this have to OUT OF THE WAY to be gentlemen, all because a SELECT GROUP of people choose to let stereotypes continue to exist.
All this nonsense about being 'traumatized' because of something one black guy did whenever, what a bunch of....malarkey!!! If 5 white guys in a row did 'traumatizing actions' to you, you most likely would still be a provider...and would NOT have a No Whites policy. You know WHYYYY you wouldn't have it? Because white guys are, in MOST cases, 99% of all of a providers' income (I shouldn't say 99%, but a great percentage). They KNOW this, which is why they act the way they do in the hobby. They are most ruthless, self-centered, lack of concern for others out of anyone else in the business. And they're always trying to bargain, get girls to go bb, and basically get ALLLL they can and then some for every dime they spend on you. They've also robbed, assaulted, and WORSE to providers. I know this because PROVIDERS admit to this. I'm not making this up.
Tell us ladies, who are the worst clients you have. It's that old, fat, pushy beergutted white businessman who wants to spend 3 hours with you, bumping his ugly belly with you and having you do whatever he wants, whether you enjoy it or not. LMAO. He even wants you to have a DNS list, which usually consist of people with a dark complexion. Reasons for this list are, but not limited to: penis envy, std perceptions, general selfishness and not wanting to touch anything 'they' touch. Some even threaten those that see black men with violence, bad reviews, outing, and other shit.
But y'all put up with this from them, no matter how bad it is. Oh, but let ONE black do a
LITTLE something wrong...