Why do you guys act like this is the damn Senate floor or some intellectual club for sharing thought on philosophy and right and wrong and postulating theories and constructing elaborate arguments? It's fucking internet forum for duscussing whores. We are not some community, though we like to claim it, we are all in this for numero uno and we are all more concerned with our nut being as safe and enjoyable as possible, so stfu whispers and everyone else just don't engage the clown. There are no eccie elections so him grandstanding is for his own pleasure, don't gratify it. That's all I've got. Originally Posted by as1322
Wow west tx all the way in the big city forum........cant we all get along n get sum plz what relivance does it play for the person who started the thread? Do you hobby in west tx? We all have the same basic rules hows does it really effect you what happens hrs away seems to me tx is huge n if u dont like how they hobby there that there are plenty of other options Originally Posted by brielovesyouSo Brie, couldn't help but notice your ThreAD in Austin?
I am still trying to figure out wy my first post met with so much hostility but everything that follows is on John Deere for that..... and MODS that do not seem to frown on that kind of attack...... Originally Posted by WhispersSir you have no idea what discussions, warnings, or points I have had with the parties involved in the discussion. We do not tend to make that info public.
im hobbying here or i wouldnt have an ad here i asked how relivant it was to them they clarified and corrected the issue. But either way of course i want to have some input where ever im at Originally Posted by brielovesyouI see.
Sir you have no idea what discussions, warnings, or points I have had with the parties involved in the discussion. We do not tend to make that info public. Originally Posted by CryptKickeri made it pretty clear that you jumped in my shit for being so hostile, as you should have.