Well just my opinion but I'm seeing a West Texas coed forum that seems very stifled by it's moderation, I've seen a thread disappear, one locked now, seems like over zealous moderating to me. I'm not sure that the way it's is being bullied is a good thing. It seems a bit like censorship to me. It doesn't seem like you can have differing opinions from the staff in West Texas. But they always end their post politelyOriginally Posted by rockerrick
Not defending Whispers, I had an actual alert vanish from here. It's in every other forum in Texas with mods posting in it, what does that tell you about the decision making of West Texas staff? It tells me they are not in tune with the rest of Eccie!Eventually Cryptkeeper responded with
There's a guideline 22 that states staff will go to great lengths to not delete post or lock threads, they clearly have violated that. Originally Posted by rockerrick
Hmmm-- not sure what post you are talking about Rick. Is it something other than the alert that is there now? Maybe you posted it somewhere else (like COED) and we moved it to alerts? If not, not sure which you are speaking of. Sorry... Originally Posted by CryptKickerKinda makes Rickyboy look like a whiner huh?
I suggest you search through your posts to find the alert you are referring to. You can go to your member's profile and search all threads started by rockerrick. If you are so sure you posted the thread here in West Texas. You should be able to narrow down the time frame of your post and locate the thread.Another comment from Cryptkeeper
I highly doubt one of the Mods would ever delete an Alert. Especially considering it could be a an issue that endangers safety. One would want to believe that buster.....
I look forward to hearing back from you and seeing a link to your post. I would like to see proof of your accusation.
Let's see how in tune you are. Originally Posted by busternutzs
This has been resolved Buster... Originally Posted by CryptKickerPerhaps a little more transparency Sir?
So that RockerRick's concerns can be validated and perhaps explained in a manner that does not make him look like a fool?
The manner in which you have chosen to respond would seem to label RockerRick as some sort of troublemaker not accurate in his statements.....
How about a couple of easy answers to direct questions for the sake of transparency.
1) Was RockerRicks alert removed from public view for a period of time?
2) If so how long?
3) Doesn't acceptable staff practices lean towards a staff member leaving behind a statement that he removed or edited a post and cite a reason?
i.e. If you believe something should not be posted a simple edit to remove it with a statement " Staff has removed this post for discussion at this time" after which reinstating the text removed and then moving it to the alert section with a comment like "Staff found this post to be an alert and moved to appropriate section
4) If you can agree that what I suggest in #3 is the acceptable norm can you explain why it is not a practice here?
As it looks at the moment Sir your unwillingness to validate what RockerRick states tends to make him look the fool.
I think that if you can "man up" and clarify that the thread was indeed removed for a period of time (days maybe?) that it would be the proper thing to do.
Then we can discuss WHY a warning that represents a danger to the community was removed for a period of time. Considering you have finally reinstated the thread and placed it in the Alert's section it would seem that your actions possibly put the community at for a period of time.
Before removing a thread of that nature I think it is fair to ask if it presented any immediate harm to anyone here. It was about a BO ho and her pimp.... neither members of this community..... I think it is a fair assumption that it did no immediate harm to anyone here to let it stand and that although you might have disagreed with it's content you (or whomever removed it) had no real reason to remove it .
Which brings us to the real issue.
Why are you or other West Texas Mods making a determination as to the value of the information a member presents or it's validity in your region?
That is not remotely your position.
Maybe West Texas is a sleepy and slow area and has become used to such decisions being made for them...... Maybe no one else will ask these questions in fear of reprisal....
They are valid questions as well as concerns though.
I think over time a community that can see a conversation like this play out... can witness how their staff respond and handle their mistakes..... can come to participate even more as well as share more.....
I've certainly already had several members PM me in support of the idea that some members are bullying others here in regards to what they can and cannot review and 2 people have stated they do not write reviews specifically for the reasons that were starting to come out in the thread you locked. More censure-ship in my opinion.
Oh yeah..... That thread....... We'll get around to that in time..... I have made a reasonable request via the RTM feature to have it unlocked. Please consider it..... It will remove the need to have multiple threads on the same subject.
A question to the community....... Why are you accepting of Staff behavior that determines what you can or cannot discuss?
Do you have other concerns? If so share them here or PM me with links and if you are afraid to bring them forward I will.