I B Hankering's Avatar
The Cherokee are far from perfect, but last I looked they haven't been in the slave business for a century and a half. You Christian Thumpers have been sending them to Indian Schools and stealing their lands far more recently than that.

============================== ==========

As we wander this earth we interact with many people. Most we see, touch, talk to,--and then they leave our lives with no lingering memories more than surface deep. But occasionally we find people that have some truly unique, moving aspect to them, and they form memories that linger with us forever. No matter how much we try to erase them. Just imagine the lasting impression you would have if you came face to face with Hitler. Of you were there when a crazed ax murderer hacked up a half dozen victims. Or you were dragged by your father to watch a lynching. Those memories are so scorched into the brain that they never truly fade with age.

We have one of those unique experiences here in the Political Forum—yes, one of those stench-ridden, puke inducing, liars who you wish you could hit “Delete” on, but they will always plague you the rest of your waking hours. And most likely your nightmares. Of course I could be talking about none other than IB The Hypocritical Hate Mongering Slave Supporting Maggot.

But this is bigger than any monologue I could write to the memory—the legend—the absolute revulsion that is IB. This should be a compendium to sing his praises (of curse his filth). I want this to be the best of the best description of what in means, what it emotes, to read the vomit he produces so precipitously. Not my words, but a living growing testament to him by those who (unfortunately for them) have to deal with him on a regular basis on here.

So I will add this as a pseudo footnote to may posts that respond to his posts. I will clip in comment that I think are especially touching in an IB appropriate way. I will not copyright this testament, but I freely offer it to all to copy and add to. Append YOUR innermost feelings so IB and all can know how much he is loathed—or conversely how little he is tolerated.

I suspect this will eventually grow into a sizable tome, but all things start small. Even IB at one time started with but a single post. Even the great Statin Island garbage heap started with a single piece of trash. That is the glorious legacy that IB brings to us, and this is intended to pay appropriate homage to IB the man, IB the legend, IB the scumbag.

The first entry in the memorial is this one:

“I know you like to digress every thread in to oblivion but I have no interest in following you into an Rush Limbaugh style conversation where you pile on whatever crap you want and whomever piles the most and the fastest wins.

I made a comment about people having a double standard and you want to replace it with a single example. If you want to dry hump someone verbally find another victim.”

By slingblade. Well done, sir. That will be hard to beat, but IB does inspire great depths of feeling.

All you who DO understand that the uniqueness (fortunately) of IB must be properly documented, I encourage you to take this humble piece of writing and spread it across the ends of the earth, adding whatever other choice pieces of commentary you think appropriate.

But please, I beg you, do not dilute the sacredness of this task by incorporating other posted as the subject. There may be others you feel strongly about, but there really is only one IB. This is HIS story! Live long and prosper, oh ye Ode to IB.
Originally Posted by Old-T
There you go WKing for those Confederate slave owners again, Old-THUMPER. Bet you've carried and spent those Andy Jacksons in your wallet like the hypocrite you are, right, Old-THUMPER? There was a time in this nation's history when Andy Jackson epitomized the Federal government, Old-THUMPER. Doesn't your hypocritical-ass work for the Federal government, Old-THUMPER? It was the Federal government your hypocritical-ass works for that put those First Nations people onto reservations, Old-THUMPER, and it was petty, bureaucratic, Federal employees like you, Old-THUMPER, who forced First Nations people into those reeducation centers.
lustylad's Avatar
...Seedy is sharp enough to have banged more Thai hotties than the rest of us combined! Originally Posted by lustylad
...and you know this how? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Seriously, sperm burper? You've been hanging around this board all your miserable wretched adult life and you don't even know how to read someone's reviews? Why are you such a pathetic dingleberry? Ask the mods to show you how to read Seedy's reviews. That's why they're here - to help the clueless!

  • shanm
  • 04-04-2015, 11:52 AM
Ask the mods to show you how to read !

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Do you need help reading this?

P.S. I'm still waiting for you to identify a single American Muslim who was offended by the Innocence of Muslims youtube trailer, let alone the "millions of our citizens" Odumbo claimed in his Sept. 2012 UN speech. Originally Posted by lustylad

Protesters gathered in the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn on September 22 and is claimed to be the first protest in America. The protest did not only condemn the film but also the extreme response in the Muslim world.[135] Protests were also organized in nearby, Canton on September 29.[136] Protesters demonstrated outside the United Nations building in New York on September 28. Similar protests were reported in Chicago and Philadelphia.[137] There were also demonstrations held in front of the White House.[138] Originally Posted by shanm
Still waiting for that apology?
lustylad's Avatar
Still waiting for that apology? Originally Posted by shanm

Tired of being thrashed in the other thread, shamfucker? Is that why you moved the discussion over here, you cowardly dickwad? If you're looking for an apology, I already pointed you in the right direction. Ask our Apologist-in-Chief if you can accompany him on his next Apology Tour throughout the Middle East. You will hear all the mea culpas that your heart craves.

In the meantime, why don't we put everything back in proper context? Here is the question you keep ducking:

Which of the following do you think Americans were truly outraged at:

1) American James Foley having his head sliced off by Islamic terrorists.
2) American Stephen Sotloff having his head sliced off by Islamic miscreants.
3) American Peter Kassig having his head sliced off by Islamic extremists.
4) A youtube movie trailer for the Innocence of Muslims. Originally Posted by lustylad
For your information, sham-scam, the latest opinion polls show nearly 2/3 of all Americans favor sending GROUND TROOPS back in to pursue the ISIS miscreants who are beheading our citizens:

"Send in the troops and eliminate ISIS: The resounding hardline message from Americans..." said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

The polls reflect a sea change in public opinion over the past year. The Apologist-in-Chief is way behind the curve. He only gets annoyed if a beheading interferes with his golf game. But the polls are proof of just what truly outrages over 200 million Americans - and their anger has nothing to do with some stupid youtube movie trailer video, you dicksucking moron.


  • shanm
  • 04-04-2015, 03:26 PM
In the meantime, why don't we put everything back in proper context? Here is the question you keep ducking:
Originally Posted by lustylad
I agree! let's put it back in the proper context!
YOU asked if there was even ONE Muslim offended by the youtube video. There were no ifs, ands OR buts in that "context". Here:
And if you can't show me those "millions of offended American Muslims", how about a dozen or so?

What, you can't even come up with a dozen? Ok, how about one? Originally Posted by lustylad
P.S. I'm still waiting for you to identify a single American Muslim who was offended by the Innocence of Muslims youtube trailer, let alone the "millions of our citizens" Odumbo claimed in his Sept. 2012 UN speech.

. Originally Posted by lustylad

Would you like me to "show you" where those offended Americans are hiding?

Maybe they are on that Island along with JD's plane hidden under thousands upon thousands of wilted shrubs!

Please Lustyturd, carry on!