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I drank a 5th of Pinch in college one night, and got deathly sick. Haven't been able to smell, much less drink, scotch since then.
Unfortunately for me, that would have been after I had consumed one or two cases of beer during the day, and would have been followed by another quart of Scotch, or maybe tequila. Every Day. For seven years or so. Which is why I haven't had a drink in 28 years. Consider yourself very blessed in your inability to consume a fifth without lasting side effects, Friend Charles. Not to get preachy or anything, just helping provide some lemonade, ya know?
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I drank a 5th of Pinch in college one night, and got deathly sick. Haven't been able to smell, much less drink, scotch since then. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Scotch is on a relatively SHORT list of hard liquors I DON'T have a similar story about...

Scotch....Vodka....once in a while...rum. That's about it. The rest have pretty much been eliminated along the same lines. Filed under...

"It seemed like a good idea at the time!"
to get me interested in Scotch again. Almost. But after 28 years of sobriety I just don't want to start over as a newbie. Originally Posted by topguntex
28 years? and I don't want to give up my 4+ years. Sounds like you need to give Netjet a call.