Would I be welcomed???

Trinity Kane's Avatar
I like this girl! We need more girls like her traveling to our area -- someone who is actually well-spoken and intelligent and who doesn't get overly defensive at the first sign of resistance.

Yes, it's true that $300/hr is higher than average for this area but we can't pretend that we don't have some local VPS who charge that much and that we don't get traveling girls who charge $300 or, on rare occasions, $400/hr. Originally Posted by bustybabygirl
I'm a Southern Girl. I dont get offended easily. Lol we are made of fire and ice where I come from. I don't scare easily and I love the playground. Hate me or love me I'm still going to speak my mind and go where I please. Lol maybe when I make my way to the area we can meet for drinks and you can show this small town country girl what your area is all about. Lol

think ya better get those bags packed sweetie, appears your show of interest has been confirmed! Originally Posted by lickidyclit
Dates for Buffalo are to be announced. After all school isn't out yet and I've got quite a bit of planning to do before my trip.
cowboy8055's Avatar
You fucking people kill me, you drop to 250 On an upstate VP that has been recycled over and over and over again yet when somebody new wants to come to the area oh my fucking God she cost 300 an hour I can't pay for that.
This chick has five pages of positive reviews yet no one will take a chance because she cost 300 bucks an hour, SMH!! Originally Posted by Iso#1gfe
Well she's a spinner so that's good. Now if she were cheap and had red flags up to her eyeballs she'd be well received in ol Upset NY.
Well she's a spinner so that's good. Now if she were cheap and had red flags up to her eyeballs she'd be well received in ol Upset NY. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
Lol agreed. Seems the more bullshit and danger girls put you through the more popular they are.
cowboy8055's Avatar
I can be a firecracker at times. Fire at me be prepaired for me to fire back. Originally Posted by Trinity Kane
You just went up in my book.
Trinity Kane's Avatar
You just went up in my book. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
What can I say... I'm a keeper lol just call me your Professional Lover.
Trinity Kane's Avatar
Guess the question remains, if I decided to fly in instead where would be the safest place to play for say a week near the airport?? Or possibly rent a condo for a week?? Input and thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
gaijin1969's Avatar
I was just looking around trying to find a tiny little gal with an open menu.... and stumbled across this threAD. I'll start saving my lunch money now LOL
Trinity Kane's Avatar
I was just looking around trying to find a tiny little gal with an open menu.... and stumbled across this threAD. I'll start saving my lunch money now LOL Originally Posted by gaijin1969
Better eat your Wheaties baby. I'm a petite ball of erotic energy.
Look guys, add to all you see in her showcase a sweet southern drawl... That's gotta be worth an extra $ alone. Trinity- Y'all bring your sweet cheeks and sweet talk up here soon!
Trinity Kane's Avatar
Look guys, add to all you see in her showcase a sweet southern drawl... That's gotta be worth an extra $ alone. Trinity- Y'all bring your sweet cheeks and sweet talk up here soon! Originally Posted by Cnymoose
Oh I'm coming honey and after I arrive you will be too!!!
can you bring naughti nikki back also

oh and Sydney pure

and suuu iieeee

Ginger Doll


oh shit yes

baby dallass

oh SHIT yah

I forgot

how could I



Trinity Kane's Avatar
I've thought about bringing a playmate with me. Then I thought that maybe I could play with some ladies in Upset instead. It's in the air.