This cheap piece of shit tried to negotiate more "extra" services for only 60 roses. So ya I bullshitted him right back. This is not a business I make deals in. If you actually pay well you will get treated well. You want to pay less than 100 then service will be less than 100. Stop being cheap n then having high standards. I saw someone else later that night and he was a very sstisfied customer!
Originally Posted by CristiCutiepie
"You want to pay less than 100 then service will be less than 100. Stop being cheap n then having high standards." (Higher standards would mean they would skip you and keep looking)
Wow you all really got her worked up!!!
CCP, if you're going to post a 60 bng or a 80 qv, then don't be pissed & provide lousy service when you're not offered over a 100...duh?? Either don't post your cheap rates & post what you really want for your services or post 60 bng (lame blow job) 80 qv (lay dead & dgaf if you cum) 100 bng (I'm interested now) 150 qv (holy shit I've never seen that kinda donation before what will I do with all the money after I get done giving you the ride if your life!)
No one can blame the "mindless fucktards", as CoverMe calls them, and with good reason. When HEB advertises my beer for $14.99 a case, I expect to pay $14.99 for my beer & don't get a upcharge when I'm ready to pay...otherwise I find some Schlitz or Old Milwaukee in the box!!