cristi cutie pie lame as fuck

Her "Fuck all y'all, I don't need this shit" response should be along shortly. Originally Posted by CoverMe
If I don't have a million haters im not doing something right. Last time I went to the store talk is still cheap!
If I don't have a million haters im not doing something right. Last time I went to the store talk is still cheap! Originally Posted by CristiCutiepie
I hate being right all the time.
I hate being right all the time. Originally Posted by CoverMe
"Honey Badger" has been my nickname for CCP for a long time. "Honey Badger don't care. Honey Badger don't give a shit." That's CCP in 13 syllables.
"Honey Badger" has been my nickname for CCP for a long time. "Honey Badger don't care. Honey Badger don't give a shit." That's CCP in 13 syllables. Originally Posted by CoverMe
She apparently has a nice rack. That seems to be enough for the mindless fucktards to keep calling her and keeping her in business.
HedonisticFool's Avatar
This cheap piece of shit tried to negotiate more "extra" services for only 60 roses. So ya I bullshitted him right back. This is not a business I make deals in. If you actually pay well you will get treated well. You want to pay less than 100 then service will be less than 100. Stop being cheap n then having high standards. I saw someone else later that night and he was a very sstisfied customer! Originally Posted by CristiCutiepie
"You want to pay less than 100 then service will be less than 100. Stop being cheap n then having high standards." (Higher standards would mean they would skip you and keep looking)

Wow you all really got her worked up!!!

CCP, if you're going to post a 60 bng or a 80 qv, then don't be pissed & provide lousy service when you're not offered over a 100...duh?? Either don't post your cheap rates & post what you really want for your services or post 60 bng (lame blow job) 80 qv (lay dead & dgaf if you cum) 100 bng (I'm interested now) 150 qv (holy shit I've never seen that kinda donation before what will I do with all the money after I get done giving you the ride if your life!)

No one can blame the "mindless fucktards", as CoverMe calls them, and with good reason. When HEB advertises my beer for $14.99 a case, I expect to pay $14.99 for my beer & don't get a upcharge when I'm ready to pay...otherwise I find some Schlitz or Old Milwaukee in the box!!
Yikes! Sorry to both client & provider. Sounds like a bad day!
"You want to pay less than 100 then service will be less than 100. Stop being cheap n then having high standards." (Higher standards would mean they would skip you and keep looking)

Wow you all really got her worked up!!!

CCP, if you're going to post a 60 bng or a 80 qv, then don't be pissed & provide lousy service when you're not offered over a 100...duh?? Either don't post your cheap rates & post what you really want for your services or post 60 bng (lame blow job) 80 qv (lay dead & dgaf if you cum) 100 bng (I'm interested now) 150 qv (holy shit I've never seen that kinda donation before what will I do with all the money after I get done giving you the ride if your life!)

No one can blame the "mindless fucktards", as CoverMe calls them, and with good reason. When HEB advertises my beer for $14.99 a case, I expect to pay $14.99 for my beer & don't get a upcharge when I'm ready to pay...otherwise I find some Schlitz or Old Milwaukee in the box!! Originally Posted by HedonisticFool
No it was that he tried to get more than just the 60 roses service that I had a problem with . Like I said if its a deal that we both agree on then thats fair but I get fed up when people starting wanting more without giving more
Secret Encounters's Avatar
Lmfao lubys tea lady..
I literally LOL... 😆
I saw this provider a few weeks ago, I saw her provider post this morning and felt the need to let y'all know my experience. I was in her room for a few mins when she got a visitor, I was told to wait in the restroom. During this restroom break I heard the most unintelligent conversation between 2 people. I made a rookie mistake by prepaying when I got there. When her visitor left she told me to leave. No activity at all. So beware boys she is a shitty provider save your money there are better providers out there.
Cristi cutie pie
That other post said she was lame as fuck.
It got removed for some reason , she is lame bro, zero activity in my eyes is lame. I stand by my first post but the eccie gods removed it.