the forgotten hero of SC

oilfieldscum's Avatar
I see somebody is still but hurt months later.
loveitdou's Avatar
every man woman and child owes 86,000 + Dollars to pay off the National Debt.....who here thinks we can keep it up??? you realize if we were to default like Greece had to do our dollars would NOT BE WORTH A NICKLE , that's your retirement, savings and checking combined worth next to nothing. How about a loaf of bread for $50. Just hang on , if we are lucky only our children will have to deal with this monumental Fuck UP.

Obviously this is the Fault of Both Parties, Everyone in Congress-presently and in the past 30 years should be thrown in prison. I live off the grid in Europe but if/when the US goes down the whole world will be in the shitter. No I am not a prepper but wonder why I'm not.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I see somebody is still but hurt months later. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Kenya?^^^ Originally Posted by Slitlikr

Hawaii ;-)

TryWeakly's Avatar
Please stop with your fucked up makes my head hurt. They have these things called calculators...they help people like you not look like fucking idiots..] Originally Posted by Wakeup

^ Go figure that one out without googling it.
No calculator needed.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Hawaii ;-)

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
What? I thought ___________ couldnt swim?
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Tax returns are not a requirement for the presidency, but citizenship is........js Originally Posted by TryWeakly

His head is above water, so what they say is true. Shit does float.