Why are Republicans So Stupid? Are they Zombies overtaking America?

bambino's Avatar
It's remedial math. They are the poorly educated ones of whom they complain.

The irony is - wouldn't you expect a "professor" to be intellectually curious, open-minded and eager to learn about these matters? Originally Posted by lustylad
I would expect a “professor” not have to educate himself on a hooker board.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Well assface I guess you like the Republican redistribution plan better, take from 98 % of the people and redistribute to the top 2 % . That will help you a lot you moron. What’s comical is that most redneck republicans because they can afford a truck think they are part of the wealthy. Unless your a millionaire many times over your getting screwed by the people you vote for, wake up! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
You'd be the fuck-face too stupid to realize that the Republican plan lets me keep $1,000 more of my own money than the plan that was in effect in 2016, Standing Stupid. Letting people keep the money they've earned is the kind of "redistribution" your jackass ilk is too stupid to understand, Standing Stupid.

Originally Posted by lustylad
Good post, especially the "Fence Test", that's exactly the way those invasive liberals think.

In the universe where paying a slight bit less in your taxes causes a trillion dollars worth of future debt and causes your insurance premiums to skyrocket all so that billionaires can pay way less in taxes.

Why not leave the corporate tax rate at 35% and bring individual tax rates way down. Bring the highest personal tax rate down to 21 % instead! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Silly rabbit, we're getting hurt by too high of corporate taxes. Companies leave this country taking their jobs with them. Ask Google, they moved their headquarters to Canada. Took hundreds of high paying jobs with them. They avoid those horrible taxes that liberals need to buy votes with.
I B Hankering's Avatar

Young black man serving me at the car rental today just made the ultimate mistake

By Allen West - December 13, 2017

I just arrived to South Florida as my wife, Angela’s birthday is tomorrow. I went over to rent a vehicle at Enterprise upon landing. As I was going over the vehicle with the very professional, articulate young black male sales associate he made the ultimate mistake.

Yep, he assumed that since I was black, I was a Democrat. And so he went on to say, “Our boy Jones pulled it out for us in Alabama.” Realizing that he had no idea who I was…oh yeah, time to play ambush.

So I responded, yes, we needed that one…that was all it took. He then expressed to me that now we can move to impeach Trump and get him out of office. I responded by saying, you cannot impeach a person because you don’t like him. He retorted that we can now take him out over sexual assault charges — I had to correct him with the word allegations.

I asked him if this was the same as with Bill Clinton; he said that was different. So, quickly I explained that Bill Clinton was “impeached” over his lying under oath, but he did not resign nor was removed from office. Also, the egregious actions of Bill Clinton did occur in the Oval Office, while he was president, unlike with Trump…so why the double standard? Uh oh, my dear young friend was confused, and decided to pivot to another avenue: “Trump is going to get us into a war with North Korea.”

I explained to the young man that I was a 22-year retired Army officer who’d been stationed on the Korean Peninsula in 1995. I quickly used the parallel of dealing with a bully. And I asked him if he was comfortable with Kim Jung Un firing missiles with the capability to reach the United States. I asked him, how did he believe we should deal with a bully…and how does one do so on the streets? I made the historical comparison to Neville Chamberlain and his appeasement, acquiescence, and subjugation to Adolf Hitler all because he wanted to avoid a war…how did that work out?

I asked the young fella if he preferred Obama’s dismissal of all the bad behavior of North Korea for the past eight years? So, why would he be upset about Donald Trump standing up to a bully? His last line of approach was to shift to referring to Trump as being unstable, and I asked if he has a doctorate of psychiatry.

Lesson learned: the progressive socialist leftists aren’t really deep thinkers. They’re part of a herd mentality, a collective, that receive their talking points chip inserted and are ill-equipped to critically think, especially in a five-minute span of conversation.

But what I would advise to blacks is stop thinking skin tone dictates brain activity and political philosophy. I hope that if anything, the young man at the Ft. Lauderdale airport rental car facility will study, and not just repeat lines. And he should be careful to never assume that someone thinks as he does, just because someone has told him all blacks are Democrats.

Some of us used our individual liberty and belief in the equality of opportunity to flee the liberal progressive economic plantation. And we ain’t going back!

(Allen West)

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
allen west for president!
Maybe I watch to much of the Walking Dead but ...... Originally Posted by StandinStraight

A cryin' shame we can't introduce you to Negan. Dollars to donuts he hates idiot libturds like you...

Yssup Rider's Avatar
allen west for president! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
You got a picture of his JUNK?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You got a picture of his JUNK? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
no, pedo dick collector
The problem with your post is that you assume everyone getting assistance is scamming the system and doesn’t need help to survive, you also believe stupid things like democrats encourage voter fraud, once you said something stupid like that everything else you said means little.

Now that the corporate tax rate will be slashed to 21% how about raising the minimum wage to 15 dollars per hour, then we wouldn’t have so many people in poverty needing assistance and it would assure that some of the windfall corporate America is getting does trickle down. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
15.00 an hour, please, pray tell how that will help??? Everything from housing to food and any entertainment will go up close to 50% which will lower the middle class standards and leave the
poor in a worse situation than they were in. Makes no sense.
. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Alan West is one smart cookie. Luvin Alan West.
StandinStraight's Avatar
15.00 an hour, please, pray tell how that will help??? Everything from housing to food and any entertainment will go up close to 50% which will lower the middle class standards and leave the
poor in a worse situation than they were in. Makes no sense. Originally Posted by Cherie
The republicans say that the purpose of the tax scam is to create more jobs and higher wages. That is there excuse for cutting the corporate tax rate to 21%, the rest of us are supposed to wait for all the good to trickle down, why wait? Increase the minimum wage to 15 dollars. The reason it won’t happen is that the purpose of the tax scam isn’t to increase jobs and wages, the purpose is to increase profits and pay larger dividends to stockholders, nothing trickles down, it’s a give away.
Eventually the revenue lost from the give away needs to be made up, the republicans will make it up by sucking money out of the middle class and poor. It’s a big tax scam that all of you stupid Republican supporters fall for because you simply don’t think for yourselves. You listen to and believe right wing propaganda, it’s vey sad.
gfejunkie's Avatar
That is there excuse Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Yeah, right, 'professor'... Next!

The republicans say that the purpose of the tax scam is to create more jobs and higher wages. That is there excuse for cutting the corporate tax rate to 21%, the rest of us are supposed to wait for all the good to trickle down, why wait? Increase the minimum wage to 15 dollars. The reason it won’t happen is that the purpose of the tax scam isn’t to increase jobs and wages, the purpose is to increase profits and pay larger dividends to stockholders, nothing trickles down, it’s a give away.
Eventually the revenue lost from the give away needs to be made up, the republicans will make it up by sucking money out of the middle class and poor. It’s a big tax scam that all of you stupid Republican supporters fall for because you simply don’t think for yourselves. You listen to and believe right wing propaganda, it’s vey sad. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
My pet peeve SS, is a professor who doesn't know the difference between their and there. It should be an unconscious writing especially for a Professor.

BTW, I am absolutely one who always "thinks for herself" as I actually listen to CNN and MSNBC first in the morning (must admit, I can't take the "criminalizing of our President and the BS about an absolutely lovely First Lady both inside and outside) hmmmmm, to get their take. Terrible just terrible and you folks are loosing a lot of Democrats due to the Lyin Liberal Media.

BTW, I stand by my first statement.
Well assface I guess you like the Republican redistribution plan better, take from 98 % of the people and redistribute to the top 2 % . That will help you a lot you moron. What’s comical is that most redneck republicans because they can afford a truck think they are part of the wealthy. Unless your a millionaire many times over your getting screwed by the people you vote for, wake up! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Please elaborate without using just diabolical adjectives as it appears Liberals often do, negating any credence to their statements.