annie@christophers's Avatar
I like women that doesn't enable the stupidity Originally Posted by A1.
Funny ya fat pig
He enabled me .. yesterday.. j.s
  • A1.
  • 06-08-2019, 03:27 AM
Jodi, still beautiful as ever! Originally Posted by Kynsley Morgan
Beautiful wins
annie@christophers's Avatar
Pretty is as pretty does..

Here souiiiiu suwess..
Lol. Annie
Sinclar's Avatar
Sorry people but I have to agree with JustJodi. Just because woman choose to entertain us via this hobby does not make them exhibitionists, or open with themselves personally, or free to do with or request items without regard.

In this instance, her profile has many pics that show her figure and silhouette well enough to clearly indicate her appearance. Then there is the clearly stated... NO SOLICITATION... So clearly some people can't read or don't care.

I have asked for pics from providers before. Providers I have seen, interacted with and feel comfortable with. But never out the gate prior to meeting them. It's simply rude, and a bit lazy. Any small amount of research into any provider can turn up some pictures that should alleviate any initial concerns about what a person is or is not looking for.

Sorry Jodi that you went through this. Hope things get better.

Hopefully, one of these days I'll get a chance to have a few hours free while in New Orleans that can be scheduled with you.
theccccrider2015's Avatar
Lol, some dudes crack me the hell up, why don't you just eat the corn out of her turds, geezus man! A simple NOOOOOOO would have worked just fine! All of this is soooo much B.S... I. Really DGAF! Drinking may ease y'alls minds over this.
It's actually really sad, the gist of it is, so many hookers have so little control over anything in their life they lash out and try to control or deny certain tricks.

So for a guy like that (I'm not talking about that crazy fuck datyman, he's cool, I mean who ccrider is referring to) it's a win, he wants to be denied and controlled but for her even after the fact it's still a loss because it doesnt ease the suffering. Misery loves company but in this case the tricks are actually getting what they desire. A pussywhipped trick, what a mad world.

The gist of it for the hookers is they are fighting tooth and nail trying to hold on to that very last bit of dignity not realizing it's just another trap and they are just falling prey again. Sad and unfortunate aspect of prostitution.

Also just the fact of asking for a nude and triggering her. He erupted more emotion from her than she would ever have given even if paid (even if unintentional, he got a reaction). I'm not choosing sides just reading my take out loud. He basically took for free and she gave, the last thing she wants to sell, that little bit of her she's holding on to, emotion, turning her out once more.

I'll step off my shrink soapbox now.

Some of these girls just like to bone though, those are good ones.

I hope my post wasn't as aggravating as some hookers and tricks are, I didn't have time to smooth it out and pleasing to read
Raindog115's Avatar
If you have an issue with with a provider or john, privately state your case and move on. Enough with this public shaming horseshit.

Too many alphas requiring everyone else be a beta. Fuck that shit.
Raindog115's Avatar
On a side note, I love Annie. I've never partaken of her services, though I've run into Charlie a hundred times at Jazz Fest.

Annie's like the Dr. John of Eccie. New Orleans isn't dead yet.
when people snap back with more anger than expected. I chalk it up to prolly good people With bad shit they are going through.

When its aimed at me, sometimes that helps me overlook it. What I try to do anyway
On a side note, I love Annie. I've never partaken of her services, though I've run into Charlie a hundred times at Jazz Fest.

Annie's like the Dr. John of Eccie. New Orleans isn't dead yet. Originally Posted by Raindog115

Ms. Annie is good people.....

theccccrider2015's Avatar
This isn't about Annie,I could see me an her doing shots till we pass the hell out. Lol..
It's about DATYMAN asking for a pic, and then being attacked publicly here.
Go ahead block me cuz I won't kiss someone's geezus
annie@christophers's Avatar
On a side note, I love Annie. I've never partaken of her services, though I've run into Charlie a hundred times at Jazz Fest.

Annie's like the Dr. John of Eccie. New Orleans isn't dead yet. Originally Posted by Raindog115
ya read frenchies book ! Im proud of THAT statment...
Lol xxoo annie
annie@christophers's Avatar
It's actually really sad, the gist of it is, so many hookers have so little control over anything in their life they lash out and try to control or deny certain tricks.

So for a guy like that (I'm not talking about that crazy fuck datyman, he's cool, I mean who ccrider is referring to) it's a win, he wants to be denied and controlled but for her even after the fact it's still a loss because it doesnt ease the suffering. Misery loves company but in this case the tricks are actually getting what they desire. A pussywhipped trick, what a mad world.

The gist of it for the hookers is they are fighting tooth and nail trying to hold on to that very last bit of dignity not realizing it's just another trap and they are just falling prey again. Sad and unfortunate aspect of prostitution.

Also just the fact of asking for a nude and triggering her. He erupted more emotion from her than she would ever have given even if paid (even if unintentional, he got a reaction). I'm not choosing sides just reading my take out loud. He basically took for free and she gave, the last thing she wants to sell, that little bit of her she's holding on to, emotion, turning her out once more.

I'll step off my shrink soapbox now.

Some of these girls just like to bone though, those are good ones.

I hope my post wasn't as aggravating as some hookers and tricks are, I didn't have time to smooth it out and pleasing to read Originally Posted by butthosurfer
Yea.. welllllll
Your so wrong in this case..
Daty is harmless...
Get a bigher set of balls...
Wiley64's Avatar
Yea.. welllllll
Your so wrong in this case..
Daty is harmless...
Get a bigher set of balls... Originally Posted by annie@christophers
Annie I have missed reading your posts your candor is always refreshing and makes my day.