Part of the argument of the left; a good guy with a gun but no badge is MORE LIKELY to shoot the wrong person than stop a shooter. FBI statistics say the opposite is true if you don't factor in skill levels. The civilian is more likely to identity the correct target than the police just arriving on the scene. So practice people. The left also forgets about deterrence. 95 % of shootings occur in gun free zones.
Ask yourself this, would the body count have been lower or higher if just one person had a gun at Virginia Tech? 33 was the final result.
Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
The other part of that bad argument is they say it may be harder for police to identify the threat when they arrive and may shoot someone else who isn't the shooter.
Until then folks are on their own! If someone puts the shooter down, that person has plenty of time to reholster that weapon and sit calmly where his or her hands can be seen when the police do get there. If you don't have eyes on the shooter, do not pull your gun. Leave it put away.
Nothing is perfect. An active shooter, in fact, is the text book definition of FUBAR.
Consider this, if the bad guy is about to shoot you, and the police are just outside the door, if you don't shoot the bad guy, he will shoot you. The police may mistake you as the shooter. Don't point your gun towards them and you might live to explain.
I know a few months, maybe a year ago, a guy in Alabama was shot mistakenly by police in a similar situation at a mall shooting. It did lead to some confusion. The entire situation was tragic. But just waiting for police is a ridiculous notion.