Coward county deputy "dog "finally arrested.

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
There was so many govt failures at so many levels .... Originally Posted by gnadfly
This is the whole issue.
The days of the retired cop, or the older cop, or the private security are long over.
I remember a school board budget meeting over a decade ago and one board person was grumpy about school resource officer costs. Fast forward to a couple years ago and that same person was telling other board members that there's no choice, just approve it.
The resources officers I've seen recently, yes I have kids, are front line full armoured 6 footer mid-30s cops that can easily stop crap. Yeah the pos Glick (intentionally glick) but the one at my kids school I counted at least 2 extra lumps under his gear.
Isn't that what we want for our kids?
It's easy to do a budget transfer from school budget to leo budget.
I would think that as old as I am now that I KNOW what kind of a man I am.
Sorry if a few of you don't. I will give you credit for one thing least you admit it. That actually surprised me.
As far as sissy lips is concerned...I miss him about as much as a mosquito bite on my ass.
As far as I know a LOT of school districts have their own police wasn't the way 30-40 yrs. ago.
This is so interesting. You would think that is what the police would do - go in and protect. But I agree that it's all about procedure. On the other hand - if someone just barges in - that could conceivable cause even more deaths
if he doesn't know what's going on and he is by himself. IDK I think it's going to come down to the definition of caregiver.
So true. We never had anything like this and we had guys driving pickups with guns in the gun rack.

As far as I know a LOT of school districts have their own police wasn't the way 30-40 yrs. ago. Originally Posted by bb1961
When I was in school we had a shooting class that I brought my gun to and always participated in.
On the other hand - if someone just barges in - that could conceivable cause even more deaths
if he doesn't know what's going on and he is by himself. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
You really can't be serious young lady. The shooter will shoot anyone they can find. Adults may just be a little harder to hit, especially one that is determined to try and stop the shooter.
And just maybe...some of the energy will be used on the adult instead of the little ones. I would say that's a good trade.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Part of the argument of the left; a good guy with a gun but no badge is MORE LIKELY to shoot the wrong person than stop a shooter. FBI statistics say the opposite is true if you don't factor in skill levels. The civilian is more likely to identity the correct target than the police just arriving on the scene. So practice people. The left also forgets about deterrence. 95 % of shootings occur in gun free zones.

Ask yourself this, would the body count have been lower or higher if just one person had a gun at Virginia Tech? 33 was the final result.
I practice weekly but even without It I would have run inside. Doing something is better than doing nothing.
I still can't believe some of you think the way you do.
It just goes to show that even a weenie can set behind a computer screen and tell others do this and do that when they have no nuts themselves. I'm amazed at the lack of manhood here.
Nutless wonders
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
hmm.. who are the nutless wonders one may ask?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I practice weekly but even without It I would have run inside. Doing something is better than doing nothing.
I still can't believe some of you think the way you do.
It just goes to show that even a weenie can set behind a computer screen and tell others do this and do that when they have no nuts themselves. I'm amazed at the lack of manhood here.
Nutless wonders Originally Posted by tbone2u
practice how? just target shooting or tactical shooting? there's a big difference.

as far as i am concerned, that cop had an obligation to go into that building. it was his job.

the fact is .. no one ever knows for certain how they will react in a real crisis no matter how much training they have had. Training is key as it conditions you to react by your training. but that doesn't give you the courage to actually go into a combat situation. No cop or soldier ever knows until it's for real.

some people just cannot handle that kind of pressure. this guy is one of them.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
You need both target and tactical training. Target to become very familiar with the process of shooting and hitting the target. Tactical to teach you to think in a high stress situation including whether to shoot or not to shoot.
You are correct about not knowing unless you've been there. Maybe that would be a requirement for the job. How do you react when you might be outgunned, alone, and lives are on the line. No room for navel gazing.
practice how? just target shooting or tactical shooting? there's a big difference.

as far as i am concerned, that cop had an obligation to go into that building. it was his job.

the fact is .. no one ever knows for certain how they will react in a real crisis no matter how much training they have had. Training is key as it conditions you to react by your training. but that doesn't give you the courage to actually go into a combat situation. No cop or soldier ever knows until it's for real.

some people just cannot handle that kind of pressure. this guy is one of them. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I concur with everything you just stated.
Law enforcement is the only thing that stands between 99% of society and complete lawlessness.
For years both tactical and target...mostly target now....but that's not my point. With or without a weapon I would think most people would have run in because of the young people inside. But It seems my thinking is wrong.
Now I can see from some of the people here why he stayed outside.
  • grean
  • 06-08-2019, 01:18 PM
Part of the argument of the left; a good guy with a gun but no badge is MORE LIKELY to shoot the wrong person than stop a shooter. FBI statistics say the opposite is true if you don't factor in skill levels. The civilian is more likely to identity the correct target than the police just arriving on the scene. So practice people. The left also forgets about deterrence. 95 % of shootings occur in gun free zones.

Ask yourself this, would the body count have been lower or higher if just one person had a gun at Virginia Tech? 33 was the final result. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

The other part of that bad argument is they say it may be harder for police to identify the threat when they arrive and may shoot someone else who isn't the shooter.


Until then folks are on their own! If someone puts the shooter down, that person has plenty of time to reholster that weapon and sit calmly where his or her hands can be seen when the police do get there. If you don't have eyes on the shooter, do not pull your gun. Leave it put away.

Nothing is perfect. An active shooter, in fact, is the text book definition of FUBAR.

Consider this, if the bad guy is about to shoot you, and the police are just outside the door, if you don't shoot the bad guy, he will shoot you. The police may mistake you as the shooter. Don't point your gun towards them and you might live to explain.

I know a few months, maybe a year ago, a guy in Alabama was shot mistakenly by police in a similar situation at a mall shooting. It did lead to some confusion. The entire situation was tragic. But just waiting for police is a ridiculous notion.