Ate a girl's ass out and I feel sick

Did you brush/floss/rinse? Maybe try rinsing, swish and spit supersaturated salt water or a 50-50 hydrogen peroxide-water mix, rinse well and final rinse with listerine? Clean your mouth well and see how you feel. Getting Covid tested if you persist with GI or respiratory symptoms at a place where you can quickly get results isn’t a bad idea.
mtabsw's Avatar
TLDR - steer clear of fecal material. You probably got something fairly mild. E Coli can be devastating but worse is Hep A and you don't get immediately sick from that.

You can get Hep A from eating contaminated food. How does it get contaminated? TMI but local custom in many muslim countries is to wipe their ass with their left hand. Then they skip a thorough washing and handle your food.

Sometimes I think they all made a pit stop when they saw a gringo (infidel) coming to their food stall.
Thaiman's Avatar
The stupid things people do amaze me
If you are trolling, this is funny af.

If you are not, you could have shitmouthcoviedecolialiticis. Disclaimer, I am not a doctor. But I play one on eccie forums
I don't haven lick the snatch of a spa girl.
The stupid things people do amaze me Originally Posted by Thaiman

Nobody cares. Maybe one day someone will act like they actually care about anything you have to say.
That’s a shitty situation and not copacetic at all.
All new meaning on ATM.
Wasn’t it Michael Douglas who got gonorrea from giving oral ?
Can anal warts be transferred to the mouth.
Was you going deep. Going for the corn
Tongue Greek.
Hey Doc uhhhh I was. ?????
Did you contact the girl Originally Posted by AmericanHardwood

No, I haven't contacted her.
Did it clear up today? I learned some new acronyms and apparently guys like/expect the girls to do that on them. Pretty nasty. I wonder how many of the girls have gotten sick doing this.
go see Dr they need to see your throat and give you antibiotic man
Did it clear up today? I learned some new acronyms and apparently guys like/expect the girls to do that on them. Pretty nasty. I wonder how many of the girls have gotten sick doing this. Originally Posted by farawayjoe

Feeling a little better.
slap's Avatar
  • slap
  • 10-08-2020, 02:29 PM
Prob just the taste of your liver dying from hepatitis , nothing to worry about
Thaiman's Avatar
Hey bro I'm not the one that ate shit lol
Drewcruise's Avatar
Go here, setup an appointment, and get tested. Right f'n now!
Hope it's nothing serious, and jesus christ I don't even want to imagine whatever kind of taste you could be experiencing. One of my favorite things to do with a girl, and I rue the day that something similar happens to me
Ron Wood's Avatar
Fascinating, insightful and inspiring thread. No wonder it’s so popular ...