If you are liberal, You are just plain DUMB

  • oeb11
  • 10-24-2020, 06:40 PM
9500- given the way DPST's treat black people in their shithole cities on the DPST party Plantation - ala baltimore, etc, - it is very clear that your statement - First you have to recognize all human beings as being equal.

is simply great hypocrisy!.

DPST's are masters of racial identity politics - al sharpton reparations - and false promises given with no intention of keeping the promises to black peoples who are expected to vote DPST in return for welfare, food stamps, and lousy education and shit hole cities .

Hypocrisy - 9500!!!
Reread the title.....it's still true Originally Posted by redslick
Trump through most of his life was a Democrat, must be why he is a dumb fucking piece of shit.
winn dixie's Avatar
Dims are triggered today!
HedonistForever's Avatar
Highly educated in what? Accountants, engineers, and businessmen with college degrees are more likely to be Republicans. People with college degrees who work for the government and nonprofits like universities, like many teachers, scientists and liberal arts grads, are more likely to be Democrats. Many lawyers, especially the plaintiffs bar, are Democrats because they've bought off the party and use it to benefit financially. Doctors used to be mostly Republicans, but because many left private practice and the profession became less exposed to the free market, now it's probably about 50/50. Economists who work in the private sector are more likely to be Republicans. Economists who work in academia and for government Democrats. Journalists are mostly Democrats.

Yes, farmers, plumbers, truck drivers, and electricians are often self employed and most work in the private sector. They typically work hard and don't have things handed to them on a silver platter. And they're probably more likely to vote for Republicans.

It's probably true that a somewhat larger % of Democrats have college degrees, compared to Republicans. That doesn't mean they're smarter or wiser. They're not. And I bet the majority of Democrats don't have college degrees.

Now, yes, many Republicans right now don't look like the smartest apples around, because they've been following President Trump like sheep, and Trump says some really stupid things. But that's about to change. Originally Posted by Tiny

For example, Democrat Rep. Dar'sun Kendrik from Georgia who questioned Trump's assertion that "coyote's" had "dragged hundreds of illegal immigrant children over the border". She wondered how such a small animal could drag so many children over the border.


Among the people who apparently thought Trump believes that it's animals sneaking children illegally into the U.S.? Minority Caucus Chief Deputy Whip of the Georgia House of Representatives, Dar'shun Kendrick.

Did @realDonaldTrump just say 545 kids they can't find their parents for came over through "cartels and coyotes"?! How the hell does a coyote bring a whole human across the border?! Lord-----stop talking. #FinalDebate
— Dar'shun Kendrick (@DarshunKendrick) October 23, 2020

And believe me, she wasn't the only dumb as a rock Democrat ( and probably a few Republicans too ) making this argument. I guess I shouldn't be so critical. I guess it's possible that some people who have been elected to the some of the highest offices in our country, may have never heard the term coyote and it's use when talking about smuggling human beings across the border though I have to admit that I don't know how an educated person especially one representing their constituents wouldn't know this.

Suffice to say, they are a lot and I mean a lot of dumb people in this world from both parties and no party and this idea that because you went to college and got a degree in Women's Studies and what I guess is now called Gender Studies, that makes "smart people", is laughable. Smart people who apparently don't read and don't watch any news. I"ll bet Ms. Kendricks has a fine framed college degree hanging somewhere.

Now, about those 545 children whose parents "can't be found". Well, that's what you might think if you are watching CNN or MSNBC because it sounds like something that could be used against Trump so WTF, let's just say it.

But what if it isn't true as reported by Fox News? That close to 500 of these parents have been contacted and they would rather leave their children in the US.

Does that change the story a bit, you think?


Gelernt said some of the families that have been contacted have elected to keep their children in the U.S. with family members or sponsors "due to fear of what will happen to their child if they return" to their home countries.

So who is telling the truth here? I don't know but I think common sense tells me that any parent who is separated from their child that is still in the US and wants that child back, would be contacting US authorities, wouldn't you think? Common sense also tells me that of course many of these desperate parents would rather separate from their children if it meant a better life for their child in the US. Is that really so hard to believe? But OH, the story of these poor abandoned children and the suffering parents that have lost the children that they love, is just too juicy a story to tell "truthfully".

Just use a little fucking common sense when you hear reports like this and consider who they are coming from and if they have a motive for telling you the story they want you to believe.

I believe that any parent that was separated from their child and wanted that child returned to them in Mexico or Central America would have demanded that the US government send that child home. But they sent them here or brought them here for a reason and that reason was to stay and some day, they will see their American raised child again because that child in a Biden administration will have mom and dad, aunt and uncle, grandma and grandpa, on the first bus to America and under the Hero's Act that Biden is pushing, they will receive compensation ( your tax dollar's ) for the horrible way they were treated, being deported according to our laws and they chose to leave their children here.

The truly sad part of the story is that we do not know how many of these children might have been stolen in the country of origin and used to gain entry into the US. Having a child gives you a better chance and any child will do because who has papers to prove anything?

Then how many of these children are placed with other illegal adults who put them in gangs or use them in sex trafficking. What a fucked up world this is but don't worry, Uncle Joe is going to make everything better just don't be surprised if you are ordered to take in a refugee family because you have that extra room you aren't using and we know this because you put it in your census.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

I tried to keep off Tiny.

Dilby, I'm working on Adolph Meyer. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

oh you noticed... lol!
  • Tiny
  • 10-25-2020, 08:12 PM
Nevada has had both Republican and Democrat governors. Modern prostitution has it's roots in 1971. To avoid other brothels pursuing license like the Mustang Ranch, the legislature and democrat governor legalized pay for play.
But that democrat was far different than today's democrats.

Know that if you choose to disregard an unfair or unjust law that you may have to pay a price until the rest of the public catches up with you. Not that you will always be right. Think about sex with various other partners. Are those people right or wrong even if the partner barks? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Another good post, well-reasoned and logical. What do you do when a popularly elected government rolls over your basic freedoms and liberties? There are other options besides rolling over and playing dead.
  • Tiny
  • 10-25-2020, 08:15 PM
I tried to keep off Tiny.

Dilby, I'm working on Adolph Meyer. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
So I'm the guy getting banged on the head, right? And why the oblivious look on my face? Is it because I'm being tortured by a clown? Or maybe the white stuff is something a little more mind altering than flour?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
So I'm the guy getting banged on the head, right? And why the oblivious look on my face? Is it because I'm being tortured by a clown? Or maybe the white stuff is something a little more mind altering than flour? Originally Posted by Tiny

eye think hes calling you a dunce.

only e9500 knows!
  • Tiny
  • 10-25-2020, 08:28 PM
For example, Democrat Rep. Dar'sun Kendrik from Georgia who questioned Trump's assertion that "coyote's" had "dragged hundreds of illegal immigrant children over the border". She wondered how such a small animal could drag so many children over the border.


Among the people who apparently thought Trump believes that it's animals sneaking children illegally into the U.S.? Minority Caucus Chief Deputy Whip of the Georgia House of Representatives, Dar'shun Kendrick.

Did @realDonaldTrump just say 545 kids they can't find their parents for came over through "cartels and coyotes"?! How the hell does a coyote bring a whole human across the border?! Lord-----stop talking. #FinalDebate
— Dar'shun Kendrick (@DarshunKendrick) October 23, 2020

And believe me, she wasn't the only dumb as a rock Democrat ( and probably a few Republicans too ) making this argument. I guess I shouldn't be so critical. I guess it's possible that some people who have been elected to the some of the highest offices in our country, may have never heard the term coyote and it's use when talking about smuggling human beings across the border though I have to admit that I don't know how an educated person especially one representing their constituents wouldn't know this.

Suffice to say, they are a lot and I mean a lot of dumb people in this world from both parties and no party and this idea that because you went to college and got a degree in Women's Studies and what I guess is now called Gender Studies, that makes "smart people", is laughable. Smart people who apparently don't read and don't watch any news. I"ll bet Ms. Kendricks has a fine framed college degree hanging somewhere.

Now, about those 545 children whose parents "can't be found". Well, that's what you might think if you are watching CNN or MSNBC because it sounds like something that could be used against Trump so WTF, let's just say it.

But what if it isn't true as reported by Fox News? That close to 500 of these parents have been contacted and they would rather leave their children in the US.

Does that change the story a bit, you think?


So who is telling the truth here? I don't know but I think common sense tells me that any parent who is separated from their child that is still in the US and wants that child back, would be contacting US authorities, wouldn't you think? Common sense also tells me that of course many of these desperate parents would rather separate from their children if it meant a better life for their child in the US. Is that really so hard to believe? But OH, the story of these poor abandoned children and the suffering parents that have lost the children that they love, is just too juicy a story to tell "truthfully".

Just use a little fucking common sense when you hear reports like this and consider who they are coming from and if they have a motive for telling you the story they want you to believe.

I believe that any parent that was separated from their child and wanted that child returned to them in Mexico or Central America would have demanded that the US government send that child home. But they sent them here or brought them here for a reason and that reason was to stay and some day, they will see their American raised child again because that child in a Biden administration will have mom and dad, aunt and uncle, grandma and grandpa, on the first bus to America and under the Hero's Act that Biden is pushing, they will receive compensation ( your tax dollar's ) for the horrible way they were treated, being deported according to our laws and they chose to leave their children here.

The truly sad part of the story is that we do not know how many of these children might have been stolen in the country of origin and used to gain entry into the US. Having a child gives you a better chance and any child will do because who has papers to prove anything?

Then how many of these children are placed with other illegal adults who put them in gangs or use them in sex trafficking. What a fucked up world this is but don't worry, Uncle Joe is going to make everything better just don't be surprised if you are ordered to take in a refugee family because you have that extra room you aren't using and we know this because you put it in your census.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
There's a difference between Democrats and Democratic politicians. Many Democrats are indeed intelligent and well educated. But yeah, some of the politicians can be dumb as shit. Not to be ganging up on black women, but Maxine Waters is another good example.

I think the Trump administration, from a political perspective, badly bungled the situation with the migrant children. The optics looked terrible, and it cost Republican politicians votes. The thing is though that you had tens of thousands of Central Americans risking life and limb, traveling through Mexico and crossing the border, to try to pursue the American dream. It was dangerous for them and we didn't have the capacity to take care of them or to hear their cases for asylum in a reasonable timeframe. I don't think Trump's response was necessarily unreasonable. But we certainly could have done better. One idea might be to streamline the judicial system so that you hear these peoples' asylum cases within a few days of their entry. If that doesn't give them time to properly prepare their cases, tough shit. Decide whether they qualify as refugees and if so admit them and if not ship them back.
  • Tiny
  • 10-25-2020, 08:35 PM
eye think hes calling you a dunce.

only e9500 knows! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I think this is deeper. After the election the clown represents the Democratic Party, which will control all branches of government after they end the filibuster and pack the courts. But you're probably right about the rest, I'm the dunce.

HOWEVER, what they didn't count on...The land of pretty senoritas, rain forests, beaches and pura vida awaits. Hello Costa Rica.

Seriously, I'd a lot rather see Biden as president than most of the other contenders in the Democratic primaries this year. I think the end of the filibuster and court packing is less likely with him at the helm than, say, Harris, Warren or Sanders.
winn dixie's Avatar
Those cages were built during the kenyans term!
  • Tiny
  • 10-25-2020, 08:42 PM
Those cages were built during the kenyans term! Originally Posted by winn dixie
One of the Democratic guests on the talk shows today said the cages were built for kids that actually did cross the border without their parents. I'm not sure how that's supposed to be good. Under Obama we were only locking up orphans and abandoned children?

Looking at the bigger picture this is really tough to figure out. How do you let the attractive female Cubans, Venezuelans and Colombians through and kick back the rest?
winn dixie's Avatar
One of the Democratic guests on the talk shows today said the cages were built for kids that actually did cross the border without their parents. I'm not sure how that's supposed to be good. Under Obama we were only locking up orphans and abandoned children?

Looking at the bigger picture this is really tough to figure out. How do you let the attractive female Cubans, Venezuelans and Colombians through and kick back the rest? Originally Posted by Tiny
They are trafficked in.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
One of the Democratic guests on the talk shows today said the cages were built for kids that actually did cross the border without their parents. I'm not sure how that's supposed to be good. Under Obama we were only locking up orphans and abandoned children?

Looking at the bigger picture this is really tough to figure out. How do you let the attractive female Cubans, Venezuelans and Colombians through and kick back the rest? Originally Posted by Tiny
They are trafficked in. Originally Posted by winn dixie

remember, the coyotes were facilitating this for $$$. greedy bastards.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
There's a difference between Democrats and Democratic politicians. Many Democrats are indeed intelligent and well educated... Originally Posted by Tiny
Generalize and label much? Got stats for dat? Notwithstanding that, got a thought process diagram showing how smart and educated people vote for idiots to represent them?

The thing is though that you had tens of thousands of Central Americans risking life and limb, traveling through Mexico and crossing the border, to try to pursue the American dream.... Originally Posted by Tiny
Within the USA we have a term for that: Child Endangerment and often your kids will be separated from you. This can be from any number of things like, leaving them in a car for 5 minutes or when you go to jail (we all know it's mostly Demonicrats in jail), for like smoking crack on video while banging your brother's wife as seen in the video on your laptop that goes unclaimed at the computer repair shop - you get separated from your kids, for example.

Heck fire, we even have entire departments, with thousands of employees to manage those kinds of things and yes, people go to jail for child endangerment in this country.

Before you even think to ask if I got stats for dat: The answer is Why_Yes_I_Do

Child and Family Well-Being Statistics