Disappointment, thy name is Biden.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

First, you reveal too much. Kindle? I also use a portable device. This site allows you to "Preview Post" before submitting. That still doesn't stop you from looking at what you write before saying to yourself: "yeah, that looks good". (I always wonder if the period goes inside the quotes or not. I'm not a pro.)

Second, this hurts me more than it hurts you. I'm just being a pretentious asshole on the internet. Believe me, or not, when I post the meme of Bugs that states "I was trolling before it was cool" because I remember bulletin boards at work. When I first started I would "showcase" my smart ass thoughts for the company to see. And still hide behind the anonymity.

Third, I (and I'm already starting to see too many I's(?) in my reply to you) am also disappointed in the selection of the Centrist Joe Biden. For other reasons. Not Democratic enough.

You make valid points. Enjoyable to read. Sometimes amusing, other times outrageous. Not funny, but corny. In a misfired attempt at humor. Believe it or not I respect you and the Wiki Kid. My two Navy girls. Take some constructive criticism. You are not oeb11, Ripmany (For good's sake!) nor winn dixie. As I type this, I am watching a video of Jordan Peterson. Like Peterson, the valid points you make might be wrong, or just your perspective. That's opinion. Be harsh. Be soft! Who cares? Just make it easy to read. I finally had to stop posting videos of Foghorn Leghorn when quoting Stinky My Dong Ding, or whatever, and he changed. A little. He read like a country bumkin. (What the fuck is with the "H I M"?)

Dilby still won't capitalize his sentences. I hope Wiki does when he returns. I have something ready for him when he does.

Joe Biden sucks . . . but he listens. A fall guy he is not. A conduit? Very likely. Sir.

Harris 2024! Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
At leas this sentence started with a number. Had you spelled it out, I'm sure you wouldn't have given it it's proper punctuation. The second one though. Shame shame.

Back to YouTube. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

putting your grammar terrorist hat on, eh? lol!

Lapdog's Avatar
That kinda looks like a T shirt to me. I'm just saying.
11 million is not a real number, its much higher than that. try 20 - 30 million. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Neither is your number.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
putting your grammar terrorist hat on, eh? lol!

Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
The benefit of the doubt. Like putting your thinking hat on, the image was an offshoot.

At leas this sentence started with a number. Had you spelled it out, I'm sure you wouldn't have given it it[]s proper punctuation. The second one though. Shame shame. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Silly games. The third "it" did not require an apostrophe. I fixed it for myself.

Study group games: If I catch it, it doesn't count against me. I'm trying to lift the bar. But there is something to be said for the presentation of the vernacular.

I remember a Playboy interview of a Klan (or another superiority group) leader that was published in its original sound. Like Alice Walker's The Color Purple.

That kinda looks like a T shirt to me. I'm just saying. Originally Posted by Lapdog
I believe he was referring to my educator's hat; as an enforcer. Not describing the shirt as a hat. Sir.


Massive respect if you can teach yourself, and still command, another language good enough publish a book.

Suck it, bitches.
If you use the word Gaza, then you are talking about Palestine and Israel plain and simple.

https://www.foxnews.com/world/what-i...rael-palestine Originally Posted by adav8s28
No, I mean Gaza because Kerry said Gaza. You want to argue about Palestine then take it up with Kerry.
A corporate tax rate of 35% was too high. A tax rate of 20% is too low. You did not get 6,5,4 or even 3% GDP growth. Trump inherited a Federal Budget deficit of 585 billion from Obama and turned it into a Trillion dollar deficit with his corporate tax cut. When the rate was 35% the unemployment rate was 4.7% when Obama left office(people were working) . Dropping the corp tax rate to 20% did only one thing, it generated a bunch of stock buy backs. You got 50 million people going to a food pantry to get food. Part of that is Trumps mismanagement of the pandemic. Cutting the corp tax rate to 20% did not generate jobs.

Tax revenue has to be increased. You will never get to a surplus condition with the current tax rate structure. The 39.5 tax rate percentage for the 7th tax bracket is the same percentage Bill Clinton had it at. If you make under $400,000 you won't see an increase in your taxes under Biden. Clinton is the last president to have the Federal Budget end with a surplus. We know what happened after eight years of Bush43 and Dick Cheney the Federal Budget deficit went to a Trillion and set a record.

There are cities like Seattle and St. Paul, Minnesota that already have a min wage of $15/hr. It's time for the Federal min wage to be increased. Who can pay rent on $280 a week? Answer, no one. This is why you have so many people living in tents on the street.

The ACA does not need the mandate to survive. The ACA law has survived without the mandate. Wasn't it republican Paul Ryan (Mitt's running mate) who said the ACA will fall under its own weight. That did not happen. BTW do you get your health insurance from HealthCare.gov? Or was that just a one time thing? The mandate can remain removed from the law and the rest of the law can be allowed to function. That is the angle that Kavanugh is taking.

I am not going to get into the middle east too much, except to say there will never be lasting peace until Palestine gets a homeland. Which means SOME of the land that they lost in 1948 when Israel became a state needs to be given back to them. Anything short of that there will be conflict until the end of time.

Under Operation Warp Speed the government paid up front for the distribution of vaccines without seeing results. This did not speed the development of the vaccine for the CV19 virus. There has been improvements in DNA mapping and gene splicing technology over time. This has more to do with getting a vaccine through phase 3 testing in 10 months or so for Pfizer and Moderna. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Clinton also decimated the yacht industry with his 10% luxury tax. He didn't understand economics but he did know sleight of hand. Clinton refinanced the debt at a lower, shorter interest rate. He was wagering that he would leave office before an economic downturn revealed to the dullards what he did. He got lucky.

$400,000... you believe that? I remember when Clinton talked about a millionaire tax which became a $250,000 tax. ($250,000 times 4 years) That later worked its way down to $97,000 tax. Biden is lying.

None of your business but my insurance comes from two places; the VA and Blue Cross of Florida.

How much land should Israel give back? Arafat made it pretty clear that he wanted all of it and over the years Israel has offered pretty much everything but the Palestinians have turned it down. I prefer the Trump plan; Palestine is fucked until they decide to get with the program. We don't care how they feel.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Clinton also decimated the yacht industry with his 10% luxury tax Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Aaaawww!!! Poor yachters. How did they makeout? I'm sure they were devastated.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Aaaawww!!! Poor yachters. How did they makeout? I'm sure they were devastated. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
I think the rich yatchters took their money some where else where the deal is cheaper.

so, the yatcht shipyards took a hit because of that.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
My bleeding heart goes out to the yarddock workers.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
this prolly belongs here too. thy shall be done! so sayeth!

Biden's Prayer

Aaaawww!!! Poor yachters. How did they makeout? I'm sure they were devastated.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Forgot about the people who build the yachts then. Rather than pay a 10% tax on a $300,000 boat, they just went Bermuda and saved money. As you can see some idiots still celebrate this tax.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
this prolly belongs here too. thy shall be done! so sayeth!

Biden's Prayer

__________________ Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Why is this in your image gallery, BP? Toy of choice or is it ... SATAN???

Thy shall be done?
winn dixie's Avatar
Dude. Seek some help!
adav8s28's Avatar

$400,000... you believe that?
Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I believe Waco Kid's favorite economist Kimberly Amadeo. She has for year 2000 Clintons last full year in office a surplus.


If you didn't want anyone to know if you ever got a policy at HealthCare.gov, then why did you post it. I certainly don't have time to go look for it. LOL

Fed Tax Table /YR 2000 last bracket 39.6%


Fed Tax Table /YR 2004 last bracket 35% (Bush43 tax cuts)


Fed Tax Table /YR 2013 last bracket 39.6% (Bush43 tax cuts expired last bracket raised to 39.6%)


Biden proposes that for the last bracket the percentage goes back to 39.6%
Don't lie...

If, as you think, 39.5% is okay then why not 40%?