Trump's Vaccine that he made at warped speed isn't working like it should.

berryberry's Avatar
Which one is it?
The vaccine does work thanks to Trump? Or…
The vaccine doesn’t work thanks to Biden?
You can’t have both, both you all want both. It boggles my mind. Originally Posted by Charley3
I know this is hard to understand for you - but the only person on this thread who said the vaccine doesn't work is your fellow lib who started the thread

The fact is President Trump delivered vaccines that work.
Senile Biden failed on delivering on his magical plan to end Covid - you know the one he touted while running for President.

It really is that simple.
berryberry's Avatar
How the Fuck can it be anyone's fault. . . .

As far as the virus, what else can anyone doe do? Originally Posted by bypass
And yet you probably have upwards of 50 or more posts in this forum blaming President Trump. And that is just within the past year. Your fellow libtards and you spent years blaming President Trump when he achieved great successes and put America First

I realize it is hard realizing you have been duped over and over again by senile Biden, the DNC and their ball licking media. It is ok to feel ashamed for being duped so often. The first step in addressing a problem is recognizing it Another step is admitting the problem - so feel free to admit you were duped by senile Biden, the DNC and their ball licking media - you will feel better.
As long as you and everyone else knows, I will still take Biden over Trump. If we would have continued with Trump we would be driving 53 Chevy's and smoking Cuban cigars. He may have done some good but bottom line we were headed to a dictatorship. I am not crazy about Biden but we are still better off.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Are you crazy? Trump’s policies were the complete opposite of dictatorial. Now we’ve got ban this, censor that, snoop on the other thing, invade privacy over here, mandate this over there.
berryberry's Avatar
Are you crazy? Trump’s policies were the complete opposite of dictatorial. Now we’ve got ban this, censor that, snoop on the other thing, invade privacy over here, mandate this over there. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I think the answer is obvious. Senile Biden embodies everything the libtards pretended President Trump may do.

President Trump put America first, Senile Biden put's America Last.

President Trump cut taxes for nearly all Americans, Senile Biden wants to raise taxes and spend $5 Trillion of our money on worthless bullshit.

President Trump was dead set against any mandates and supported freedom of choice, Senile Biden thinks he is a fucking dictator who can force people to do what he says.

President Trump never invaded people's privacy, Senile Biden wants his IRS to monitor every damn transaction every person makes

I could go on - but the libtards have been duped - and are afraid to either realize it or admit it
As long as you and everyone else knows, I will still take Biden over Trump. If we would have continued with Trump we would be driving 53 Chevy's and smoking Cuban cigars. He may have done some good but bottom line we were headed to a dictatorship. I am not crazy about Biden but we are still better off. Originally Posted by bypass
It's NOT a dictatourship NOW??!

You got Biden and the cancel culture.

Ye Christ!... You gotta get-yerself a grip, mate!

### Salty