He stole classified documents. When does the FBI raid take place?

berryberry's Avatar
Here don't watch this video Originally Posted by Cody69
Anyone with any semblance of common sense doesn't need a video to know that the Senile Biden and Trump cases are slightly different in that:

- Senile Biden as VP wasn’t allowed to declassify information without permission.


- VP Senile Biden has had HIGHLY CLASSIFIED information unsecured for at least 6 years. And maybe more.


- We don't know what other classified records Senile Biden may be hiding since I still haven't seen any FBI raid on any of his houses
chizzy's Avatar
BREAKING: Biden kept classified docs related to Ukraine, Iran, UK from 2013-2016

Looks like Senile Biden's classified documents are the kind of thing the media led us to believe Trump had at Mar-a-Lago, but didn't.

Classified documents actually pertaining to national security, from around the time Senile Biden is known to have been blackmailing Ukraine over the public prosecutor investigating his son’s firm for corruption.

So to recap: Senile Biden bragged about getting a Ukrainian prosecutor fired who was investigating Hunter’s financial ties to Burisma. Then Senile Biden stole classified docs from the White House while he was VP that pertained to Ukraine

Can you say obstruction of justice and a cover-up? Originally Posted by berryberry
lets connect the dots.... if in fact these documents found were classified and pertaining to ukraine along with what was posted already here.......

I would say you would have to be deaf blind and stupid not to want an actual investigation to uncover the truth

but since the doj is already in procession of many of these documents and are refusing to release them, id say old joe will get off scott free...........
Jacuzzme's Avatar
An investigation doesn’t exist if the media doesn’t cover it, and they won’t, so why bother.
Cendell M's Avatar
Oh how the tables have turned, but like you said nothing will happened,
That’s just the way it seems to go with theses crooked ass democrats.
eyecu2's Avatar
I think one difference is that the Biden documents were disclosed by them and not by request of the presidential library or DOJ.

Guess that disclosure is treated/ viewed better than demand for return purposes. Neither are good reasons for the documents to be out in the open. But perhaps could be a wake-up call for how documents are notated if/when they are declassified, and if they aren't, they need to be returned. Pretty simple
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I think one difference is that the Biden documents were disclosed by them and not by request of the presidential library or DOJ.

Guess that disclosure is treated/ viewed better than demand for return purposes. Neither are good reasons for the documents to be out in the open. But perhaps could be a wake-up call for how documents are notated if/when they are declassified, and if they aren't, they need to be returned. Pretty simple Originally Posted by eyecu2

about that ..


not so simple now, is it?

well it is if you are going to get investigated ..
This was found out by the FBI before the last election, now we are just finding out.
Is this similar to Hunters Laptop.

Wonder why all the news channels are not reporting the raid on Biden’s home, is the raid a secret. It would be nice to know what they found in Jill’s closet, if anything.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
This was found out by the FBI before the last election, now we are just finding out.
Is this similar to Hunters Laptop.

Wonder why all the news channels are not reporting the raid on Biden’s home, is the raid a secret. It would be nice to know what they found in Jill’s closet, if anything. Originally Posted by Chase7

are you saying the US Government actively suppressed news to influence an election?

you can't mean that, Captain!

berryberry's Avatar
but since the doj is already in procession of many of these documents and are refusing to release them, id say old joe will get off scott free........... Originally Posted by chizzy
The DOJ already covered this up for Senile Biden for over two months.

Remember, these were discovered BEFORE the midterm elections but the DOJ and Senile Biden covered it up until now when the GOP took over the House
berryberry's Avatar
Just remember. When Senile Biden stole those classified documents in January of 2017, he wasn’t senile yet. It was on purpose.

It came after Senile Biden's strange last-minute trip to Ukraine right before he left office. Concurrently, Burisma made large donation to Atlantic Council (and maybe others); Ukraine Prosecutor General Lutsenko dropped case against Burisma.

Yeah it appears Senile Biden was trying to coverup his crimes

are you saying the US Government actively suppressed news to influence an election?

you can't mean that, Captain!

BAAHHAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Once caught a liar, you’ve lost all credibility.

Everything the democrats have accused Trump of they have been the ones doing those things. It all started with Russia Russia Russia with the FBI behind the lie directed by the Democrats.

How sick is it the FBI, IRS and DOJ have been used by the Democrats against “We The People”.
January 6th is the latest being used, guess what “Liberals” the majority of Americans know it’s being used just like Russia Russia Russia.
Do the liberals consider that one day the Democrats will come after and control them, like it or not!!!!
HDGristle's Avatar
If you'd stop interrupting their pizza parties and blood ceremonies, they'd already be in full control.
berryberry's Avatar
It gets ever WORSE for Senile Biden. Time for raids of all his homes !!!

Senile Biden aides find second batch of classified documents at new location

Story says Senile Biden aides found “at least one” additional trove of classified material at a *separate* location where such documents should not have been. Where? What kind of documents? One more tranche of such files, or were there more? Who put them there?

Problem is expanding…

berryberry's Avatar
How many more batches are there?

Two different ones found so far, and that is without any FBI raids and searches.

And it is quite strange that they won’t tell us where this location is or who else had access to it. Odds that it’s an office Hunter Biden or foreign nationals had access to?

Attorney General Merrick Garland must appoint a special counsel.
Cody69's Avatar
Anyone with any semblance of common sense doesn't need a video to know that the Senile Biden and Trump cases are slightly different in that:

- Senile Biden as VP wasn’t allowed to declassify information without permission.


- VP Senile Biden has had HIGHLY CLASSIFIED information unsecured for at least 6 years. And maybe more.


- We don't know what other classified records Senile Biden may be hiding since I still haven't seen any FBI raid on any of his houses Originally Posted by berryberry
They didn't need to raid his house. They voluntarily turned over what they had. 10 of them wasn't it? Not 300 that they begged Trump to turn over. No, I NOT GOING TO, NO OBAMA HAS SOME, NO, I DON'T HAVE ANY, NONE OF THAT. They called the authorities instantly. Turned them in instantly.

I understand why you guys are so excited. Trump has done nothing but break the law from the time he was born. Everyone can't be picking on him. Did you watch the real news lately, they are probably going to press charges in Georgia for asking them to cheat for him. Did you see how he cheated on his taxes. Did you see all the people that are in and are going to jail for him. But I do get it why you guys are so happy.

I personally don't like Trump or Biden. Both of them together couldn't make one decent president. They are embarrassing.

The democrats were excited they didn't lose as bad as they thought during the election. Still lost Congress. It only takes one person extra. That is what everyone here are excited someone else are as stupid as Trump. Who didn't know that?