Anyone with any semblance of common sense doesn't need a video to know that the Senile Biden and Trump cases are slightly different in that:
- Senile Biden as VP wasn’t allowed to declassify information without permission.
- VP Senile Biden has had HIGHLY CLASSIFIED information unsecured for at least 6 years. And maybe more.
- We don't know what other classified records Senile Biden may be hiding since I still haven't seen any FBI raid on any of his houses
Originally Posted by berryberry
They didn't need to raid his house. They voluntarily turned over what they had. 10 of them wasn't it? Not 300 that they begged Trump to turn over. No, I NOT GOING TO, NO OBAMA HAS SOME, NO, I DON'T HAVE ANY, NONE OF THAT. They called the authorities instantly. Turned them in instantly.
I understand why you guys are so excited. Trump has done nothing but break the law from the time he was born. Everyone can't be picking on him. Did you watch the real news lately, they are probably going to press charges in Georgia for asking them to cheat for him. Did you see how he cheated on his taxes. Did you see all the people that are in and are going to jail for him. But I do get it why you guys are so happy.
I personally don't like Trump or Biden. Both of them together couldn't make one decent president. They are embarrassing.
The democrats were excited they didn't lose as bad as they thought during the election. Still lost Congress. It only takes one person extra. That is what everyone here are excited someone else are as stupid as Trump. Who didn't know that?