The winners circle
Back to front: Iron Mike (The Champ), Kid Rock, Trump, Dana White - all thumbs up
... Some o' the other lads here just don't get it, mate.Really?
Either got scared and weak-minded "conservatives" or
sad liberals who act as-if they enjoy seeing the country
devolve with misery and destruction.
And they're all SCARED![]()
of Trump!
They know when Trump Wins - everything surely goes back
to the way it was!... A Better economy...
The best chance for World Peace... and more prosperity
for the American people... Not to mention - the move
toward energy independence... What the country REALLY wants!
... TRUMP 2024! ...
##### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Pretty sure I "get it" just as well as anyone here.
As befitting my last name, I often have a contrarian take on a whole range of issues, not just on finance and markets.
Here's my take:
Like Jackie, I think Trump has very little chance of winning the 2024 election if nominated. In fact, it may be a difficult landscape for any Republican candidate, although I think someone less incoherent and less noxious might have a pretty fair shot, especially if the economy is looking shaky in Q3 2024.
However, if Trump fails to win the nomination and doesn't suddenly develop a severe health problem, he'll probably try to torpedo the Republican nominee's candidacy, just like he threw away the two Republican Senate seats in Georgia a couple of years ago. And, since he doesn't care about much other than his own self-aggrandizement, many observers think he may even run as a third-party candidate, thus guaranteeing a Democratic victory.
Recall also that Republican-appointed justices initiated a political kamikaze mission last year when deciding Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization. Then, as though that wasn't damaging enough, a rabidly anti-abortion federal judge recently saw fit to yank the FDA approval for mifepristone, originally granted 23 years ago.
These may have been base-pleasing acts, but Republicans will pay a severe price at the polls for years to come. Tens of millions of angry women will be energized as never before.
If you're inclined to start snarking at me and calling me "pro-Biden" or a "libtard," I suggest that you save your keystrokes. I am a center-right independent with conservative/libertarian views on almost all topical issues.
Despite the extreme dishonesty, dysfunction, and irresponsibility of today's Democratic Party, it still holds the higher cards politically, owing to the opposition's self-immolation.
We need a leader who can, at the very least, stand athwart the headlong rush to an authoritarian, frighteningly dysfunctional, and extremely expensive brand of "social democracy" and effectively yell "STOP!!"
But that takes real leadership. Good luck finding it over the horizon in today's wrecked political landscape! Originally Posted by Texas Contrarian
Really?... And THAT'S Trump - He's the leader to do it! ...
Pretty sure I "get it" just as well as anyone here.
As befitting my last name, I often have a contrarian take on a whole range of issues, not just on finance and markets.
Here's my take:
We need a leader who can, at the very least, stand athwart the headlong rush to an authoritarian, frighteningly dysfunctional, and extremely expensive brand of "social democracy" and effectively yell "STOP!!"
But that takes real leadership. Good luck finding it over the horizon in today's wrecked political landscape! Originally Posted by Texas Contrarian
Have you seen the latest poop on Commercial real estate occupancy and loans? Pretty freak'n sobering - IMMHO Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_DoYeah.. the RE market is about to explode... same with the Car market... Lots of dealers are loosing their floor loans... that's what allows them to buy from the brands.... when that happens they basically might as well shut down.
If''n you think that Trump can't stand stalwart against the idiocy of the CF-Ts, then the Contrarian moniker should be striking from your moniker and a couple stripes stripped - and your rank reduced to Buck Private Midnight ;-) But I mean that in a good way... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_DoLOL ... Sorry, not a chance in hell that I'll be forfeiting the "contrarian status" anytime soon. And anyone who thinks I'm going to allow any stripes to be stripped from my sleeves needs to understand that the only stripping I allow in my presence is performed by stunningly attractive young women!
But I have no earthly idea how you might conclude or determine that our country is on a fiscally sound or sustaining path ATM. Never mind the 2nd N-word. Have you seen the latest poop on Commercial real estate occupancy and loans? Pretty freak'n sobering - IMMHO Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_DoHuh?? When did I claim or in any way insinuate that I think the nation is on a fiscally sustainable path. I thought I'd noted on a number of occasions over the last couple of years that we're facing serious problems as a consequence of extreme fiscal recklessness.
Really?Great post.
Pretty sure I "get it" just as well as anyone here.
As befitting my last name, I often have a contrarian take on a whole range of issues, not just on finance and markets.
Here's my take:
Like Jackie, I think Trump has very little chance of winning the 2024 election if nominated. In fact, it may be a difficult landscape for any Republican candidate, although I think someone less incoherent and less noxious might have a pretty fair shot, especially if the economy is looking shaky in Q3 2024.
However, if Trump fails to win the nomination and doesn't suddenly develop a severe health problem, he'll probably try to torpedo the Republican nominee's candidacy, just like he threw away the two Republican Senate seats in Georgia a couple of years ago. And, since he doesn't care about much other than his own self-aggrandizement, many observers think he may even run as a third-party candidate, thus guaranteeing a Democratic victory.
Recall also that Republican-appointed justices initiated a political kamikaze mission last year when deciding Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization. Then, as though that wasn't damaging enough, a rabidly anti-abortion federal judge recently saw fit to yank the FDA approval for mifepristone, originally granted 23 years ago.
These may have been base-pleasing acts, but Republicans will pay a severe price at the polls for years to come. Tens of millions of angry women will be energized as never before.
If you're inclined to start snarking at me and calling me "pro-Biden" or a "libtard," I suggest that you save your keystrokes. I am a center-right independent with conservative/libertarian views on almost all topical issues.
Despite the extreme dishonesty, dysfunction, and irresponsibility of today's Democratic Party, it still holds the higher cards politically, owing to the opposition's self-immolation.
We need a leader who can, at the very least, stand athwart the headlong rush to an authoritarian, frighteningly dysfunctional, and extremely expensive brand of "social democracy" and effectively yell "STOP!!"
But that takes real leadership. Good luck finding it over the horizon in today's wrecked political landscape! Originally Posted by Texas Contrarian
Great post.
I eat lunch about once a month with a very politically astute, far right conservative. He worked in Washington, contributed a lot (by most of our standards) to the campaigns of Trump and other Republicans. And was instrumental in helping our local congressional representative gain office. In the past he’s been on the same page with Salty and WYID on alleged election fraud in 2020.
Anyway he now believes Republicans have little chance of winning the Presidency in 2024. He recognizes that Trump probably can’t get enough votes to win the general election. And believes Trump will torpedo the Party if someone else gets the Republican nomination.
He’s pro-life, but also believes the Supreme Court abortion decision is going to hurt Republicans in 2024. Originally Posted by Tiny
This NY indictment charade is all about insuring a Democrat win in 2024.Excellent post. That blind 30% that he has this weird spell over simply won’t give it up unless he tells them to. It’s bizarre.
If they succeed in prosecuting Trump, his base will come out in droves during the primaries, insuring Trump the nomination. He will loose to what ever corpse the Dems run.
If Trump beats the rap, he will be insured of the nomination. However, those same college educated white women will still hate his guts. It would be close, but not enough lazy ass white men who would rather be fishing will show up to vote to off set the white woman vote.
If the Republicans decide to run a third candidate on some independent ticket, the Dems win 80 percent of the Electoral College.
The only way the the Republicans win is for Trump to bow out and tell his supporters that no matter what, vote, and vote Republican. Originally Posted by Jackie S
is your conservative friend basing that on Trump as the nominee? Originally Posted by The_Waco_KidI'm not sure I understand the question, but he believes Republicans lose regardless of whether Trump's the nominee.
so given the unmitigated disaster Biden is, i take a contrarian view that Trump can win. that said, a better candidate would have a better chance. not "anyone but Trump" but the right candidate. someone who champions many of Trump's platforms such as border security and putting America's interests above all else. i find the left's false contention that such a thing is "fascist" amusing. and what helped put the United States on a downward spiral where we are the latter day Roman Empire in corrupt decline, trying to lead the free world rather than America first and if we don't reverse that and in "authoritarian" fashion we'll collapse just as the Romans did. we have a long way to fall. Originally Posted by The_Waco_KidThere's a good article in the Economist this week about America's place in the world that's encouraging. It notes that the USA still accounts for about the same % of the world's GDP today as it did in 1990, if you don't adjust for purchasing power. This is surprising because you'd expect we would have shrunk, in % terms, because of growth in China and other emerging markets.
I eat lunch about once a month with a very politically astute, far right conservative. He worked in Washington, contributed a lot (by most of our standards) to the campaigns of Trump and other Republicans. And was instrumental in helping our local congressional representative gain office. In the past he’s been on the same page with Salty and WYID on alleged election fraud in 2020.
Anyway he now believes Republicans have little chance of winning the Presidency in 2024. He recognizes that Trump probably can’t get enough votes to win the general election. And believes Trump will torpedo the Party if someone else gets the Republican nomination.
He’s pro-life, but also believes the Supreme Court abortion decision is going to hurt Republicans in 2024. Originally Posted by Tiny
is your conservative friend basing that on Trump as the nominee? with TC's forgiveness i'll take a contrarian view on that! it does have to break just right for that to happen, and it assumes Biden runs again so his record of abject failure can be his "platform". remember why the Democrats hid Joey in his basement. and even then he was a gaffe machine. also many democrats and independents polled post election indicated they wouldn't have voted for Biden if they'd known more about the many allegations the press covered up none the least of which was Hunter Biden's laptop and more such as Tara Reid's allegations. something like 1 in 6, more than enough to turn the results to Trump. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I'm not sure I understand the question, but he believes Republicans lose regardless of whether Trump's the nominee. Originally Posted by TinyI agree with The Waco Kid that a Trump general election victory is not out of the question -- although, as he notes, a lot of things would have to break just right for that to occur. Nonetheless, I have trouble finding much disagreement with the opinion held by Tiny's friend, and if I were a betting man would wager that the probability of a Republican loss in the presidential election next year is at least 80%.
The new law prohibits the procedure after only 6 weeks following conception, except for rape victims.Want to explain what the abortion laws are like in Moslem nations? Since when did protecting the lives of the innocent become a Christian value?
I doubt this will play well on the national stage, since a majority of Americans have no interest in taking major steps toward transforming the nation into a Christian theocracy. Originally Posted by Texas Contrarian