Dallas Studio Forum

Big b.o.b.1's Avatar
Thank you! Finally truth about Jun. I was seriously considering because I don’t like skinny girls. Originally Posted by chungjang
Don’t like skinny girls but yet your last review says petite queen in her description.


Your second review the girl is 5’2” 98 pounds.

Your third review the girl is 5’5” 99 pounds
Don’t like skinny girls but yet your last review says petite queen in her description.


Your second review the girl is 5’2” 98 pounds.

Your third review the girl is 5’5” 99 pounds Originally Posted by Big b.o.b.1
I wouldn’t say she is 98lb and I wouldn’t say she is skinny.
I Agree with ALL the comments posted so far. The promoters are ruining the trust that most hobbyists have in reviews. The studios are going overboard in their photoshop. The upsell shit has to stop. 300/hr plus tip is good money. Many guys are picking other girls because of upsell. I stopped seeing independants because the studios are better looking and better service but, now that trend is going down hill. Is it too much to ask to read an honest review? Even if the girl is subpar, I look for honest service. Originally Posted by Copierguy0
With all the bitching and complaining, there are some good points.
(ASPD gone), ECCIE, P411, OH2 <<<<<< There are no girls on any of these sites that can be matched (dollars,menu, & weight) with STUDIO girls right now. We are talking Spinners (100lbs or less), BBFS, CIP, TUMA (lovely would do this the longest and the best), for 1 hour with a shower all for the low price of 3-Ben's. Similar girls in other cities as mentioned above, will cost 1k or more for this exact description. So let's not Bitch too loud.
With all the bitching and complaining, there are some good points.
(ASPD gone), ECCIE, P411, OH2 <<<<<< There are no girls on any of these sites that can be matched (dollars,menu, & weight) with STUDIO girls right now. We are talking Spinners (100lbs or less), BBFS, CIP, TUMA (lovely would do this the longest and the best), for 1 hour with a shower all for the low price of 3-Ben's. Similar girls in other cities as mentioned above, will cost 1k or more for this exact description. So let's not Bitch too loud. Originally Posted by Copierguy0

A-fucking-men. Mic Drop.
With all the bitching and complaining, there are some good points.
(ASPD gone), ECCIE, P411, OH2 <<<<<< There are no girls on any of these sites that can be matched (dollars,menu, & weight) with STUDIO girls right now. We are talking Spinners (100lbs or less), BBFS, CIP, TUMA (lovely would do this the longest and the best), for 1 hour with a shower all for the low price of 3-Ben's. Similar girls in other cities as mentioned above, will cost 1k or more for this exact description. So let's not Bitch too loud. Originally Posted by Copierguy0
Looks like someone isn't searching hard enough
Looks like someone isn't searching hard enough Originally Posted by 123ksalter
Did you find a MATCH on one of those sites in Dallas?
Does she check ✔️ all the boxes?
I'm listening and so is this community. Link?
BigBamboo's Avatar
OK fair enough Mister Big BamBoobs. Peace be with you. Originally Posted by veloztec
Is it really that difficult for you to not be a jack hole? Don’t say “peace be with you” to me after once again instigating. It’s better you just shut up than continue being spiteful. Makes you look stupid and immature when you were trying to look so brilliant talking about business and economics.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I completely agree with BB's initial post. The life and adventure has receded from the Scene. Promotion is plagueing the Board, prices way up, Service levels down significantly. All emblematic of a suffering local Industry.

The Jeanie isn't going back into the bottle. The AMP scene has rebounded slightly, like a brief cyclical Bull Market in a Secular Bear Market. But yesterday is gone for good.

Promotion is ingrained in Asian Culture. I posted before that in Việt Nam, a Company will hire a Westerner to pose as a ''Higher up'' in the Company, to show up at Business Meetings when deals are negotiated. Because other Asian Businessmen view Westerners with importance and regard.

I think Studio promotion is similar. A stab at increasing business via ''untraditional'' means.

The price-service mismatch is enormous compared to 3 years ago. No amount of promotion can fix that, but ironically that feeds the need for more promotion, which leaves us plagued with more multi-handles and hype.
I completely agree with BB's initial post. The life and adventure has receded from the Scene. Promotion is plagueing the Board, prices way up, Service levels down significantly. All emblematic of a suffering local Industry.

The Jeanie isn't going back into the bottle. The AMP scene has rebounded slightly, like a brief cyclical Bull Market in a Secular Bear Market. But yesterday is gone for good.

Promotion is ingrained in Asian Culture. I posted before that in Việt Nam, a Company will hire a Westerner to pose as a ''Higher up'' in the Company, to show up at Business Meetings when deals are negotiated. Because other Asian Businessmen view Westerners with importance and regard.

I think Studio promotion is similar. A stab at increasing business via ''untraditional'' means.

The price-service mismatch is enormous compared to 3 years ago. No amount of promotion can fix that, but ironically that feeds the need for more promotion, which leaves us plagued with more multi-handles and hype. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
We don’t see eye to eye on politics CT but everything you’ve said here is spot on. Hardly worth the long drive anymore.

Did you find a MATCH on one of those sites in Dallas?
Does she check ✔️ all the boxes?
I'm listening and so is this community. Link? Originally Posted by Copierguy0
I've seen many indies that show their real face (under pounds of makeup) on their ad
Although I agree with Big BamBoobs’ sentiment, this gentleman needs to brush up on the synergy and chemistry of Business Ownership 101 and Economy 101.

For an ecosystem to work properly, you’ve got to have a balancing act between Supply and Demand (analogous to Fed Reserve adjustment to Interest Rates to control Pricing & Inflationary metrics, and many other analogies).

Look at eBay, look at Amazon Marketplace and other industry-specific B2B2C and B2C Trading Marketplaces, look at Google Reviews and those sites that offer User Reviews (like for Automotive and Retail Consumer Products and Rubdown etc). Do you know how many businesses rely on “synthetic reviews” outsourced in India and China etc (even AI/ML these days) so the wheel can keep spinning and they don’t end up with empty “marketplace”?

I’d suggest people to just stop bitching, maybe do your own contributions and submit your own reviews, and consider the wise content such as that from aJohnDough (SCROLL UP !) - you can pick and choose what to read and whom to trust, and you can be smart. And yes, I do have a network of many Private “friends” too on the board and other boards, and I am just a normal Hobbyist who does “compare notes” via PM.

Have fun, friends! Originally Posted by veloztec

Totally uncalled for. You owe BB a public apology.

Appears that LA and GL ghost promoter(s) light up the night on Dallas Agencies Forum. In my opinion they don’t even needed.
ntxguy's Avatar
Appears that LA and GL ghost promoter(s) light up the night on Dallas Agencies Forum. In my opinion they don’t even needed. Originally Posted by chungjang
Interesting you reference "ghost promoter(s)". 🤔🤔🤔
With all the bitching and complaining, there are some good points.
(ASPD gone), ECCIE, P411, OH2 <<<<<< There are no girls on any of these sites that can be matched (dollars,menu, & weight) with STUDIO girls right now. We are talking Spinners (100lbs or less), BBFS, CIP, TUMA (lovely would do this the longest and the best), for 1 hour with a shower all for the low price of 3-Ben's. Similar girls in other cities as mentioned above, will cost 1k or more for this exact description. So let's not Bitch too loud. Originally Posted by Copierguy0
A-fucking-men. Mic Drop. Originally Posted by RickyG2002
I've seen many indies that show their real face (under pounds of makeup) on their ad Originally Posted by 123ksalter
Indy Keywords = pounds of makeup & weight it is so hard to find a spinner with an open menu, that won't break the bank. STUDIO girls is still you're best bang for the buck.
White Tiger's Avatar
I am not a promoter and the “sponsored” reviews don’t bother me too much, any more than the photoshopped website images. I have used all local studios except LA, and my personal belief is that GL and Kfest are the most consistent as far as provider looks and services. I hope they all do well so we can continue to have a diverse slate of providers to choose from. I like CGS but they apparently went under. Don’t want to see that happen to others because I think options are good. Promoters are definitely out there but do not spoil the experience for me.