I Agree with ALL the comments posted so far. The promoters are ruining the trust that most hobbyists have in reviews. The studios are going overboard in their photoshop. The upsell shit has to stop. 300/hr plus tip is good money. Many guys are picking other girls because of upsell. I stopped seeing independants because the studios are better looking and better service but, now that trend is going down hill. Is it too much to ask to read an honest review? Even if the girl is subpar, I look for honest service.
Originally Posted by Copierguy0
With all the bitching and complaining, there are some good points.
(ASPD gone), ECCIE, P411, OH2 <<<<<< There are no girls on any of these sites that can be matched (dollars,menu, & weight) with STUDIO girls right now. We are talking Spinners (100lbs or less), BBFS, CIP, TUMA (lovely would do this the longest and the best), for 1 hour with a shower all for the low price of 3-Ben's. Similar girls in other cities as mentioned above, will cost 1k or more for this exact description. So let's not Bitch too loud.