Paterno tragedy discussion here:

Mojojo's Avatar
Exactly. JP should have followed up. Should have banned him from locker room. JP didn't have to wait for anyone to take action, he was The Man. Originally Posted by ric
Then they would have looked like a just the opposite.
Very bad call and in my opinion P should have followed it up or turned it in to the police himself. No excuse Originally Posted by tbone2u

I share the same opinion as these two guys. If you know about some crap like this and your the man, then its your responsibility to make sure something gets done about it. No excuse!

I've heard people say it might due to his age, but if its that the case retire!!
O'Mike's Avatar
It is fascinating to watch the public relations machine work for Joe Pa. The way they have set up and manulapulated the student body, and how he is the victim also. Classic.

We have to remember he was the one that oversaw the program, and with it the desire to maintain the appearance of high standards and honesty, all the while squashing anything that could possibly lead to a blemish. Big time college football is as much about image control and public perception as any in the corporate world. I see the actions of his family as they try to preserve the dying vestiges of their cash cow.

Joe Paterno might be the person they say he is, but he or his handlers lost sight of what was right and just. It was not putting his image and the image of his program above all other things.
London Rayne's Avatar
I have been a PSU fan for about 10 years...ex went there, and this thing has really done a number on PSU as a whole. Even our normal game festivities are not the same, but nothing compared to what the victims have suffered. I am still waiting for this to be a bad dream.
R.I.P Penn State Football...Im gonna miss that man. Mr.Paterno has done for football what every coach should based there team ethic on. He is a great man<3
O'Mike's Avatar
I think that today's report was what some expected it would be.

An institution, or person, that is more concerned about it's image and it's own agenda, than it is about doing the right thing is so deeply flawed it has to be changed.

The victims will get paid, and let this be a warning to others about absolute power and it's corrupting influence.

Pathetic to see kid Jay Paterno trying so desperately to protect the now deeply tarnished image of the fallen icon.

(Sorry if this is bumping a thread that should have died, just figured new information would jump start it again and bring it back to relevance.)
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 07-12-2012, 06:21 PM
R.I.P Penn State Football...Im gonna miss that man. Mr.Paterno has done for football what every coach should based there team ethic on. He is a great man<3 Originally Posted by AlaniiStarr
Babe his ethics were cover up and shut up. Only thing good he was is a football coach that's it.
pyramider's Avatar

Pathetic to see kid Jay Paterno trying so desperately to protect the now deeply tarnished image of the fallen icon. Originally Posted by O'Mike

The best thing Jay Paterno could have done was to STFU. The cynic in me almost thincks he is more protecting Joe Pa's estate rather than legacy.
boardman's Avatar
I understand loyalty to a friend, you know having his/her back, however this loyalty doesn't include messing with some preteen or underaged teen. At that point loyalty to the friend goes away and loyalty to a child takes over.

It's very hurtful that this man (Paterno) will have his life summed up with this situation. His life is so very much more.

I really hate it that he is linked to this sad and sick mess.

Let me offer this analogy. It's like me watching a person shooting another person. I didn't pull the trigger, but by my non actions, I will be linked to the shooting. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN

Well said. I'm glad that my father didn't have to see this tragedy. There were few men that he looked up to but Paterno was one of them. May they both rest in peace.
The thing I still can't understand is you happen to walk in on an adult having sex with a obvious minor, isn't this something you go straight to the police with.

There isn't a single State in the Country where child molestation is not a major felony.