... What Munch is saying is that Conservatives are resistant to change. That is a fact.
Originally Posted by WTF
RESISTANT to change? As a Conservative I take issue with this characterization. While a thorough grounding in conservative political philosophy (starting perhaps with Edmund Burke, but not ending with Russell Kirk) would be expected of a debate partner on this issue, I can't assume that is the case in all instances, and there isn't space on this board to provide it. So for now a quote from a famous Brit will do to illustrate what I mean:
"When it is not necessary to change, it is necessary not to change."
Lucius Falkland, 1641
This doesn't translate to "resistant to change." It more accurately translates to "prove to me it's NECESSARY to change and then we can discuss HOW to change. But until then, I'm sticking with what is working." Unlike Obama's "my way or the highway approach" so typical of the ruling elite.
Oops, did I say RULING elite when I should have said GOVERNING elite. My mistake. I should be doing all I can to perpetuate the myth that we're still a self-governing nation. We clearly are not. We are a RULED nation. And that is the most un-American development of the last 3 years of the Obama regime (oops, I meant "administration.")