I fucking hate cats.

carkido45's Avatar
only 2 CREATURES kill for fun.......

us dumbshit self-destructive humans....and domestic fucking CATS !

humans should know better and some are generally are tolerable

.....cats.....NO thank you !

.. they can't help killing for fun...it's the little beasts nature.
simple FACT is !...they are wanton indiscriminate killers !

.....aselfish too ......I have yet to ever read or run across any seeing eye cats ! Originally Posted by NAKEDLUNCH
Yeah you got to watch those Ninja Cats they're deadly

Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 06-25-2012, 08:19 AM
I just hate the local cat lady. No matter what whenever you move you wind up with some cat lover that wants to feed the strays. Now when you put the trash out they get into it, I'm trying to poison em but the fuckers lived though it.
  • romab
  • 06-25-2012, 12:32 PM
Dogs are like toddlers Cats like teenagers. Both make messes, both love you, both have needs. Pick you type or not. Neither better just different
pyramider's Avatar
Don't hate on cats ... pussy is good eating.
lesbianbob's Avatar
I love cats, with onions, peppers, mushrooms, and a little cream gravy.
I would take a big cat over a small cat any day lion or tiger I CAN NOT STAND INSIDE Cats.

There is something wrong with a creature that uses the bathroom in side and refuses to take a bath,
LOL I do not care how clean te tounge is..

I do not like them either
I allowed my doctor to give me a tetanus shot just to be safe. That darn cat stuck 10 claws deep in my flesh.

Reminded me of when Freddy Kruger grew needles out of his fingers and then jammed them into a girl's arms.

Not everyone is an animal person much less a cat person.

LOL, hate cats..(LUV BM though)
When I moved into my old house, there was the prettiest stray cat that hung around.. It never got close to people, just hung out in the vaccant lot next to my house...I would sit on the porch and drink my starbucks in the mornings and she would be in the lot stalking and hunting shit... Then one day... I decided to put some food out... BIG MISTAKE.. that fuckin cat never hunted another day after that.. it laid on the front porch and begged for food every time I walked out the door...Dug holes in my flower beds and shit all in them and scratched at the front door when she wanted attention.... i tried to hose her down with the water hose when I would water the plants ... GO FIGURE..A FUCKIN CAT THAT LIKED WATER

Never again will I do THAT!!.. lol Originally Posted by NIKKILOVE
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 06-27-2012, 09:36 PM
That is making me like cats.
boardman's Avatar
I hate all you fuckers...ijs
VitaMan's Avatar
I had a dog as a pet growing up, never thought about cats.

But a friend of mine had a mother cat with a lot of kittens. I brought one home
(Siamese) 8 weeks old. He never went outside the house. Turned out to be one
of the best buddies I've ever had. Would come when you called him. Excellent
portable heater in the winter. If I showed him his hair brush, he would fall over just
waiting to be brushed.

So he was not independent like most cats you see. In fact, if you took him outside
in a pet carrier, he would prefer to stay inside the carrier, even when the door to the
carrier was open.

But cats outside by themselves are a different story.
pyramider's Avatar
Pussy is pussy.
Bird person here too....I've had an African Grey parrot for years with quite the extensive vocabulary.....don't care for cats much either but I love pussy....go figure...lol Originally Posted by Russ38
Birds freak me out, and flocks of them gross me out.

Love my dogs and my cat. A bird got in my house a week or so ago and I came home to mayhem. A dead bird and a pissed cat trying to keep the dogs away. Back to being grossed out by birds.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Know what's really awesome about cats?
Realizing your out of litter at a quarter till midnight changing their shitbox so you gotta run to walmart and get some.
That's what I'm doing. Right now. Instead of asleep in bed.
I had a cat growing up and she would leave me presents in my shoes, at my door, at the foot of my bed, on the bath mat as I was in the shower. I had to clean up that junk every day. I hated that cat but it was always all over me.

And now for something completely different. Enjoy.