Whirlygirly, I see you are as bad as CoG at not reading my posts.
I already agreed obesity was the highest in the world.
I already agreed obesity affects health.
Those two statements are completely obvious, hardly worth restating.
I already said I am not anti American, how can I be anti american if I show a concern for the health of americans?
I am not a leftie, I am politically probably slightly right of centre.
But enough about me.
The issue is to identify the problem and decide what actions are to be undertaken to ameliorate the problem.
So, my approach is that under the overall umbrella of health care, the government should show leadership and take action to (a) help obesity (b) help primary health care.
This is of course much too simplistic, and the links I provide give a much more thorough analysis and set of recommendations. They generally recommend a multi faceted and multi agency approach.
I have stated again and again that education and primary health care are part of the solution on obesity.
Again, you box health care into the corner you want, whilst ignoring primary health care and education.
So, what are the republicans going to do to address these issues?