I made it a point to visit CFA on Wednesday and Friday of last week and make a purchase. (On Friday, they were actually out of some items I tried to purchase.) Did the same this week. It is not a matter of whether gay marriage is right or wrong. It is a matter whether anyone has a right to tell someone else what they are allowed to think and say.
CFA did NOT say we will discriminate. Did NOT say we will not hire gays.
What the mayors of those different cities said is that CFA, you do not have a freedom of speech and we will enforce your loss of that right by curtailing your ability to do business in our city.
Is this the 1920s? Is Prohibition coming back?
Originally Posted by tigercat
Tigercat... I think you're a reasonably smart guy so this feedback comes with all due respect. I take the time and effort to respond because I think you're capable of reading and parsing what I write.
I think you missed the main point of the issue and by supporting CFA you are (possibly unwittingly) aligning yourself with the modern-day cross-burning pointy-hats. You're on the wrong side of history. You're on the side of the modern-day equivalent of 'don't let women vote' and 'don't let non-whites ride at the front of the bus'.
This is not about free speech. Dan Cathy can say whatever he wants about gay marriage and the mayors of Boston and Chicago can also say whatever they want about Dan Cathy and his business. As long as none of them confuse their opinions with LEGAL rights issues like employment practices, business licenses, etc., it's all just free speech. Right? Dan Cathy may affect his business and the mayors may affect their re-election prospects based on their statements, but that's how a free market works. Right? No problem so far.
However, as I've already stated, the evil root of this problem and the reason that Dan Cathy and his company have attracted so much attention is that Dan Cathy is not content with expressing his opinion. He puts his money where his mouth is and he contributes big $ to organizations that promote intolerance and fight to prevent the gay community from achieving equal rights. That is the crossing of the line between church and state, and anyone who supports CFA is therefore supporting that cause. It's anti-American.
Why the hell can't these religious groups just live and let live? Why can't they be happy living according to their beliefs? Why do they feel the need to oppress others who have different beliefs? This country was founded by brave people who were escaping oppression just like the kind that these religious zealots are trying to exert over America.
Happy Week-end.