I understand the need to vent about this, and I feel for you girl (and thank you for not putting this in Alerts, btw). Clearly, you made a drive only to get the runaround, and jacked with. But let me hit you with some "cup is half full."
There's a little bit of batshit crazy in this, and I'm sure you've heard one of my favorite quotes: "You can't fix crazy." I'm just thrilled for you that you are ok. You weren't robbed, physically harmed, or truly cheated & mistreated. You weren't stung by Uncle Leo. You owned you're own part in it, that being not screening this child (lifting your shirt outside...pleeease), so you're good!
Don't let you son's toys interfere with your bill budget, and stay ever-vigilant with your screening. In my humble opinion, you dodged a bullet because it could'a been worse!
You're Safe!!! Now, rock on!