Why is it that some of you can act like the biggest asses sometimes on the board but

IMHO, the people who post the most frequently here are those who have no RW life to speak of. They truly have nothing better to do with their time, and being big man on the board makes them feel special. Everyone wants attention, to be popular. Those who have never been the cool guy at the party now feel validated because of their imagined significance on a hooker board. The very fact that you're on the board in the first place says two things: 1) that you've got no game anymore, otherwise you wouldn't have to pay for it, right? And 2) that you're successful enough to be able to pay for the company of a number of gorgeous women (of all shapes and sizes). And yet, instead of focusing on the fact that you're financially successful, you're still wanting to be king of the anthill. King of a fucking hooker board. I mean, really, how ridiculous is this whole thing? Ooooh, I have 10 million posts! I'm popular! Even if no one likes what I have to say, I can post all day long and SOMEONE will read it and respond and I'll feel better about myself! And fuck my RW job or my family that I should be focusing on right now, we have hooker issues to discuss all day long. Oh wait, some of you don't have RW jobs or families. Carry on.

Instead of being able to pat yourself on the back for your accomplishments, you sit and stew over your failures, which makes you angry and bitter (and maybe you're alone because you only paid for an hour), and then you post some more rude shit, and the fucking cycle starts all over again.
Stupid internet. Won't post something the first time, but will post it in triplicate instead. Ha! What I had to say was so important that it needed to be said three times! LMAO!
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
IMHO, the people who post the most frequently here are those who have no RW life to speak of. They truly have nothing better to do with their time, and being big man on the board makes them feel special. Everyone wants attention, to be popular. Those who have never been the cool guy at the party now feel validated because of their imagined significance on a hooker board. The very fact that you're on the board in the first place says two things: 1) that you've got no game anymore, otherwise you wouldn't have to pay for it, right? And 2) that you're successful enough to be able to pay for the company of a number of gorgeous women (of all shapes and sizes). And yet, instead of focusing on the fact that you're financially successful, you're still wanting to be king of the anthill. King of a fucking hooker board. I mean, really, how ridiculous is this whole thing? Ooooh, I have 10 million posts! I'm popular! Even if no one likes what I have to say, I can post all day long and SOMEONE will read it and respond and I'll feel better about myself! And fuck my RW job or my family that I should be focusing on right now, we have hooker issues to discuss all day long. Oh wait, some of you don't have RW jobs or families. Carry on.

Instead of being able to pat yourself on the back for your accomplishments, you sit and stew over your failures, which makes you angry and bitter (and maybe you're alone because you only paid for an hour), and then you post some more rude shit, and the fucking cycle starts all over again. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
Man that's sexy

All of these feelings, analyzing, and negativity has made me crave rootbeer, massage and nice dark comedy!!

Thanks for letting me say what was on my mind. Interesting comments for sure.
Stupid internet. Won't post something the first time, but will post it in triplicate instead. Ha! What I had to say was so important that it needed to be said three times! LMAO! Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
A little closer to 10 million now
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
DAYUM! Y'all really DO tthink too goddamned much.

It's not that hard, pen-day-hoes!

Some assholes just need a good, long, hard, fuckin' up the butt. No dinner, no movie, no grease fer to lube it up.

And you can take the piss and vinegar out of any goddamned cat, kitten or full grown tom, if'n ya throw tha l'il basterd in a gunny sack and wail on it with a hickory switch 'till yore arm gits tired. And then just switch arms and go to town a'gin.

Sonuvabitch. All y'all done too much book-learnin' and it's got yer haids all in a mess. Y'all need to start votin' 'Publican like the rest o' Texas and let all that cogitatin' shit go, I tell ya. It'll just drive ya plumb loco.
and a nice dark comedy!!
Originally Posted by Scarlett Rossi
Are as sweet as kittens in person? I am not going to name any names! Don't worry. I wouldn't want to ruin tha Bad boy thing yall got going! There have been a few guys that I thought were the biggest jerks on the board and they turned out to be nice people. One of them... turned into a great friend of mine. We have never seen each other BCD, but I go to bars, ufc fights, brunch, dinner etc. with him and we always go dutch. Or he buys me a round, I pick up the tab sometimes. He is always a perfect gentleman and never tries to hit on me.. strictly platonic. He is also now in a commited relationship. You get the idea.

So, why do people do this? Who are you? The kitten that hides under the facade of an asshole? Or the asshole who plays kitten, in person, just to gain whatever he wants, whatever that may be. Or is it something else? Bravado? Machismo? Had a Bad fucking day?

What is the something else? Something that happens to the kitten that pisses him off, so he turns into asshole mode for an outlet? I really like to believe in the good of people. Ecspecially after becoming friends with a colorful character here. That shower me just how different people can be off/on the board.

What really creeps me out are the quiet nice ones with handles like Dahmmer though! Kidding sort of. Same goes for people who seem REALLY nice on the board. They can turn out to be quite unpleasant at times.

Respectfully and quite seriously curious,

Scarlett Originally Posted by Scarlett Rossi
Aside from Ads, Reviews and possibly alerts, the board is or at least should be nothing more than a source of harmless entertainment for a bunch of alias's.
It is quite sad that it is more than that for some.

I tune in for very short periods every 6 months to a year so it definitely serves as nothing more than a momentary diversion every long now and then. It certainly plays no relevant role in my daily life.

Also the term A-hole is extremely subjective. Those who've booked with me think very dearly of me as I do them.

That being said I do tend to be extremely honest and direct in my board responses without any sugar coated BS. I don't log in to kiss provider ass or stroke egos with insincere flirtation and banter. I also do not attack other members especially just because their opinion on a subject may differ from mine.

To make my point there is a respected provider in this very thread who has actually initiated contact with me twice through past pms expressing how much she greatly appreciated and enjoyed the insight and straight forwardness of my posts.

That is until the day recently came that my opinion on a topic differed from hers on a topic of importance to her. In her eyes I immediately transformed from being enlightened poster to knuckle dragging A-hole although my persona and post quality has not changed one bit since joining years ago.

I am hardly ever here but I disagree that spending too much time on the boards is the problem. I believe taking the boards so seriously that these posts actually matter is the real problem at least that is my opinion.

There certainly have been major trolls and multi-handled instigators in the past but I don't really see any them around on this pass through. I assume they got bored with Eccie and moved on.
1 out of 25 sounds like a really high curve. I would have thought the number was much much less. If the number of sociopaths is at 4%, I do think that there would be more of an emphasis on how to control these people in the population.

Or at least put laws into place that would help others not get hurt. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Don't neglect the possibility that many of them are in government.

To Scarlett's original question, I wonder this: When are we seeing the most honest manifestation of the real person? When they are acting like an asshole on the board, in an environment unfettered by society's expectations of polite behavior and safe behind the veil of anonymity? Or when interacting with them in the real world, where they recognize those constraints and act like a pussycat?
fun2come's Avatar
I'll read all this when I have more time ...

But when I first saw this, the following came to mind:

What is an assholes to one person, can be a pure pleasure to another person.
Scarlett, why you gotta be talkin about me like that?

Brooooken record. Apologies, but this right here...these very words that you're reading this very moment are just a waste of space, y'all.

(I'm not being a cryptic asshole, I just posted almost the same thing twice.)
What is an assholes to one person, can be a pure pleasure to another person. Originally Posted by fun2come
It's like laughing at a toddler who took a tumble off the couch. The comic timing might be amazing, but you still feel guilty about getting pleasure out of someone else's pain, frustration, whatever.


And this isn't directed at any poster in particular...but as a response to the sociopath thing...

Sociopaths are outed in therapy a lot, too. But, they aren't as interested in playing with a therapist who knows it's a game so they generally head to another person to start another round. And of course, there's only so long that the professional can fake not knowing just how kids always figure out when you're "letting them win" as they get older. Luckily, just because a person enjoys fucking with people that doesn't necessitate that s/he's any good at it.
fun2come's Avatar
I liked post #43, better than #44, but I cannot quite yet put my Little Head on it why.