Here is a serious question about Obamacare and you

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-13-2013, 09:13 AM
I agree.

I'm not "signed up" for food stamps ... I want a say in how the program is managed, funded, and monitored .... and when I stand in line at the grocery store with someone with a card or coupon for buying FOOD and I see some of the shit in the basket that is added to the BILL .. BEFORE the card or coupon gets used ... I realize the program is not being ...

...... managed, funded, and monitored ......... appropriately.

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
JD was the ignorant fuck that said if you weren't signed up in the program , you should then have no say. Not me.

It was pointed out to the dumb SOB that that should cut both ways. Why should we listen to anyone bitch about something they haven't signed up for.

So I have to ask the rest of us, should we even pay attention to you if you haven't signed up for the "wonderful thing"? Without the courage of your conviction then what do you have? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I B Hankering's Avatar
True but that is far and few between. I paid for my appendix removal a few years back and one other surgery, (around 25k for both). What you did not pay for (nor I) is the cost of healthcare were we to have had say a million dollar ER visit.

I was able not to have insurance because I knew that I would be taken care of regardless. That is why folks with the ability to insure , would/could not. The playing field was so unequal as Yssup explained.

Look, I pay taxes that go to build roads that I do not use, I have not problem with this so called Obamacare, I like the fact that it put more skin in the game for more folks. Originally Posted by WTF
Yep! Odumbocare has all of the promise of operating efficiently with the self-sufficiency of the USPS with the added bonus of benevolent care afforded by the IRS.

Many? Not the uninsured. Not the indigent. Make that "a few."

Are you promoting the exorbitant cost of ER treatment for non-emergency services as a good thing? a cost-cutting thing?

Keep,spewing the stupidity, Corpy. This is going to be a long week, and I'm sure we'll have plenty to talk about before they come get you. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Just stated that the "uninsured" DID pay, you dumb-fuck golem jackass.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yep! Odumbocare has all of the promise of operating efficiently with the self-sufficiency of the USPS with the added bonus of benevolent care afforded by the IRS.

Just stated that the "uninsured" DID pay, you dumb-fuck golem jackass. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
No I didn't. I guess it's shit smearing time.
I B Hankering's Avatar
No I didn't. I guess it's shit smearing time. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
That's your only forte, you dumb-fuck golem jackass, otherwise you're a complete and total ignoramus.
LexusLover's Avatar
JD was the ignorant fuck that said if you weren't signed up in the program , you should then have no say. Not me.

It was pointed out to the dumb SOB that that should cut both ways.

Why should we listen to anyone bitch about something they haven't signed up for. Originally Posted by WTF
You just said it. And I don't know "why" ... of course, they may be smarter than you.

Did that ever occur to you? I guess not.

Or does that make you an "ignorant fuck" or a "dumb SOB"?

Who signs up and who doesn't sign up impacts on all of us. Remember ...

... this who fucked up mess was to provide health care for about 11 million people after all the bullshit stats got culled. So the other 300 million people ought to have a say!

Remember the Golden Rule: He who has the gold rules.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-13-2013, 01:19 PM
I asked what kind of fucked up logic does JD have. God damn LL , I usually do not have to explain elementary shit to you.
I asked what kind of fucked up logic does JD have. God damn LL , I usually do not have to explain elementary shit to you. Originally Posted by WTF
That was the old LL, long before his loss of memory issues started to kick in.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Lets try to be clear. Why did I say the "vocal supporters"? Because is Obamacare is so good that you defend it and Obama's support that I expect you can't wait to sign up. If you don't have faith in the program then how can you defend it.

As for me I have BCBS. Sometimes we get into foreign policy here and people make some military pronouncements. I served, a few others served, and I think that us MORE rights to complain, praise, defend, or condemn the military. I have made habit in my life of not condemning people for things that I do or have done. That means I can bust my nephew's asses for using drugs, smoking, drinking, or acting irresponsibly by stealing. I will never condemn them for paying for pussy. Hypocrisy is not in MY vocabulary. So I'm asking who is a possible hypocrite.

At no time did I say that if you didn't sign up then you can have no say. That is a lie by WTF and others. What I did say is why should we pay any attention to you.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-13-2013, 02:17 PM
. What I did say is why should we pay any attention to you. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD you pay about as much attention to me as I do you.

I pay for the military's healthcare just like I pay for others healthcare. I can and will comment on it all I want. It is your choice to pay attention or not. Hypocrite.
LexusLover's Avatar
I asked what kind of fucked up logic does JD have. God damn LL , I usually do not have to explain elementary shit to you. Originally Posted by WTF
You can't. Or the complicated shit.

II was only commenting on what you wrote not what you wished you had written !!!

But BT will explain all that to you, along with where are the WMDs in Syria!

See he was wishing I had forgotten he hadn't explained their whereabouts!!!

I just figured you got all fucked up because I agree with your initial comment .. then ...

you wrote:

"Why should we listen to anyone bitch about something they haven't signed up for."

Isn't that what you wrote ... hanging participle and all? That's what you wrote!!!!!

Any way .. back to the issue .. the ACA will impact everyone in the country.

So everyone in the country ought to be able to comment.
LexusLover's Avatar
What I did say is why should we pay any attention to you. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It doesn't matter ... do you think you have ever changed any poster's mind on here?
Have they changed yours? You don't have to pay attention to anyone on here.

Have you ever met or seen a "movie critic" who made a movie?

I even quit paying attention to the lies told in reviews on here. It's all a fantasy any way.

Like describing ladies who have a similar weight to this one ... a spinner or petite:
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-13-2013, 02:46 PM

I could get behind that
...Sometimes we get into foreign policy here and people make some military pronouncements. I served, a few others served, and I think that us MORE rights to complain, praise, defend, or condemn the military... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Do you think someone who doesn't receive SNAP benefits or welfare payments, for example, has no business opining on things such as how the programs are designed and how the money is disbursed?

Most of us pay taxes that support the military, as well as all manner of government programs. Thus we all have an interest in decisions involving them.

But even more to the point, I doubt that many in this forum need or want ObamaCare. The law is aimed at individuals and households who are currently uninsured. The vast majority of people who can afford the P4P world of escorts and sugar babies either have insurance coverage already, or can pay for their own health care services.

Thus whether someone supports or opposes ObamaCare -- or has a valid opinion on the matter -- isn't all that likely to be dependant on whether that person has attempted to sign up on the recently created websites, or has any interest in doing so. (For the record, I wanted to see effective reform, but think the effort was very badly botched.)

I could get behind that Originally Posted by CJ7
My tastes are a bit different.

I'd rather go here:

skirtchaser79411's Avatar
If the gop does not like the law repaeal it but they do not have the votes to do it, i think this will not end well for the gop

I could get behind that Originally Posted by CJ7
She looks built for comfort...