Why does the media keep trying to hide the fact that Obama is a Muslim?

Yeah, tell that to the guys that bought the GM mortgage bonds. Crony Capitalism at its finest.
Rudyard K's Avatar
It's not very noble to allow 19, 20, 21 year old fathers, sons, husbands, wives and mothers to go off and die in war for you either. But you're plenty willing to let it happen i'm sure. Originally Posted by Doove
Typical. Get shut off at one pass...run off to another.

But to run down this new course...To my knowledge, there has not been a forced armed forces since...Oh hell, I can't remember exactly but sometime around 1972 or 1973. And I know that because I had to register for that forced service...even though I was not picked.

I don't want a firemen to have to run into a burning building either. But he/she did sign up to be a firemen, so I kind of think that's what he/she does. But hell Dopey...kind of like the other discussion related to money for the less fortunate. I'm sure you can go tap somebody on the shoulder, and let them stay home so you can go take their place.

You see? For every wrong in the world that you see as a really bad wrong...there is generally a place for you to go make a difference. But, I guess it is much more satisfying (and less demanding of you, I might add) to point the finger at someone else.
Rudyard K's Avatar
Being in a mixed economy, it's going to happen whether you like it or not. That's how our system works. You should know that. Originally Posted by Sa_artman
Oh hell, I know that...and frankly, I'm not against the concept of the fortunate helping the less fortunate. I just take exception of someone else standing on their soapbox, as if they are the one who is more holy...as they take someone else's money to provide for another.

Any fool can do that. I hear about such action every weekend on the news at the local stop-n-go at the point of a gun.

It seems a "Thanks for the help" is more in order...or just keep the mouth shut would be a nice change.
ThrillBill88 I just saw the thread and want to be the first to welcome you to this forum. It's nice to know that such a reviled personage has joined this humble gathering.

Will everyone here welcome Mr. Glenn Beck.
Happy Diver's Avatar
The issue really is (and even Fox news hasn't addressed this one)



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  • WTF
  • 08-20-2010, 12:41 PM
The issue really is (and even Fox news hasn't addressed this one)



Sunni? Originally Posted by Happy Diver
Yea Bush was Shia before he was Sunni
Happy Diver's Avatar
Yea Bush was Shia before he was Sunni Originally Posted by WTF
Rudyard K's Avatar
Like several here...I don't really give a sh*t whether OB is muslim. christian, or a sun god worshiper. But, OTOH, I don't really give a sh*t that there are those who want to know about his religious beliefs.

Information about someone who is an elected offical is information. I'm not sure why asking the question is a bad thing. If it means nothing to you...or me...in judgment of his person...so be it. I don't care if he is getting some strange on the side either. But if others want to know about that...what's the harm?

With all the christian bashing that goes on in this forum, it would seem that religious beliefs matters to a lot of you folks. Or could it be some other motivation?
WTF's Avatar
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  • 08-20-2010, 01:09 PM
. Or could it be some other motivation? Originally Posted by Rudyard K
It's a Christian bashing cult RK! By golly you have uncovered a sleeper cell here on ECCIE.
Off with their
Rudyard K's Avatar
By golly you have uncovered a sleeper cell here on ECCIE. Originally Posted by WTF
Well it certainly does look like they may be asleep at the switch.
He's not Muslim, but if you were to replace that with 'Buddhist' or 'Jewish', would we be having this conversation?

I'm so glad that stupidity is such a difficult trait to disguise!
Like several here...I don't really give a sh*t whether OB is muslim. christian, or a sun god worshiper. But, OTOH, I don't really give a sh*t that there are those who want to know about his religious beliefs.

Information about someone who is an elected offical is information. I'm not sure why asking the question is a bad thing. If it means nothing to you...or me...in judgment of his person...so be it. I don't care if he is getting some strange on the side either. But if others want to know about that...what's the harm?

With all the christian bashing that goes on in this forum, it would seem that religious beliefs matters to a lot of you folks. Or could it be some other motivation? Originally Posted by Rudyard K
I'm all for asking questions and wanting to be informed about those elected. But when someone uses something such as general as race, religion or creed as a reason why someone is a bad president or not is just ridiculous, things like that should be based on the character of the person.

All this Lefty and Righty BS makes me laugh, of course everyone thinks they can do a much better job then whoever is in the office at the time- that is until they get to sit at the desk and realize how hard it is to fix a million life changing things at once.

I find it even more hilarious how people make generalized statements of others just because of their political views when we know the political world can vary like litmus strip.

That's all I have to say- don't not if it makes a lick of sense but tis all
He's not Muslim, but if you were to replace that with 'Buddhist' or 'Jewish', would we be having this conversation?

I'm so glad that stupidity is such a difficult trait to disguise! Originally Posted by Dannie
IT should be illegal to be as freaking hot and intelligent as you are!!
awl4knot's Avatar
I read this op-ed piece this morning that deals with the continued vitality of the myths about Obama:


The demonstrable facts are that he was born in the United States (of an American parent) and is therefore a citizen, at least based upon the current constitution. He also is a practicing Christian, as witnessed by his association with the infamously loose-lipped Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Jr. of Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ. Where was all that Muslim talk when they were pillorying the guy for being in Wright's congregation? Or was it just because Wright was a racist that Obama was taken to task?

It's one thing not to care for Obama's politics or to doubt his abilities as a leader, but this xenophobic mythology is troubling.
IT should be illegal to be as freaking hot and intelligent as you are!! Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
Why thank you, and if it were illegal, you would probably be my cell mate

This thread reminds me of the pre-election idiots: