Provider Next Door

To me it sounds like he's projecting his beliefs on to her. In her brain it must be ok, but you were obviously brought up different with different results. If she wants to get hit thats on her, even if you try to save her she will fall back to the same comfortable situation. Its on her to change.

Its hard to convince kids candy is bad for them and will destroy their teeth. They have to somehow see if for themselves, either through example, first hand or second hand experience.

You may want a better life for her but if "12" is always their then she's accustom to that lifestyle or doesn't know of other options which is also possible. It might be self confidence issue which is really tough to cure.

You speak as if your projecting a sisterly label to her and act accordingly. I can understand its hard to see people you "know" struggle but this sounds like a drama loop.
`flip's Avatar
  • `flip
  • 02-09-2014, 12:42 AM
Or dos not like the competition, or maybe they do not shop at his pharmacy. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Yup that's what I'm reading..


Every time he looks out his window and sees “12” in his “domain” he’s wondering if he needs to be doing some crazy flushing. I guess if I were into that world I could see how that could be stressful LOL

Finally somebody got it right!
Yup that's what I'm reading..


Every time he looks out his window and sees “12” in his “domain” he’s wondering if he needs to be doing some crazy flushing. I guess if I were into that world I could see how that could be stressful LOL Originally Posted by `flip
Hadn't thought of that. Makes sense.
kushtipher's Avatar
You people are crazy and one track minded....There's no competition, like comparing pennys to hundereds hahaha. I didn't put anyone on blast, you all don't know this person, I mentioned no names. Don't try to read between the lines if your illiterate.I'm not into watching over grown adults so no I'm not about being her muscle hahaha but i dont want to see any woman beat on constantly by a man. Further more, you all dont know me so dont be skeptical about me or my motivites. Common sense is if I'm spooked by 12 she's the last person need to worry about me crossing her. She just needs to clean up around her domain. She's not the only one doing her thing to make a living in our neighborhood, she's selfish and inconsiderate. Shes just a messy chic Period. Blank!
`flip's Avatar
  • `flip
  • 02-10-2014, 01:16 AM
She just needs to clean up around her domain. She's not the only one doing her thing to make a living in our neighborhood, she's selfish and inconsiderate. Originally Posted by kushtipher
Okay man not that I give a shit but have you EVER stopped and wondered if the little old people living down the street say the same shit about you?

I mean you made it very clear what you're doing.

No judgement here man but I damn sure know you aren't the head of your neighborhood association or anything LOL.
pyramider's Avatar
Yeah 12 is just the storm troopers of big pharma.
kushtipher's Avatar
Okay man not that I give a shit but have you EVER stopped and wondered if the little old people living down the street say the same shit about you?

I mean you made it very clear what you're doing.

No judgement here man but I damn sure know you aren't the head of your neighborhood association or anything LOL. Originally Posted by `flip
Say dude, whatever I may do is done on a respectable level. You don't know what I'm involved with, again speculation. I didnt say I just led your narrow mind to believe what its accustom to. If you don't care why are you still commenting?
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 02-10-2014, 10:05 AM
You people are crazy and one track minded. Originally Posted by kushtipher
Really? Who started this, and continues to feed it?

Just to reiterate the general trend here:

You posted in a public forum that you know a neighbor of yours is a provider, and that you watch her comings and goings.

This leads some to the conclusion that you may out her, and others to the conclusion that you are stalking her. Some may conclude both.

You post that the police are in the neighborhood because of domestic violence at her place but:
I have more going on than she does with more at stake Originally Posted by kushtipher
I have thibgs going on my damn self, it spookys me. Originally Posted by kushtipher
You complain that we speculate about your "thibgs" going on with your damn self, but you invited us to speculate.
Put 2 and 2 together with your thick a**
But when some do put 2 and 2 together and get 4,
Common sense is if I'm spooked by 12
. . . in my neighborhood, then I'm a thug, and have reason to be spooked by "12".

You complain that we're "crazy" and "narrow minded" when we reach the conclusion you've led us to.

To sum it up, if you don't want public comment and speculation on your situation, don't post it in a public forum. Probably would have been for the best if your original post had been:
`flip's Avatar
  • `flip
  • 02-10-2014, 10:59 AM

Really? Who started this, and continues to feed it?

Just to reiterate the general trend here:

You posted in a public forum that you know a neighbor of yours is a provider, and that you watch her comings and goings.

This leads some to the conclusion that you may out her, and others to the conclusion that you are stalking her. Some may conclude both.

You post that the police are in the neighborhood because of domestic violence at her place but: and
You complain that we speculate about your "thibgs" going on with your damn self, but you invited us to speculate. But when some do put 2 and 2 together and get 4, . . . in my neighborhood, then I'm a thug, and have reason to be spooked by "12".

You complain that we're "crazy" and "narrow minded" when we reach the conclusion you've led us to.

To sum it up, if you don't want public comment and speculation on your situation, don't post it in a public forum. Probably would have been for the best if your original post had been: Originally Posted by LNK