Question about passing on a apt.

Gentlemen Rendezvous's Avatar
randall flagg's Avatar
Absolutley, the hobbyist should treat all the ladies with respect. Being courteous and polite will get you waaay more than being a DICK!! We are all here to have fun and play safe. Originally Posted by chris1107
Holy Hell ---- Why haven't I heard that advice before --- maybe I if I stop being a such a dick on first contact - I might be able to get an appt with someone.
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DownForWhatever's Avatar
Do you think that a provider has a right to pass or back out on an apt if the hobbyist does something to make her feel disrespected or uncomfortable? Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
Oh, Hell Yeah!

We count on you to weed out the fucktards and send them off to BPland
planojim's Avatar
Kaylee...A provider has the right to back out ANYTIME she chooses to back out of an appointment. A provider has EVERY right to look out for her safety and well being above all else! If a hobbyist isn't respectful enough to provide you a safe/comfortable working environment then they don't deserve your services! Ladies...follow your gut feelings and don't be afraid to back out of an appointment.

QUOTE=Kayleehotchick;105496386 1]Do you think that a provider has a right to pass or back out on an apt if the hobbyist does something to make her feel disrespected or uncomfortable?[/QUOTE]
Laura Lynn's Avatar

When my gut speaks, I listen.

When in doubt, chicken out.
Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick

This is very true. I always trust my gut and I've cancelled an appt once just because something didn't feel right. If my spidey senses go off, I listen.
planojim's Avatar
You're a smart woman Laura Lynn!

This is very true. I always trust my gut and I've cancelled an appt once just because something didn't feel right. If my spidey senses go off, I listen. Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
DarthDVader's Avatar
I think either party has the right to back out on an appointment if something doesn't seem right... may be something obvious or simply your gut warning you ...
Better be safe than sorry ...
Say What's Avatar
Do you think that a provider has a right to pass or back out on an apt if the hobbyist does something to make her feel disrespected or uncomfortable? Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
Hell yes!

If he disrespected you...don't even be polite about backing out. Tell him to shave his balls, turn down the lights, and take all the time he wants to go fuck himself.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Hell yes!

If he disrespected you...don't even be polite about backing out. Tell him to shave his balls, turn down the lights, and take all the time he wants to go fuck himself. Originally Posted by Say What

LOL...that is funny as hell! Thanks for the good laugh, I needed it.