Obaminable's War on Cops Continues in Dallas

I B Hankering's Avatar
The chart you posted shows it was the highest in 1991. You are are making up the "points" as you go along I think. If the last years numbers are not available how can one compare. So back to my comment, I asked if he had what he felt was credible numbers. He has not responded with a real answer Originally Posted by MT Pockets
There are no "made up points", there only the points you blindly refuse to acknowledge. You are still blithely ignoring that only six officers were killed in ambush attacks in 1991 as compared to fifteen officers being killed in ambush attacks during Odumbo's term in 2009, fifteen in 2010, fifteen in 2011, six in 2012, five in 2013, fifteen in 2014, six in 2015 and at least thirteen so far this year: 2016. And the charts further show there has been a 20% increase in the sheer number of ambush attacks on Odumbo's watch as compared to W's.

I can say the same about you blaming Obama. I say the racial tension stems from so many Whites acting out . The amount of Black folks killed by cops is higher now also. People are tired of it. Every action has a reaction. I guess you could stretch it and say Cops were not so trigger happy until Obama won the election. Had that not happened Blacks would not be compelled to respond in kind.
And no I am not in support of anyone killing anyone. I just know its a byproduct of oppression.
You can not go anywhere is the Dallas area and not see some dipshit with a rebel flag. Funny, I have yet to see even one Confederate flag just the Navy jack that has been pirated by the rednecks. Actually I have been looking for the numbers of intentional cop killings for other years and have not found a reliable source yet. maybe you can share or were you just speculating? Originally Posted by MT Pockets
So homie, did dem Dindu Nuffins what was stealin dem cigarettes from dat po lil man in Ferguson, dey was " jus mis unnerstood " 'bout havin ta pay fo dem items, since dey was jus choir boys and pillars of da community, ain DAT right !! Mo o' dem odummer " If I had a son... " homies like da Travon !!!
Here is what you call thugs. I do see the problem.



http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nati...icle-1.2572693 Originally Posted by MT Pockets
So you don have a problem wit da homies not showing up for the death of a child due to the typical Dindu Nuffin neighborhood " bidness " ? Thanks fo showin ya true colors, homie !!!
In school today we learned about liars and their lack of a conscience, a moral spine, or any credibility for their word. We learned about hypocrites and the Larry Craig syndrome. How he hated himself as much as lexuslar hates himself and how they both live a lie. Always watch the most sanctimonious asshole in the room. After all, a liar and a coward who bitches about someone else who supposedly lies. The only true statement he makes is it is much worse t see it in a candidate, or both of them in this case. Strangely only hers bother him. An amazing job of having double standards and being a dick.

We also talked about admitting mistakes since we're only human. Mistakes everyone makes from time to time. To deny your mistakes is a guarantee they will be repeated and will become a part of the way the liar perceives the world around him and taint everything the liar does.
At that point it's just a hop, skip, and a jump to full blown hubris.

Lexusliar jumped 10000 posts ago. Now he thinks he is the big turd in a little bowl..
Ironically he is correct.
He is the biggest piece of shit on the site

He doesn't like being told he is wrong, he doesn't like being preached to, he doesn't like people running their mouths, and he hates other people being right. In other words he hates his own behavior (daddy issues).
He thinks the worst of people who disagree with him and is almost always the person who goes negative and starts calling names first.
Unlike the prick, I'm willing to provide examples.

I'm going to sleep now though. I watched the trump speech. He named a bunch of well known problems but no solutions other than he would take care of them. Politifact shows him lying 76% of the time Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Well, it looks like YOUR preferred candidate has gone to " full blown hubris " !! Make sure YOU explain that to shriLIARy and Slick Willy when you bow down to and bend over for them !!
MT Pockets's Avatar
It's the most current Leoka study available, and it's only missing two years: 2013 & 2014. 2015 data will not be published until December 2016. And you're still missing the major point: the number of officers killed in ambushes as opposed to those killed in incidental contact with the public. There is a difference.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
There are no "made up points", there only the points you blindly refuse to acknowledge. You are still blithely ignoring that only six officers were killed in ambush attacks in 1991 as compared to fifteen officers being killed in ambush attacks during Odumbo's term in 2009, fifteen in 2010, fifteen in 2011, six in 2012, five in 2013, fifteen in 2014, six in 2015 and at least thirteen so far this year: 2016. And the charts further show there has been a 20% increase in the sheer number of ambush attacks on Odumbo's watch as compared to W's.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
If you were smart enough to follow the conversation you would see the chart did not have 13,14 and 15 . Play again! LOL
MT Pockets's Avatar
[QUOTE=Rey Lengua;1058421759]So homie, did dem Dindu Nuffins what was stealin dem cigarettes from dat po lil man in Ferguson, dey was " jus mis unnerstood " 'bout havin ta pay fo dem items, since dey was jus choir boys and pillars of da community, ain DAT right !! Mo o' dem odummer " If I had a son... " homies like da Travon !!![/QUOTEYou do know the cop had no idea who he was dont you? Your" point" is pointless. Whats with the bad grammar? Just another attribute of your racism showing through
MT Pockets's Avatar
So you don have a problem wit da homies not showing up for the death of a child due to the typical Dindu Nuffin neighborhood " bidness " ? Thanks fo showin ya true colors, homie !!! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Another pointless post from the Peanut gallery. Of course I have a problem, the problem is every time they show up the child gets portrayed as a thug. Then again this post is not about kids getting killed its about cops getting killed so I guess you are trying to say the cops deserve it and people should riot over the kids that get killed also. The fact that the first 7 years under Obama were better numbers at least for cops means nothing. You guy bitched about them as well. I dont see you complaining about more blacks getting killed or any other race. Its all politics to you.
I B Hankering's Avatar
If you were smart enough to follow the conversation you would see the chart did not have 13,14 and 15 . Play again! LOL Originally Posted by MT Pockets
If you were smart enough to follow the links provided you would have seen the data for 2014, 2015 and 2016, and your pathetically unintelligent ass can try to disprove the 2013 figure at your leisure.
LexusLover's Avatar
Another pointless post from the Peanut gallery. Of course I have a problem, the problem is every time they show up the child gets portrayed as a thug. Then again this post is not about kids getting killed its about cops getting killed so I guess you are trying to say the cops deserve it and people should riot over the kids that get killed also. The fact that the first 7 years under Obama were better numbers at least for cops means nothing. You guy bitched about them as well. I dont see you complaining about more blacks getting killed or any other race. Its all politics to you. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Did you start Friday happy hour early?
MT Pockets's Avatar
It's the most current Leoka study available, and it's only missing two years: 2013 & 2014. 2015 data will not be published until December 2016. And you're still missing the major point: the number of officers killed in ambushes as opposed to those killed in incidental contact with the public. There is a difference.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
If you were smart enough to follow the links provided you would have seen the data for 2014, 2015 and 2016, and your pathetically unintelligent ass can try to disprove the 2013 figure at your leisure. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You literally stated they were not there and now say they are? what a goober. No matter how you want to twist it Obama has been an amazing POTUS. You keep changing what the point is. Is it deaths is it ambushes WTF? You are looking foolish. I'm done here. Play your numbers game with your cronies.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You literally stated they were not there and now say they are? what a goober. No matter how you want to twist it Obama has been an amazing POTUS. You keep changing what the point is. Is it deaths is it ambushes WTF? You are looking foolish. I'm done here. Play your numbers game with your cronies. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
LE sources for data more current than was shown in the charts were cited in the post you replied to; so, you'd be the one looking foolish for not seeing that data, and the number of ambush attacks is up 20% under Odumbo, and the overall number of cops killed is also up when compared with W's years in office.
MT Pockets's Avatar
LE sources for data more current than was shown in the charts were cited in the post you replied to; so, you'd be the one looking foolish for not seeing that data, and the number of ambush attacks is up 20% under Odumbo, and the overall number of cops killed is also up when compared with W's years in office. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
So let me get this straight. You make a post with a chart in it . Then comment that there is no current data, then argue about the chart . Then say if I had seen the chart I would know. Then you say that I should have done some research before I commented instead of making a reply to what you told me was the gospel. You are right I should have know your date was bullshit. I replied to the information you gave me. By the way, are we arguing over cops getting killed or ambushed. You seem to switch from one minute to the next.
MT Pockets's Avatar
Here are the number of felonious police deaths and ambush deaths by year:

Year Felonious Police Deaths /Ambush Deaths
2000 48/ 10 ( Clintons)
2001 66/ 7
2002 48/ 13
2003 53/ 9
2004 52/ 15
2005 53/ 7
2006 44/ 10
2007 57/ 16
2008 40/ 6
2009 47/ 15
2010 48/ 15
2011 68/ 15
2012 48/ 6
2013 27/ 5
2014 51/ 7
2015 42/ 6
2016 12/ 5
Sources: International Association of Chiefs of Police, FBI, National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund

So from what I can find Obama would need for 21 more cops to have been ambushed and killed to match Bush.

And 73 more killed in general to match Bush
I B Hankering's Avatar
Here are the number of felonious police deaths and ambush deaths by year:

Year Felonious Police Deaths /Ambush Deaths
2000 48/ 10 ( Clintons)
2001 66/ 7
2002 48/ 13
2003 53/ 9
2004 52/ 15
2005 53/ 7
2006 44/ 10
2007 57/ 16
2008 40/ 6
2009 47/ 15
2010 48/ 15
2011 68/ 15
2012 48/ 6
2013 27/ 5
2014 51/ 7
2015 42/ 6
2016 12/ 5
Sources: International Association of Chiefs of Police, FBI, National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund

So from what I can find Obama would need for 21 more cops to have been ambushed and killed to match Bush.

And 73 more killed in general to match Bush
Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Wrong. Fifteen officers were ambushed and killed in 2014 and at least thirteen -- five in Dallas alone -- have been killed in ambushes this year. So, the onerous statistical lead in ambush style killings belongs to Odumbo, and there has been a 20% in the number of such ambushes since Odumbo took office.
LexusLover's Avatar
The Obaminable War on Cops will continue this week during the DNC ... spectacle ....

.... as the "victims" of "police violence" are paraded around for the divisive efforts of the DNC in an attempt to "solidify" the minority vote the DNC seeks to assure each four year cycle while the DNC embraces the Muslim's who have an expressed dislike, if not hatred, for Christians who are well represented in the Black and Hispanic communities the DNC takes for granted each election.

See Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Pope!

When the terrorists are allowed to enter this country with the refugees, because they are welcomed by Obaminable and his SOS ... former and current ... who will the Christians look to for protection and help when they attack ....?

The cops they are trashing!!!!!! But the cops won't be allowed to kill Muslims!!!!