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  • 10-05-2014, 10:41 AM
Why all the vitriol on this thread? It was perfectly reasonable. You people are idiots. So the marine must pay the price of his trespass, eh? Pretty weak argument coming from dipshits who defend the President who gave guns to Mexicans for the sole purpose of taking them across the border. Guns which were in some cases used against Americans.

And this President can't take 5 minutes away from golf, fundraising, and entertainment to make a call?

Way to go, SOTF. Spread the word. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COFool....if you and SOTF and that idiot JDCocksucker want to spend the money to help get some American that got himself in trouble in mexico , then feel free to do so but quit blaming Obama and asking the American taxpayers to do so.

This is kinda like abortion, if you did not want to get knocked up , don't fuck or in this case ride around the border with a truck full of guns but do not ask taxpayers to bail you out once you fuck up. Oh and SOTF you started the stupid partisan shit with your OP

It would be more effective if you had more than one. Originally Posted by ExNYer
COFool....if you and SOTF and that idiot JDCocksucker want to spend the money to help get some American that got himself in trouble in mexico , then feel free to do so but quit blaming Obama and asking the American taxpayers to do so.

This is kinda like abortion, if you did not want to get knocked up , don't fuck or in this case ride around the border with a truck full of guns but do not ask taxpayers to bail you out once you fuck up. Oh and SOTF you started the stupid partisan shit with your OP

Originally Posted by WTF

"truck full" that's just a starter kit.
rioseco's Avatar
This is a list of American businesses that have factories in Mexico. It has become apparent that our government lacks the will or the fortitude to bring our Marine home. Andrew Tahmooressi has been subjected to torture, threats of violence, and unlawful incarceration for months now.

Our President can find all the time in the world to play endless rounds of golf, but can't find the time to make even a single phone call to secure his release. He can find the gall to release 5 high level detainees in exchange for a traitor, but doesn't have the backbone to bring home a soldier who served his country with honor and distinction.

But we are not powerless. Not only can we vote at the voting booth, we can vote with our wallets as well. Please join me in sending a message to the following companies that we will not continue to spend our hard earned dollars on those businesses who continue to do business with a country that assaults and tortures our soldiers.

Coca Cola
Proctor and Gamble
General Electric
Frito Lay
General Motors
Ford Motor Company

This list is far from a complete list of every company operating out of Mexico, but it is a good start. Together, lets bring our Marine home. Thanks. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Piece Of Shit In The United States !
Obama is a certifiable dirt bag. If the sob were on fire, I wouldn't waste my urine on him to exstinguish the flames.
rioseco's Avatar
I don't know why an American vet couldn't read plain English!

Maybe Slobrin could shed some light on that phenomenon. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Assup- Brain Down !
Fuck you, Mexico and their bitch ass signs. You obviously don't know all details available and NONE of us know them ALL allowing the siding with the Mexican Federals over this Marine 's story !

P.S. While Im at it, Fuck your half-white lame ass president too !
No, you accused me of posting partisan bullshit.

How was it partisan, SOTF?

Quit ducking the question and denying the error of your swift and thoughtless response to my post.

How was it partisan? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I gave your answer a couple of pages ago. The fact that you failed to comprehend my answer does not obligate me to answer it a second time.
"Assy Suckers" effeminate troglodyte army does not understand English...

I gave your answer a couple of pages ago. The fact that you failed to comprehend my answer does not obligate me to answer it a second time. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
You really care huh? So what are you doing to help this guy? How much of your "hard earned money have you spent to help this guy get out of Mexico? Let me answer for you. NOT A RED DIME. Have you even tried to write him a letter. - Of course not. Have you tried to visit him in prison. FUCK NO. You don't care at all just trying to seem self righteous.

All you do is bitch and moan like all the other emotional wrecks till it ain't even funny. but then again it is funny. I just love fake patriotism.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-05-2014, 10:04 PM
You really care huh? So what are you doing to help this guy? How much of your "hard earned money have you spent to help this guy get out of Mexico? Let me answer for you. NOT A RED DIME. Have you even tried to write him a letter. - Of course not. Have you tried to visit him in prison. FUCK NO. You don't care at all just trying to seem self righteous.

All you do is bitch and moan like all the other emotional wrecks till it ain't even funny. but then again it is funny. I just love fake patriotism. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
She wants the government to do her whims....kinda like that faux Libertarian COG. If he was not on government business then it is not the taxpayers responsibility to get him out of jail.

All it is is SOTF's way of bitching about Obama, she cares about the Marine about as much as the Mexican Government does.

Maybe she can go down to the border an warn people not to take guns into Mexico. What is a shame is that he is being used as a political pawn by the Right. Which to me is really the sickening part of all this.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Here was YOUR original answer.

Way to put partisan bullshit ahead of the welfare of a soldier. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Here was your "explanation."

Bitch please. You will co-sign anything that comes out of the mouth of someone you like, and poo poo anything that comes from someone you don't like. You are just a brainless partisan hack.

You don't think this was the only place I posted this do you? I posted this to a few different sites. I put it here so that others can pass it along as well. Never underestimate the power of the American consumer.

Lastly, feel free to call me whatever you like. Just don't expect me to cry over it. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
You called me a "partisan hack," but my comment was about you taking this thread "fungal."

How was that partisan?

It's apparent you're much better at choosing your favorite shade of lipstick and grabbing your ankles than choosing your words.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Assup- Brain Down !
Fuck you, Mexico and their bitch ass signs. You obviously don't know all details available and NONE of us know them ALL allowing the siding with the Mexican Federals over this Marine 's story !

P.S. While Im at it, Fuck your half-white lame ass president too ! Originally Posted by rioseco
Hillbilly crackers like you are a disgrace to our nation.

Go fuck yourself, asshole!

BTW -- are you half white?
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  • 10-06-2014, 07:02 AM
Sgt Andrew Tahmooressi is in a Mexican Prison because he violated Mexican Law.

He is subject to their Judicial System. It is really that simple. Originally Posted by Jackie S
That doesn't justify abusing him. Nor does it justify our government making no effort whatsoever to secure his release. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
You do understand that Mexico does not have the Death Penalty and we do. Should we not convict Mexican nationals of the Death penalty? If your answer in no the you are just using the Marine as a political subterfuge to bash Obama. You should be ashamed.

boardman's Avatar
You do understand that Mexico does not have the Death Penalty and we do. Should we not convict Mexican nationals of the Death penalty? If your answer in no the you are just using the Marine as a political subterfuge to bash Obama. You should be ashamed.

Originally Posted by WTF
"You have no idea wtf our government is doing behind the scenes in this matter."

Show me where they are doing something and I'll show you where the only thing they are capable of is wasting our money.

A five minute phone call would likely bring this guy home. He could do that from his presidential limo parade on the way to the golf course.
"You have no idea wtf our government is doing behind the scenes in this matter."

Show me where they are doing something and I'll show you where the only thing they are capable of is wasting our money.

A five minute phone call would likely bring this guy home. He could do that from his presidential limo parade on the way to the golf course. Originally Posted by boardman

So what if he did it's not like it would change your opinion of him and you might even try and give the credit to Rick Perry.
Old-T's Avatar
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  • 10-06-2014, 08:53 AM
So what if he did it's not like it would change your opinion of him and you might even try and give the credit to Rick Perry. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Nope. They would credit Sarah Palin.