Max of Wildflowers is a violent felon and the mods are covering for him!

OneHotMale's Avatar
If being a Mod is so damn difficult a job, why do all these men do it for free????
That makes no sense at all.. any logical person can see that there must be some reward for being a mod.

Its not like the warm cozy feeling you get for volunteering at the animal shelter or food bank.. you are not performing some noble task.

Why???? why would anyone be a Mod for free?

LF Originally Posted by LadiesFan

Heck maybe it is for the 401K and the retirement package that they may all get. Chit maybe they have some super medical, vision and dental package.
jimmers's Avatar
Why can't something like this thread be put onto a reality TV show instead of the junk already on?

I give this thread a 9 for my personal entertainment value.
GneissGuy's Avatar

Its not like the warm cozy feeling you get for volunteering at the animal shelter or food bank.. you are not performing some noble task.

Why???? why would anyone be a Mod for free?

LF Originally Posted by LadiesFan
Some people actually do things for altruistic reasons. Plenty of others on these boards spend considerable time trying to help out other members with various problems and suggestions.

There is a sense of community here. Sometimes, when you help someone out, you get help back in kind.

And speak for yourself. Many of us are performing a noble task. Helping a girl avoid being beat up or pimped is a good thing. Helping a lady avoid a stalker is noble. Helping a guy not get robbed, beaten, or killed is noble. Helping a guy avoid being caught and ruining his marriage is noble.
ck1942's Avatar
Regarding Max, anyone who has a direct pm or em from him that includes my moniker is invited to send me a copy so I can see it with my own eyeballs. I'll take whatever action in that regard that I see as appropriate.


1 - I became a mod at Amber's invitation, I never applied for the position.

Later she made me an admin because she saw that I was "giving back" to the community, not taking from it.

If ever she had any doubts about the job I did as an admin for more than 8 years, she had every opportunity to pull my plug herself and she also had phone numbers for virtually all admins and any of them would have unplugged me had she asked.

She also knew about before it was created to serve as a backup for folks with social communications due to aspd rickety availability.

All of the aspd staff knew about it and it was thoroughly discussed in the aspd staff area.

2 - as for choosing, when appropriate in my eyeballs at least, to "take the side" of the ladies, yes, I confess to that "CRIME."

Wjy, because I know that each and every female in the hobby has way more "skin in the game" than any of us guys.

imho while all of us guys obviously have a lot to lose, any guy who chooses to argue that the ladies are not the main LE target doesn't have a clue. I give the ladies the benefit of the doubt most of the time if that choice is presented.

As for Houston, I accepted responsibility shortly after it happened.

For whatever reason LE targeted that event, it was

1 - because they could

2 - not because anything particularly illegal had happened at events prior, and indeed, grabbing a dozen people out of 130 shows that. Especially since of those grabbed none has been convicted and most have so far had all charges

Why can't something like this thread be put onto a reality TV show instead of the junk already on?

I give this thread a 9 for my personal entertainment value. Originally Posted by jimmers
Yes. Well stated. Entertaining, and quite informative.

This thread has shed a great deal of insight on Max, as well as many who have been here a lot longer than I. It has put a spotlight on those who conduct themselves with dignity, as well as thrown light on the ones who spew negativity. I've truly learned more from this thread about a good many in this community than anything I've read on this site to date.

Thanks for showing your true colors everyone!
Budman's Avatar
Over the last several years of ASPD I spoke w/ many providers about some of the rumors going around. Every single provider I spoke with said that the some Mods pressured them for discounted or free sessions and some pushed for BBFS. The mods always made the claim that if anyone knew of such activities we should bring it to the attention of the admins w/ proof. Proving these activities was impossible because it would always come down to a he said / she said argument and the people with the power were the ones being accused of improper behaviour. The providers all took it as a cost of doing business.
Guest062010's Avatar
Yep. And in the end, some of us realized the cost of doing business was just too high! ~K

What was this thread about?

Looks to me everyone has beat this horse to death.