Changes :)

Phil A.Cheaux's Avatar
Not sure about the link but Channel 2 had about it in their newscast on Monday or Tuesday. Seems it was him and some other guy with a Yorkshire terrier along with the ****** ***. Also he was involved with some kind of sexual activity with someone, maybe ***********, with his wife asleep in the house. They covered a list of his activities.

Staff edit, Spice- I realize you're discussing a news story but it is not appropriate subject matter for this board.

Eccie Forum Guidelines
#10 - Topics regarding children, and certain images depicting children are not material for an adult-themed board. You must be at least 18 years of age to register and participate here, and along those lines, our subject matter is to surround individuals of the proper age range. Any mention or reference to underage sex is strictly forbidden and may result in loss of your posting privileges.
LexusLover's Avatar
Not sure about the link but Channel 2 had about it in their newscast on Monday or Tuesday. Seems it was him and some other guy with a Yorkshire terrier along with the ****** ***. Also he was involved with some kind of sexual activity with someone, maybe ***********, with his wife asleep in the house. They covered a list of his activities.. Originally Posted by Phil A.Cheaux
If the Feds pursue him he's toast.
TryWeakly's Avatar
^ that is what i read... affirmative
Thank you to everyone who wished me a congrats!
You guys are funny with your well wishes. How many times has this chick "retired" before? Now she's offering overnights for the first time I'm assuming by her OP. Yeah, you get her and some old ass dog to spend the night. It should be a fun time. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I'm offering overnights because I'm all packed in my car. I'm living with friends all over Houston and way south of it until I leave. I thought my only retirement 2-3 years ago would have stayed, but I still needed books and college fees to be paid along with other things for it. I have explained all I need to. If you still want to have native remarks, do what you want. I don't control you.
I love retirement threADS. They are like a great big glowing billboard saying. "IF YOU THOUGHT MY SERVICE WAS SHIT BEFORE, WAIT UNTIL YOU'VE TRIED IT RIGHT BEFORE I NO LONGER NEED YOU FAT FUCKS" Originally Posted by citizen44
Are you saying you're a fat fuck?
I thought this thread was going to be about a Tupac sighting.
Carry on . . . Originally Posted by cabletex7
And the Academy award for best comment goes to...

Great song!
Not sure about the link but Channel 2 had about it in their newscast on Monday or Tuesday. Seems it was him and some other guy with a Yorkshire terrier along with the ****** ***. Also he was involved with some kind of sexual activity with someone, maybe ***********, with his wife asleep in the house. They covered a list of his activities.. Originally Posted by Phil A.Cheaux
WTF did this escalate to?
TryWeakly's Avatar
^^ It got derailed, again........
dearhunter's Avatar
WTF did this escalate to? Originally Posted by Jemma Martin
Yep, it jumped right off the cliff into nuclear shit.
cabletex7's Avatar

Great song! Originally Posted by Jemma Martin
Tupac Lives!
TryWeakly's Avatar
Back on topic though... have you decided on the overnight fee?
Wakeup's Avatar
Are you saying you're a fat fuck? Originally Posted by Jemma Martin
I LOL'd...
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I'm offering overnights because I'm all packed in my car. I'm living with friends all over Houston and way south of it until I leave. I thought my only retirement 2-3 years ago would have stayed, but I still needed books and college fees to be paid along with other things for it. I have explained all I need to. If you still want to have native remarks, do what you want. I don't control you. Originally Posted by Jemma Martin
Fair enough. Classy response. I kind of enjoy the mean replies to me from people who quote me on this board, otherwise I get confused and I become normal. You were very nice... you won't read anything more that's negative from me in this thread. Best of luck to you in the future and be well.
TryWeakly's Avatar
What is a native remark?