Why does the media keep trying to hide the fact that Obama is a Muslim?

atlcomedy's Avatar
He's not Muslim, but if you were to replace that with 'Buddhist' or 'Jewish', would we be having this conversation?

I'm so glad that stupidity is such a difficult trait to disguise! Originally Posted by Dannie
Sadly, we probably would. Maybe not here but elsewhere. I mean this with all respect to my Jewish friends but those of the Jewish faith are not universally loved in parts of this country either....
Rudyard K's Avatar
if you were to replace that with 'Buddhist' or 'Jewish', would we be having this conversation? Originally Posted by Dannie
Well, I don't know!? If it was going to be ridiculed for someone asking the question?...then, Yes I think we would.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-20-2010, 03:06 PM
Galt is a metaphor, not a roadmap. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Then why bring him up, if not to suggest he should have some pull?

And I thought you Libs believed in separation of church & state.

Typical. Get shut off at one pass...run off to another. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
If you say so.

But to run down this new course...To my knowledge, there has not been a forced armed forces since
And how many of them "volunteers", if not for the fact that they "volunteered" would instead be derided by you guys as a welfare sucking drain on society? So that's about as ridiculous an argument as if i were to say that if rich people didn't want to pay so much in taxes, then they shouldn't be rich.

But hell Dopey
When you resort to that, it's clear you have nothing left.

...kind of like the other discussion related to money for the less fortunate. I'm sure you can go tap somebody on the shoulder, and let them stay home so you can go take their place.
I'm simply conceding the fact that when i go to Walmart, or to the grocery store, or to a restaurant, i'm financially benefitting from the fact that someone isn't making enough money to buy their own health insurance. And if it's not the person there at that moment, it'll just need to be someone else. Because not only does our society need go getters to spur the economy, it absolutely needs people to be poor to spur the economy. Having poor people around makes my life better, i know that. Yours too. And PJ's, and WTF's and on and on and on. And if we need poor people to make our lives better, then maybe we should have a moral obligation to do what we can to help them out ourselves. You live off the backs of poor people to a far greater extent than they live off the back of you.

But, I guess it is much more satisfying (and less demanding of you, I might add) to point the finger at someone else.
I'm pointing the finger right at me. You're the one who's pointing it at everyone else.

With all the christian bashing that goes on in this forum, it would seem that religious beliefs matters to a lot of you folks. Or could it be some other motivation? Originally Posted by Rudyard K
I don't care about anyone's religious beliefs per se. I look at their actions and their priorities. And when i see religious hypocrites, only then will i care about their religious beliefs. Ok, now i'm pointing the finger at you.
Obama is a Muslim. Originally Posted by ThrillBill88
I suppose you also have the right to believe that the media is trying to hide the fact that John F. Kennedy was actually a Protestant, Jimmy Carter a Roman Catholic and George W. Bush an atheist! Egad!!!

As it relates to the point raised, I offer the following:

Hello! This is the United States of America! Perhaps the more appropriate question might be, WTF do you care?

Even if the POTUS were a "Muslim" (which he clearly is not) it does not violate any US laws for a "Muslim" to be POTUS? And yes, the last I checked, we are still a nation of laws. Until a law is passed expressing differently, religious freedom is the "law of the land." In case you are unaware, religious freedom includes those of the "Muslim" faith! Did you ever stop to think, that it is not outside of the realm of possibility that the media could have possibly hid the fact that Ronald Reagan was a "Muslim." Or even worse a Commie! YIKES!!!!!

Absent a change of constitutional authority it is entirely possible that an individual of the "Muslim" faith could one day be POTUS! End of story!

Fuel for thought: Could it be that the Birther Movement is actually a religious cult? Does the shoe fit?

Well, you get the picture!

As for me, I am proud to be an American! Hail to the Chief! However he or she believes!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
1. All large organizations are inefficient whether they are Congress, Boeing, GM, "the government," the military (hurry up and wait), or the Catholic church. Quit cherry-picking to make a point. If the point's good, there's an intelligent, non bumper-sticker way to make it. It it's not, there ain't.

2. Doove's correct about us "haves" living more off of the backs of the "have nots" than vice-versa. To argue differently is similar to the old "Welfare Cadillac" argument - while there were a few of those they weren't as widespread as on the "best" side of town.

3. Regarding The Prez's religion, I refer you to The Dannie.

4. Tossing slogans back and forth accomplishes nothing.

5. Feel good by improving yourself or renting one of our lovely ladies, not by finding a convenient whipping-boy - one's neck will get a crick if one looks down his nose long enough.
Rudyard K's Avatar
I'm all for asking questions and wanting to be informed about those elected. But when someone uses something such as general as race, religion or creed as a reason why someone is a bad president or not is just ridiculous, things like that should be based on the character of the person. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
It's one thing not to care for Obama's politics or to doubt his abilities as a leader, but this xenophobic mythology is troubling. Originally Posted by awl4knot
Well, the original poster of this thread said nothing about his opinion of OB related to this issue. It would appear that it is you who has jumped to the conclusion that as such...it must be bad. Some of his writing leads one to believe that he embraces a Muslim heritage. His attendence at Rev Wright's church indicates an embracing of Christian heritage. For all I know, he may embrace other religious foundations also.

Xenophobia is a fear of strangers/foreigners or an unusual culture. The xenophobic action is the one who fears the discussion...not the one who discusses.
Rudyard K's Avatar
But you're plenty willing to let it happen i'm sure. Originally Posted by Doove
You live off the backs of poor people to a far greater extent than they live off the back of you. Originally Posted by Doove
I'm pointing the finger right at me. You're the one who's pointing it at everyone else. Originally Posted by Doove
Uhhh, OK? Maybe you need to study the use of pronouns.

Ok, now i'm pointing the finger at you. Originally Posted by Doove
All right. Now I'm really confused.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Why does the media keep trying to hide the fact that Obama is a Muslim?
2nd term, They think it would be harder for a 2nd term if we think he is muslim. I did not vote for him the first time. Media was and mostly still in love with the guy.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
It wouldn't matter whom was in the Oval Office as long as the content of their character was someone with integrity. If he is (muslim) why lie, if he isn't why lie. The media hasn't vetted BO the same way they vetted any other candidate in the last 20 years. Even Bill got some scrutiny from the media.

While I agree that equal opportunity should not play a part, anyone would be a fool to believe pride doesn't play a role in ones choice. I remember JFK being scrutinized for being Catholic and god forbid, Irish. He was still a conservative democrat. < - - - - (key work, conservative)

Before I vote for anyone, I want to know who the hell they are and who they were mentored by and what are their values. Lest we not forget, as children we learn of values through our parents, teachers and religious ideology. Although I'm not religious I was baptised and went to Sunday school where I learned a lot about morality. Anyone can be a moral person without worshipping. And personally, I don't believe there is anything morally wrong with someone's individual choice to be in the p4p sex world.

Bottom line, does the person in the Oval Office like this country. Based on his performance I would have to say no. Especially when I see him apologizing to the world for our very existence.
He's not Muslim, but if you were to replace that with 'Buddhist' or 'Jewish', would we be having this conversation? Originally Posted by Dannie
If we had been attacked by Buddist or Jewish extremists, maybe.
  • Bliss
  • 08-20-2010, 09:31 PM
He's not Muslim, but if you were to replace that with 'Buddhist' or 'Jewish', would we be having this conversation?

I'm so glad that stupidity is such a difficult trait to disguise! Originally Posted by Dannie
Well said! Kudos!
  • Bliss
  • 08-20-2010, 10:08 PM
If we had been attacked by Buddist or Jewish extremists, maybe. Originally Posted by pjorourke
How quickly we forget about Oklahoma City.....the 2nd biggest terrorist attack on our country, done by some good ole American boys in the name of God and governmental tyranny. McVeigh served in the army, fought in Desert Storm, and was awarded the bronze star. So, should we be wary of a candidate with those credentials?

To the OP.......the press is not trying to hide that Obama is Muslim, in fact they would be all over it if there was a shred of truth. Our press is ridiculous. The only news I watch is the BBC. Presidents have had their dirty little secrets from the beginning of time. Jefferson boinked young slave girls, Roosevelt had polio, Kennedy was a womanizer. The difference is they were surrounded by a shield of trusted LOYAL people who protected their privacy. If Kennedy was in office today, doing what he did then, he would have been slaughtered by the press. It would have been really ugly.

The press......HIDE something? Preposterous!
TexTushHog's Avatar
The demonstrable facts are that he was born in the United States (of an American parent) and is therefore a citizen, at least based upon the current constitution. Originally Posted by awl4knot
A child born to an American citizen, no matter where that child is born, is an American citizen (so long as that American citizen him or herself has been in the U.S. for some period). So even if the President had been born abroad, since his mother was a U.S. citizen who had resided in the U.S. during her lifetime, he would be an American citizen. And I know of no move to strip U.S. citizenship from the children of Americans who live abroad.

Is that something that you're advocating?
Sa_artman's Avatar
How quickly we forget about Oklahoma City.....the 2nd biggest terrorist attack on our country, done by some good ole American boys in the name of God and governmental tyranny. McVeigh served in the army, fought in Desert Storm, and was awarded the bronze star. So, should we be wary of a candidate with those credentials? Originally Posted by Bliss
Excellent point.
Rudyard K's Avatar
How quickly we forget about Oklahoma City.....the 2nd biggest terrorist attack on our country, done by some good ole American boys in the name of God and governmental tyranny. McVeigh served in the army, fought in Desert Storm, and was awarded the bronze star. So, should we be wary of a candidate with those credentials? Originally Posted by Bliss
Excellent point. Originally Posted by Sa_artman
Actually, you all both miss the point.

I might be curious if the press, or people like the ones who have posted in this thread, were so adament to make sure that no one would/could/should address the fact that McVeigh was awarded the bronze star.

Every person in this country chooses their electorate based on a myriad of different processes. The original poster in this thread asked the question as to why this fact (as he called it) is covered up.

From that point forward most all of the apologists attacked the question that was asked. One would assume it was becuase those apologists don't think that fact has any relevance. It sounds to me a lot like those folks don't want a discussion of "all the facts". They just want a discussion of the facts that they think are relevant. And if someone asks a question outside of those percieved relevant facts...out come the attacks.

Who is the real fear monger, and who is the real free and open discussion group?