PrePaid Session

Oooh I have always liked you Tiff. I promise not to be a biatch anymore. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I like you too babe, but don't lie to me! Just tell me you'll try not to be such a BIG bitch...that you'll be a smaller bitch, or that you'll only let SOME of the bitch out of the cage, you know. Be realistic.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I like you too babe, but don't lie to me! Just tell me you'll try not to be such a BIG bitch...that you'll be a smaller bitch, that you'll only let SOME of the bitch out of the cage, you know. Be realistic. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Ok I'll try not to be a biatch for 48 hours. Starting now...
Ok I'll try not to be a biatch for 48 hours. Starting now... Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Oh no. That'll be like holding your breath. You're gonna have to release the biatch out in short little bursts. Like Eddie Murphy in Harlem Nights in the bank vault.
I’m not so sure about prepaid sessions; however, I had some moron call me today wanting to spend some time with me then promising to pay me double my donation on Saturday, since he said, "Saturday was his payday"… What a goofy mofo he was to even ask me such a thing! Instead of prepaying me he wanted to open up a fucking credit line– literally…
Okay Naomi, damn... Please stop shooting people....

I need you to see beyond yourself, look down under your shoe, or whatever you have to do to understand that the hobby encompasses different people from all walks of life. I agree with your statement, but there ladies who get into this business not for the reasons that we have chosen, but out of desperation. Yes, desperation. That's why we have guys on this board paying $80 for girls. This is why they intentionally target desperate women. This is the reason they make such assumptions about us as a whole because the majority are blood-sucking, non-trustworthy, and do-anything desperate.

Providers that really understand the nature of the business are a rarity. Some guys have never known the pleasure of not being cold-contacted by a provider in need talking about a bill. The only thing we can do is show them the difference. But I need you to develop a bit of compassion. PURTY PLEASE

I have a few clients that send me my entire donation because they don't like to see the money being transacted in the traditional way. I must say that there is an element of trust in our dealings, and I have never let any of them down. I would NEVER allow that option for someone I don't know or don't trust. I don't recommend it as an option period unless you've developed a long term friendship with a lady. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Oooh I have always liked you Tiff. I promise not to be a biatch anymore. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Tiffani baby, darling, sweetheart!! That was beautiful!! AND look what you made happen!!! Wonder how long it will last....stick around, we made need you again....the next 48 hours should be interesting....
gimme_that's Avatar
I've prepaid and entire session before twice. The first time was just for the convience of not having to carry cash on me. It felt really cool and more natural to not have ladies talk to you while periphally looking on that night stand to see that green mildew lol.

On the second time I did this......well.......I did this for someone traveling to me. They drove a considerable distance which concernd me as I was seeking an overnight. The session was very so so.........and definitely not prepay material.

To some degree I felt like because I prepaid the full session...the monetary motivation to give "excellent" service is gone. She could just chalk it up to having a "bad night" on your dime. Or she can overbook other clients before and after your session and not bring her A game to your session. Besides what are you gonna do....take the money back....its was never there to begin with.

And truth be told if I had a shitty session I wouldn't try to take my money back or anything.. but I'm sure to some degree these ladies know for the most part this new client is expecting good service, and unless she's a rob how would she know exactly how he might react if she doesn't perform to some bit of standard. Well when you prepay ur just stuck either way. She knows for the most part you can't trip or get mad too much......the moneys your stuck.

I think another reason I don't do the prepay thing is because to some extent.....even though her full fee is paid....she is expecting a tip of some sort, or she will hint at it. Sorta like temporarily forgetting you paid then catching herself....hinting how she has made it such an awesome majical time you have never had.
shorty's Avatar
The only way I would prepay anything, would be give her money for airfare to come see me. That's only a partial prepay and I wouldn't be out much if she fakes on me.

Thank you for some sanity.

I do not know your situation or Naomi's so all I can do is relate to the situations I personally know. These are some reasons I have loaned/given money to a lady in need (and in all these cases I knew with certainty that the situation was real):

--Mother had a heart attack, lady had to care for her 24/7 (the "righteous" christian siblings would not lift a finger nor help one day a week) and could not work for almost two months
--Lady broke her ankle and could not work because she could not drive and lives in a very rural area
--Lady had hysterectomy and could not work for almost 6 mos because of complications
--Lady's house burned with most her belongings--insurance was slow and not very generous
--Lady wanted to get out of the business, went back to school, and underestimated the time it takes to do well
--Lady mugged while on tour, cash and credit cards stolen, no way home

In most these cases it was a single mom with deadbeat father. Life is quite different if there are kids involved and those "families" have turned their backs as happens far too often. It is not as simplistic as Naomi and some others would like it to be.

No guy has to help, but I see nothing wrong if they do. I always considered these as gifts, but in the vast majority of cases I have been repaid in one fashion or another. Originally Posted by Old-T
You sound like such a gentleman. Lovely.
burkalini's Avatar
I’m not so sure about prepaid sessions; however, I had some moron call me today wanting to spend some time with me then promising to pay me double my donation on Saturday, since he said, "Saturday was his payday"… What a goofy mofo he was to even ask me such a thing! Instead of prepaying me he wanted to open up a fucking credit line– literally…
Originally Posted by only1sweetmaddy

Your right he is a fuckiing idiot but isn't that the same as asking to be prepaid. If he fucks you and then doesn't pay you then your the idiot for doing it to begin with. If he prepays you and you don't fuck him then he's the idiot. Both ways are just stupid. Not saying this as any connection to you as your right.
London Rayne's Avatar
I have never understaood why anyone should question the price of an agreed upon transaction between two other people.

Francisca, I have paid above or below the "typical" rate a number of times and since neither you nor anyone on these boards (other than the ladies involved) know the reasons I would find it part insulting and part laughable that you would make such a comment about what I paid. Originally Posted by Old-T
Well said. I gave a very good friend 24 hours for a 12 hour I still made $3600 which is more than most providers 24 hour rate anyway lol. Add to that, he was not some demanding jerk off who expected me to fk him for 12 hours straight! We had an actual DATE where we went grocery shopping, I cooked a 5 course meal for dinner which we ate overlooking the sunset over the water, watched movies, etc. That is the only kind of guy I would ever offer a who treats me like a human being, not an acrobatic monkey.
If she had asked, I would have paid up front for the session I had this afternoon because I wanted complete and total assurance we would meet and her integrity is unquestionable! She's that special!

It was FANTASTIC - review to come in NOLA forum
BTW - London all the good things I've read and heard about you are true in Spades. You're one-of-a-kind for sure!
shorty's Avatar
Louigi. . . If you was to read the OP again, you would see that was what happened to a hobbyist from a lady. She asked for a loan/prepay for a session and he was a fool to give her the money in advance. Your memories of a lady might be great but never let that get in the way of rational judgement. So I guess the moral of this thread is, Never let your emotions or little fella sway your judgement.
OPs original post:

A very interesting question was raised late last night and early this morning about Prepaid Sessions. If your a hobbyist, would you consider Prepaying for the session? Ladies, if you did accept the Prepaid amount, would you refund his money before the session took place, if asked? Originally Posted by shorty
Sorry to disagree, that came up later in the thread.

As for your response. I had a provider call me from Houston, where she was stuck with no way home - 200 miles from her kids. I sent her the money to get home and to take care of things a few days. When I saw her 2 months later she repaid me 10 fold.

What goes around comes around. I may be a fool but I've sent money on numerous occasions to single moms in a bind (not expecting anything in return) What they do with it is their business. If they lied to me so be it - if I can, I will.
London Rayne's Avatar
BTW - London all the good things I've read and heard about you are true in Spades. You're one-of-a-kind for sure! Originally Posted by Louigi
My boy!!! So glad you're posting with the cool crew in National and not the reject section anymore lmao!! Welcome!!