Hookers complaining about how SLOW business has become

Still Looking's Avatar
SL's text exchanges are all too familiar to most of us. With some of these girls, their head does not cast a shadow. Originally Posted by PDid
Precious_b's Avatar
SL's text exchanges are all too familiar to most of us. With some of these girls, their head does not cast a shadow. Originally Posted by PDid
Especially if you deal with some Agency's
davetheone's Avatar
SL's text exchanges are all too familiar to most of us. With some of these girls, their head does not cast a shadow. Originally Posted by PDid

Agreed +1..
Still Looking's Avatar
This just in...

Visiting Austin Provider
I would love to meet you Mr SL. WOW... 230 reviews. I will be here all week.

Ready when you are. Just text or call me to schedule.

Visiting Austin Provider
I am not sure what Slamangio is but I might charge extra if its what I think it is.

Will you be calling or texting to schedule? I'm ready to go. I'm 30-40 minutes from Austin.

Visiting Austin Provider
I only use PM or email. What time were you thinking?

I don't see providers I don't talk to before the session. So if you want to meet.. YOU MUST call me. You can block your number if you wish.

Visiting Austin Provider
Does 3 work for you? I'm at 290 and 35

Sounds good I'll be the guy wondering which hotel to go too just circling the area.

Visiting Austin Provider
3:15 pm. Are you on your way?

johnnyglaze's Avatar
i agree sometimes they cant understand that without specifics of location you cant find them lol
Still Looking's Avatar
i agree sometimes they cant understand that without specifics of location you cant find them lol Originally Posted by johnnyglaze
I find it interesting that if you ask a provider to do an OUT CALL they want an exact address. Can you imagine a provider driving to an area and then waiting to be contacted? They would laugh at you!

Beagle's Avatar

Visiting Austin Provider
I am not sure what Slamangio is but I might charge extra if its what I think it is.

Originally Posted by Still Looking
Ask her what she thinks Slamangio is and how much extra she might charge for it
Still Looking's Avatar
Ask her what she thinks Slamangio is and how much extra she might charge for it Originally Posted by Beagle
Iol they can't even spell it right I'm not interested! LMFAO
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Oh I don't know about that, but I'd say you are damn near perfect. Which reminds me ....

As for this post, I think you nailed it SL. Sorry, I don't have that picture that someone often posts. Originally Posted by Bmerazi
Well, thank you!
Still Looking's Avatar
I saw an ad of a visiting provider I had seen before. I sent a text asking availability. Reply was I'm free at 12:00 I just need to shower and get a bite to eat. Two call system and it was game on. It's really NOT that complicated!

Published number, answered within five minutes total texts SIX!

Thank You Brittany for you wonderful TCB skills!

SL'S Review:


Brittanyy Show Case:


Taken yesterday...

mayorcastro's Avatar
She is quite the looker
Still Looking's Avatar
She is quite the looker Originally Posted by mayorcastro
So what have we learned? Ladies with great TCB skills take a LOT of business from the ladies that NO NOT!
flinde's Avatar
holy fuck reading this thread was a time waster SL - I already knew that.
adrian2play's Avatar
Well I found a bit entertaining, and the 2 pics SL posted of were certainly worth it
Still Looking's Avatar
holy fuck reading this thread was a time waster SL - I already knew that. Originally Posted by flinde
They can't all be "What do you think of my new pictures?" threADS!?