Rand paul explains Trumps executive order on ACA. He worked with Trump on this getting it done.
Paying more for insurance, or not having any by losing money to pay for it.Lenny, two things. The subsidies to the insurance companies was illegal to begin with. Congress never approved it. Since the top 10 insurers raked in 10 billion in profits last year, why is the government sending them 7 billion? Secondly, more and more people were opting to pay the penalty. They can't afford what they've been offered. Especially young people. Who were key to pay for the ACA. These acts by Trump will force insurers to offer much cheaper and competitive policies that fit what the consumer wants to pay for. The ACA was designed to fail. One size fits all never works. And it never was affordable except those who went on Medicaid plus. Is that where you are? Is that why your complaining? Trump just signed these EOs today. If the Senate doesn't get their act together and do a comprehensive bill, shame on them. Trump did his part. He's keeping his campaign promise. Unlike John McCain and a few others.
He hasn't forced the senate to do shit as of late. Originally Posted by bamscram
You need to pull Trump's dick out of your ass. He seems to be your new Reagan SOB sold arms to Iran and you loved him long time...Trump is following the same playbook. Play up the race card while tricking the masses into believing they are getting this great tax cut....20Trillion dollars later, Trump is trying the same shit.You need to take a break. Your rants are becoming less and less lucent. You must have a lot of dicks up your ass. Where do you think most of that 20 trillion in debt go? Trump had nothing to do with it. It went to special interests. Why do you think the 6 richest counties in the US surround D.C. Mall Gaurd Snitchy? The money didn't go to you and me Mall Gaurd Snitchy. Where did Obamas trillion dollar stimulus package go? You're really not very bright are you? You should be cheering Trump, not trashing him. Just think if Hillary got elected?
. Originally Posted by WTF
Lenny, two things. The subsidies to the insurance companies was illegal to begin with. Congress never approved it. Since the top 10 insurers raked in 10 billion in profits last year, why is the government sending them 7 billion? Secondly, more and more people were opting to pay the penalty. They can't afford what they've been offered. Especially young people. Who were key to pay for the ACA. These acts by Trump will force insurers to offer much cheaper and competitive policies that fit what the consumer wants to pay for. The ACA was designed to fail. One size fits all never works. And it never was affordable except those who went on Medicaid plus. Is that where you are? Is that why your complaining? Trump just signed these EOs today. If the Senate doesn't get their act together and do a comprehensive bill, shame on them. Trump did his part. He's keeping his campaign promise. Unlike John McCain and a few others. Originally Posted by bambino
With the ACA becoming the law, the health insurance companies can't do that any more.That's nice, but since obamacare and preexisting conditions my health insurance has gone from $350 a month 2K deductible to the current $1,250 a month 7K deductible. I really miss my old "affordable" health insurance. The affordable care act has made health insurance simply unaffordable for most working people.Originally Posted by flghtr65 won't kick in until 2019. The subsidy will be available for 2018. A bad move by Trump. Associations have had trouble in the past. From the link:
Originally Posted by bamscram
That's nice, but since obamacare and preexisting conditions my health insurance has gone from $350 a month 2K deductible to the current $1,250 a month 7K deductible. I really miss my old "affordable" health insurance. The affordable care act has made health insurance simply unaffordable for most working people. Originally Posted by goodolboyThe cost of your health insurance in the individual market was cheaper because the health insurance companies manipulated the risk pool to their advantage prior to the ACA law being passed. They weeded out people who had pre-existing conditions or people who were "Already SICK". If the health insurance companies had sold a policy to high risk people in the past the cost of your insurance back then would have been higher(the risk pool would have had more risk). The premium spikes occurred with the ACA plans because they did not get the 35% mix of low risk to high risk policyholders on the government exchanges. Instead they only got about 25%.