Yes, Trump losing 28 seats is not historically significant. Gaining Senate seats is historically significant.
Originally Posted by bambino
The numbers are historically significant.
What is politically significant is the result of Trump campaigning for winners and Obaminable/Osprey campaigning for losers; plus at the moment only two socialists were elected: one re-elected the other idiot a "freshperson."
The strategic significance is what elected Democrats and what they promised to get there. #1: "No Pelosi"! #2: Pro-controlled borders! #3: Pro-miliary. (Not 100% with everyone, but they are on record.)
The small majority will require the Democratic leadership to compromise, and the anti-never Trumpers planning multiple time-wasting investigations and RE-INVESTIGATIONS with an effort to IMPEACH the POTUS will create an opportunity for short-termers.
For the pundits to tout this as a repudiation of Trump is just more hype. The Republicans in the House shot themselves in the foot by DOING LITTLE IN TWO YEARS when they had a golden opportunity for more!
All races have already been "decided"! The "decision" is not reported!
The Anti/Never Trumpers in this country will paint this as a repudiation of Trump playing the numbers game .... There was NO BLUE WAVE! There was hardly a blue ripple. Winning the House was statistically no significant accomplishment particularly when the margins were so close throughout the country and the candidates had to distance themselves from the Democrat Leadership in the House and more closely align with Trump ..... with exception of loons like Sheila Lee Jackson who took about 75% of the vote in her election!!!!!! And a vowed Socialist from New York City! The Senate will approve Trump's picks .... over-ride House loons ... . vote "Not Guilty" with respect to any impeachment .... and send legislation to the House that will EMBARRASS the Democrats if they don't vote to approve the laws.
And if Trump doesn't like the end product: VETO.
Even in football the other side gets a field goal from time to time.