The Democrat party...cancelled.

lustylad's Avatar
If the democrats only give blacks so much rope so that they are forced to stay in the projects, how did Ben Carson get out of the projects to become a doctor who was head of Neuro Surgery department at Johns Hopkins Hospital.

What a stupid question! Watch the video again... slowly.

Just as some slaves managed to escape the dim-retard plantations of the Old South, many blacks (Ben Carson is but one example) are able to flee the inner-city hell created for them by modern-day democrats, who want to keep them there because they know upward mobility would turn them into Republican voters.

If the republicans in the south were equal opportunity for all, then why did they condone Jim Crow segregation all those years.

An even stupider question! Did you not hear Dinesh?

Jim Crow laws were conceived, drafted, passed, signed and enforced by dim-retard legislators throughout the South. Not a single piece of Jim Crow legislation was EVER produced by Republicans. As Dinesh pointed out, the South turned increasingly Republican at the same time as it dismantled Jim Crow, cracked down on the KKK and waited for the racist dixiecrats to die off.

Why did republican southern whites condone the killing of white and black freedom riders.

They didn't!

Local dim-retards were the ones who covered up such killings and protected their own from serious prosecution back in the 60s. There is no evidence any of those murders were "condoned" by southern Republicans. Your wanting to believe something doesn't make it true.

Lusty, your guy is just trying to sell a movie, he is not selling the truth.

Dinesh speaks the truth!

Dim-retard historians keep trying unsuccessfully to erase their sordid racist past from the history books. But as he said in the video, they haven't been able to refute ANY of the facts Dinesh lays out in his book and his movie.

The switch happened after LBJ got the Civil Rights Act passed.

There was no switch! Watch the video again, will ya?

The whole idea of a switch was a cunning myth perpetrated by the left to prop up their crumbling moral standing. Any cursory examination of the history of the Democratic Party demolishes their claim to any moral high ground.

The dixiecrats left the democrat party and joined the republican party just like Strom Thurmond.

Sperm Thurmond was the only one who did that. You haven't named a single dixiecrat besides him, because there were none.

Did i hear your guy mention the word mulatto, seems like Thurmond wasn't the only repubtard hooking up with black women. Originally Posted by adav8s28
As for your last statement, it's racist and offensive... so I'll just pretend you didn't say or mean it.
adav8s28's Avatar

what party founded the KKK?
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The dixiecrat party. They just weren't called that at the time.
adav8s28's Avatar
As for your last statement, it's racist and offensive... so I'll just pretend you didn't say or mean it. Originally Posted by lustylad
LOL. I will give you an example of racist and offensive behavior. Republican Strom Thurmond is a perfect example. He claims to be a segregationist yet he had a child with a woman that he wanted to be segregated from.

He never acknowledged that child or had any communication with her until she was 18 years old. Strom did deliver her tuition in person at her Historically Black College. Gee what a great dad.

Dinesh got one thing right. Blacks did vote republican before the Civil rights legislation was passed. Blacks knew that the dixiecrats were anti segregation and wanted to keep the Jim Crow laws that were passed by "Southern" democrats. There was a switch. Blacks started to vote for Democrats after LBJ got the Civil rights legislation passed in 1965.

Until you can acknowledge that the Democratic party (Truman/Kennedy/Clinton/Obama) and the dixiecrat party (an actual party) are/were two different things. I can't waste my time debating with you.

Dinish asked the audience what can the republican party do the get people of color into the party. Try weeding out the KKK, Aryan Nation and the other seperatists from the Republican party. The Republican party is controlled by the RHINO's they are not segrationists, they are not the problem. It was and is the Strom Thurmonds and those who shared his views are the problem.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Those two brain cells must be starving for air.
LexusLover's Avatar
Wallace should have the joined republican party, ..... Originally Posted by adav8s28
... coulda, woulda, ..... DIDN'T!

The DumboCrats elected .... Didn't he run for POTUS? Any statues of him around?
  • oeb11
  • 07-26-2020, 01:25 PM
9500- here is how Liberals carry out Points 1, 2, and 3!!!

9500 Post -

ANTIFA Radical Stabs Black Trump Supporter in Portland

_ _ _
Edited by TJV News
Antifa militant and convicted pedophile Blake David Hampe was arrested in the early hours of Saturday following his alleged stabbing of a black Trump supporter in Portland, The Blaze and The Post Millennial reported
In the Periscope livestream(follow link to hear the victim speak) the black conservative activist alleged that Hampe had stalked him and his group of friends for several blocks in Portland before stabbing him.
“That knife was long enough. He stabbed me to kill me,” said Black Rebel(the activists social media handle) , who says that he spotted Hampe, who was part of a group of Antifa following his group of friends for several blocks before he approached Hampe to ask why he was following them.
“We were all out there, four triends, trying to keep each other safe in the best way possible. I figured I’d try to de-escalate and just have a conversation,” he said. “I went over there, said ‘what’s up buddy?’ and that mother**ker went around and shanked me in the f**king kidney.”
Hampe, who was booked into the Portland Police Central Precinct just before 6AM local time, has been charged with felony assault. His bail is set to $250,000, according to THe Post Millinial, who also discovered the ANTIA radical has a criminal record involving child pornography. Court record link here
Footage of Hampe’s arrest was captured by several photojournalist.

The irony of a White BLM supporting ANTIFA member attacking a Black conservative activist is staggering. One would expect this to be a front page story, at least in Portland. The story has received next to no press besides alternative media sites. The anti-racist left, stab an African American man, this is a concept the establishment media do not want to add to the public discourse. It goes against a carefully crafted narrative. Letting, the public at large learn about this, would lead to more people questioning the entire movement. According to recent polls, BLM and the protests have support of the plurality of the public.
Social media captures of the arrest.

Freedom speech, Freedom of Opinion, -Absolutely not under Liberal /DPST control.

I wonder when Pelosi and Schumer will forward a bill to memorialize Hampe's actions as heroic and offer him free favorite literature in jail - Portland will likely free him tomorrow regardless.

Your kind of people - 9500 and company!!!
  • oeb11
  • 07-26-2020, 01:37 PM
With the election of Abraham Lincoln (the first Republican president) in 1860, the Party's success in guiding the Union to victory in the American Civil War, and the Party's role in the abolition of slavery, the Republican Party largely dominated the national political scene until 1932.

History of the Republican Party (United States) - Wikipedia

Just saying - among the many things incorrect in the party of history cancellation and denial.
Been out pulling down statues when One could have been reading a history book about the matter???
Corrected again - 9500- not that it makes a flea's shit bit of difference to You - who care nothing about the accuracy of the propaganda you spew!

  • oeb11
  • 07-26-2020, 01:40 PM
A Thought - perhaps 9500 is really a Russian bot here to influence the election of Nov, 2020!
Hail Putin - 9500- not to mention Marx, Lenin, Stalin, mao, Castro, Maduro, and the greatest Socialist of all - Hitler!!!
JRLawrence's Avatar
When Dixiecrats like Thurmond and David Dukes could not get traction in the democratic party, they left and joined the Republican party. The Republican party took them in with open arms.

BAHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Originally Posted by adav8s28
The Republican party took them in with open arms: an untrue statement, they received no support from the Republican Party in totally Democrat states. Switching party locally, they still received the votes from die hard Democrat.

Watch you mouth, it lies.
adav8s28's Avatar
... coulda, woulda, ..... DIDN'T!

The Dixiecrats elected .... Didn't he run for POTUS? Any statues of him around? Originally Posted by LexusLover

You like the some of the other repubtards on here has the democratic party and the dixiecrat party confused.
adav8s28's Avatar
The Republican party took them in with open arms: an untrue statement, they received no support from the Republican Party in totally Democrat states. Switching party locally, they still received the votes from die hard dixiecrat.

Watch you mouth, it lies. Originally Posted by JRLawrence

You watch your mouth, it lies.
  • oeb11
  • 07-26-2020, 03:14 PM
If a Democrat's Lips are moving - it is Lying!

Still waiting for the DPST spin on the white Antifa stabbing a black trump supporter.

Helluva penalty for going off the "Plantation"!!!
How many more antifa types like that squads do the DPST's have rady to mobilize on the West coast.????
Tomorrow XiNN and the LSM will be hailing Blake David Hampe as a Hero!!!!

Next - a bill from Pelosi/Schumer to arm all OBLM with Ar-15's and open season on Republicans.

From the party of tolerance and diversity - whatever they advertise themselves as - be sure the reality is the opposite.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Gee what a great dad... Originally Posted by adav8s28

77% black births to single moms, 49% for Hispanic immigrants

Though the Hispanic number kinda surprises me.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... Originally Posted by adav8s28

Wiki is comp'd. About 40% of the victims of he KKK were Republicans.