The Democrat party has a sordid history of supporting racism, Jim Crow, segregation, sexism, and the Confederacy in the Civil War.
Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
The Dummycratic party just got better at hiding their true agenda. Defunding the police will adversely affect the black on black crime. In the hood, or anywhere else. The rate of black on black killings already far outpaces what any LE entity could ever try keep under control. The Dims just make it look like it's the Republicans responsible for keeping the black population dowtrodden and keep them beholden to the Dims. Who dies in ATL's protests? Black People. Seattle's? Black people. Who controls those cities? Dimtards. What did the only Black Dummycrat President ever do to uplift black lives from the power of the whitey? He gave them ObamaCare. Which means now, the health insurance they couldn't afford before, is now even less affordable to them. What a joke on the black people. But will a dummycrat admit it? Yeah, right!
Portland's mayor getting tear gassed was a hoot though. The Dimocrat libtard Wheeler-Dealer trying to lead the chanting with the protesters against the police. The same police that protect his sorry ass after he loses control of his city. PRICELESS.

How ironic. baahahahaha!