Why did the GOP nominate Trump?

Lapdog's Avatar
I take that as a threat! Originally Posted by winn dixie

So, what are you going to do now that you feel threatened, racist? Are you going to RTM me for threatening to RTM you? I suppose I'll feel scared after I finish ROTFLMAO!
Lapdog's Avatar
Do you even know that the people that live below the National Landmark Stone Mountain Monument in the city of Stone Mountain Are predominantly black? These people rely heavily on the tourism there! Most have jobs that are created by the Mountain. These folks dont have a problem with the landmark!
The protesters that occasionally show up are organized and bus or fly in.
Fuck the kkk. But just because they held a meeting there means nothing and has nothing to do with the landmarks spirit! Just like the flag, i hate they use it! But they just as well could use a rainbow flag! Then what? Will you condemn that? I hope so!
Your ignorance and true bigotry of folks that dont share your opinions shows! Originally Posted by winn dixie

Thank you for enlightening me about the finer points of your racist shrine. I suppose you might feel better now that you have attempted to explain your support for such a sectarian, racist symbol, but you fell way short of the mark.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I know how Biden turned the red states. Trump loves his daughter Ivanka but why the fuck does he never mention his daughter Teanna Trump? I believe the racist rednecks found out about her and turned against him.

Hey, this forum is full of ridiculous conspiracy theories. I thought I would just add another conspiracy theory that makes no sense.
Lapdog's Avatar
Lucas, my friend, I think you might have just outdone yourself. Kudos. Take your star, you magnificent bastard.
winn dixie's Avatar
Thank you for enlightening me about the finer points of your racist shrine. I suppose you might feel better now that you have attempted to explain your support for such a sectarian, racist symbol, but you fell way short of the mark. Originally Posted by Lapdog
You dont want to get it! Incoherent babble! I feel sad for you!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The entire OP is ludacris. The GOP does not nominate anyone. Republicans actually have primary elections to see who is going to be the nominee. The people choose. Now, in the democrat primary...well, the fix has been in since Obama in 2008.
You do realize that LapDog knew in 2016 before the election that a "virus" would descend upon the U.S. and affect Trump's chances of re-election in 2020, don't you? And he also knew that Kumola would be running with Bitten (the "Dream Team"!) and with stuffing the union run post office with bogus ballots after changing the election rules shortly before the election that the DimWits could accomplish what they accused Trump of doing in 2016 ... "cheating"!

Trump is still a better President than LD has known in his lifetime ... he just doesn't know how to evaluate Presidential material .... after all ... he did vote at least once for the Bitten-Kumola "Dream Team"!!! Let's have this talk in 2024.

President Kumola in 2024...the race of champions ... one blow job at a time. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I've been purposely staying out of forum the past couple weeks like I predicted I would before the election that was beyond reproach took place on Nov. 3. But on occasion someone will say something so incredibly fucking stupid that I have no choice but to respond. This is one of those times.

This is the most stupid post I have ever seen in my life. I suppose I have to give props to you CorvairLoser for overcoming some really stiff competition for the title in this category.

Trump is not the best president of the op's lifetime. Or anyone else's lifetime for that matter. He is the worst president of all time. Easily. And it's not even close.

He had the good fortune of inheriting a strong economy from his predecessor and somehow managed through smoke and mirrors not to fuck things up for most people in the first 3 years of his term. And the majority of the people that he did fuck things up for somehow still supported him in droves (ie - soybean farmers).

No matter how many times he lied to the general public on a daily basis in his first 3 years in office, there were never any consequences for any of his lies and ridiculous statements. It was incredible to watch.

Fast forward to 2020 and things really start to unravel for Donnie Dumb Ass. He did absolutely the worst job possible managing the pandemic. A complete and total failure on all counts. All he had to do was follow the recommendations of the CDC and Dr Fauci and he probably would have easily been reelected. He didn't and he ended up getting his ass kicked legally and honestly in an election that is above reproach.

His actions since the election have cemented his status as the worst president of all time. And he does have some really stiff competition for this title. But he has blown them all out of the water. His refusal to accept the election results, his constant whining and frivolous lawsuits about said results and his threats to not allow a peaceful transfer of power have cemented his status as the bottom of the barrel. For any of you Trump ass wipes to assert anything to the contrary is totally and completely fucking ridiculous.

So no GremlinLoser - he is not the best president in anyone's lifetime. He is the worst fucking president in the lifetime of anyone that has ever been a citizen of these United States.
Lapdog's Avatar
+1, Jam. And I might add...GremlinLoser is a bad enough insult, but I could probably get over it. But, Jesus, CorvairLoser? Sheeit! I don't think I could ever absorb that much shame in what few years I might have left. Take your star, you are a wordsmith superior to the Bard himself.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
No matter how many times he lied to the general public on a daily basis in his first 3 years in office, there were never any consequences for any of his lies and ridiculous statements. Originally Posted by Jam3768
Nailed it with that statement alone. It's okay to be full of shit like him until people start dying. People tend to hold it against you when you are killing people because of your complete incompetence as POTUS.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You missed adding trump was impeached.

trump has made so many mistakes it's tough to keep track of them or his lies.

At this point he has nothing to lose as far as his attempt to overturn the election goes. trumpys have contrbuted almost $600 million to his fraudulent election fund. He'll get to keep a lot of it.
Good job trumpys.
I've been purposely staying out of forum the past couple weeks like I predicted I would before the election that was beyond reproach took place on Nov. 3. But on occasion someone will say something so incredibly fucking stupid that I have no choice but to respond. This is one of those times.

This is the most stupid post I have ever seen in my life. I suppose I have to give props to you CorvairLoser for overcoming some really stiff competition for the title in this category.

Trump is not the best president of the op's lifetime. Or anyone else's lifetime for that matter. He is the worst president of all time. Easily. And it's not even close.

He had the good fortune of inheriting a strong economy from his predecessor and somehow managed through smoke and mirrors not to fuck things up for most people in the first 3 years of his term. And the majority of the people that he did fuck things up for somehow still supported him in droves (ie - soybean farmers).

No matter how many times he lied to the general public on a daily basis in his first 3 years in office, there were never any consequences for any of his lies and ridiculous statements. It was incredible to watch.

Fast forward to 2020 and things really start to unravel for Donnie Dumb Ass. He did absolutely the worst job possible managing the pandemic. A complete and total failure on all counts. All he had to do was follow the recommendations of the CDC and Dr Fauci and he probably would have easily been reelected. He didn't and he ended up getting his ass kicked legally and honestly in an election that is above reproach.

His actions since the election have cemented his status as the worst president of all time. And he does have some really stiff competition for this title. But he has blown them all out of the water. His refusal to accept the election results, his constant whining and frivolous lawsuits about said results and his threats to not allow a peaceful transfer of power have cemented his status as the bottom of the barrel. For any of you Trump ass wipes to assert anything to the contrary is totally and completely fucking ridiculous.

So no GremlinLoser - he is not the best president in anyone's lifetime. He is the worst fucking president in the lifetime of anyone that has ever been a citizen of these United States. Originally Posted by Jam3768
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Besides COVID-19 and H I M's response to this election, what mistakes has H I M made as president?

I don't want to talk about COVID-19, because many feel as though H I M didn't make mistakes. Only lockdown lovers believe that H I M dropped the ball. I'm not a lockdown lover, so I just won't agree that H I M handled the pandemic horribly, other than actually making a call for every state to lockdown. As far as the election, I've no idea whether it was rigged or not to the level H I M is proposing. I wouldn't put it past the people in power to stage an election. I just don't know at this point, so no sense in arguing about it.
LexusLover's Avatar
You missed adding trump was impeached. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Some folks you like think that's an "honor"!

They even give medals for it!

And get to visit sex islands owned by rich people!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Besides COVID-19 and H I M's response to this election, what mistakes has H I M made as president?

I don't want to talk about COVID-19, because many feel as though H I M didn't make mistakes. Only lockdown lovers believe that H I M dropped the ball. I'm not a lockdown lover, so I just won't agree that H I M handled the pandemic horribly, other than actually making a call for every state to lockdown. As far as the election, I've no idea whether it was rigged or not to the level H I M is proposing. I wouldn't put it past the people in power to stage an election. I just don't know at this point, so no sense in arguing about it. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
You’re fooling nobody.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
We had the greatest economy in the history of the world. H I M was putting pressure on China for fairer trade deals. H I M was bringing peace to the middle east. H I M was bringing peace to North Korea, or at least made a step toward that goal.

The greatest thing was the economy. I can actually attribute my success to H I M's foreign policy. There are a lot of jobs in tech that get shipped out to foreign countries. I'm not talking about picking oranges here. H I M was changing that. H I M forced the company to hire American citizens, and H I M got me a job! That alone is enough for me to not hate the guy.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The entire OP is ludacris. The GOP does not nominate anyone. Republicans actually have primary elections to see who is going to be the nominee. The people choose. Now, in the democrat primary...well, the fix has been in since Obama in 2008. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Anybody else see the irony is this statement?

The people nominated Trump, not the GOP.

The people elected Biden.

The people choose.

The fix was in sight the very moment millions more showed up to protest Trump than attended his inauguration. The fix took place on December 3.

The people chose.

Now get the fuck over it already. You’ll most certainly have things to rage whine about when the new administration is sworn in, but meanwhile every fucked up thing in the country is fucked up because of Trump, either by his action or inaction.