Anyone who's not in complete denial can see that it's a fact.
I've been observing this phenomenon long before Trump threw his hat in the ring. It's the main reason that I'm a democrat. Trump just took the pandering to these folks to a more blatant level than we'd seen in a while.
Anyone who's not in complete denial can see that it's a fact.
I've been observing this phenomenon long before Trump threw his hat in the ring. It's the main reason that I'm a democrat. Trump just took the pandering to these folks to a more blatant level than we'd seen in a while.
Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
you are free to believe it's a fact. proving it's a fact is another matter. as is expecting everyone else to accept it as fact simply because you do.
It’s not a “fact”. It’s your opinion. My opinion is this is a country made from minorities.
Sometimes it’s harder to look in the mirror. And that mirror shows one minority that commits more crime, and leaves more babies fatherless than other minority. That’s not an opinion. That is a statistical fact.
Republicans generally aren’t racist (in my opinion). They just refuse to follow this narrative that you do.
It’s not a “fact”. It’s your opinion. My opinion is this is a country made from minorities.
Sometimes it’s harder to look in the mirror. And that mirror shows one minority that commits more crime, and leaves more babies fatherless than other minority. That’s not an opinion. That is a statistical fact.
Originally Posted by Charley3
you are correct. it's his opinion, your stats however are fact. hard cold facts.
and the black community has been in denial about the issue for decades.
in fact it's considered "racist" to bring it up. especially it seems by a certain conservative political party. the other major party is the one that alternates between "what problem?" (we like this "problem" because it suits our needs) and "it's racist!!" to discuss this problem.
Not my opinion. Pure fact. The word racist has definitions. More of the republican constituents fulfill the requirements of at least one of those definitions than democrat constituents do. It's easy to see if you're not turning a blind eye. For example, one of the definitions is simply racial discrimination, so people who refuse to hire someone based on their race fulfill that definition. Another is the belief that a race or ethnicity is inferior to another, so the portion of Trump's base who were attracted by his racist rhetoric about the Mexicans also fulfill the definition. The Birthers, the Proud Boys, the David Dukes, Unite the Right etc. Do you know that around 60,000 Louisiana residents were the type of serious hard core racists that would vote for David Duke in 2016? How about the rally where they chanted "Jews will not replace us?" I believe it was called "Unite the Right." Trump said that there were good people on both sides. One side was protesting the removal of monuments to a white supremacist who fought to keep black people enslaved. You don't see the democrat constituents getting angry over the removal of monuments to white supremacists. Then they try to cry that it's history. Hitler is history too buy you don't see any monuments to him in Germany.
Lots of factors going into that statistic. Hundreds of years of systemic racism being the main one. Poverty related to hundreds of years of systemic racism being another one. When you adjust for factors like income level, there's not a noticeable difference in crimes committed by race. That's getting off topic though. If you and Devo want to discuss that in a seperate thread, have at it.
Can anyone show me a state where in 2016 60,000 democrats voted for a grand dragon of the KKK?
Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
well let's discuss this shall we? considering what you are speaking about was actually a primary meaning no democrats could vote for Duke who ran as a Republican because that's the way primaries work, a whopping 3 percent (58,606) of Republican voters voted for Duke who it should be noted has identified as Democrat in the past as well as Republican, and a slew of odd ball fringe parties.
it should be noted that approximately 1.1 million Republican votes were cast in the primary. Duke got 3 percent. hardly proof that the majority of Republicans are racist or that more Republicans are racist than Democrats because you know .. the Democrats elected this guy .. Biden ...
seen here with Robert Byrd, a DEMOCRAT who Biden considered a mentor and friend, who so happened to also be in the KKK.
Not my opinion. Pure fact. The word racist has definitions. More of the republican constituents fulfill the requirements of at least one of those definitions than democrat constituents do. It's easy to see if you're not turning a blind eye. For example, one of the definitions is simply racial discrimination, so people who refuse to hire someone based on their race fulfill that definition. Another is the belief that a race or ethnicity is inferior to another, so the portion of Trump's base who were attracted by his racist rhetoric about the Mexicans also fulfill the definition. The Birthers, the Proud Boys, the David Dukes, Unite the Right etc. Do you know that around 60,000 Louisiana residents were the type of serious hard core racists that would vote for David Duke in 2016? How about the rally where they chanted "Jews will not replace us?" I believe it was called "Unite the Right." Trump said that there were good people on both sides. One side was protesting the removal of monuments to a white supremacist who fought to keep black people enslaved. You don't see the democrat constituents getting angry over the removal of monuments to white supremacists. Then they try to cry that it's history. Hitler is history too buy you don't see any monuments to him in Germany.
Lots of factors going into that statistic. Hundreds of years of systemic racism being the main one. Poverty related to hundreds of years of systemic racism being another one. When you adjust for factors like income level, there's not a noticeable difference in crimes committed by race. That's getting off topic though. If you and Devo want to discuss that in a seperate thread, have at it.
Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
It’s not getting off topic. You accuse republicans of being much more racist than democrats. My point is many democrats, like you, don’t want to see the obvious.And when republicans call out the obvious we are called racist.
And I don’t hire AA because I’m racist, I don’t hire AA because I worked to damn hard to have some MFer blow up my business because I said I hope my towns football team whips Westinghouse or some other idiotic racism claim. You have no idea how much that is hurting the community you obviously care about. None at all.
I was wondering when Robert Byrd's name would come up. I'm not a fan of Byrd, but he's been dead for 12 years. The last of the Klan dems, and it's worth saying that WV is one of the only states where a Dem with his record could still get elected as a senator the last time he was elected. It's also worth saying that Byrd also disavowed the Klan long ago. Duke never has. Those who voted for Duke were some of the most hard core racists. That doesn't mean that Republicans who voted for other candidates weren't racist. There were 9 or 10 candidates in that election. Surely Duke didn't receive all of the racist vote.
Racial discrimination is textbook racism. As I've already stated, if you look up the word, one of the definitions is simply "racial discrimination." We've already decided that it's immoral and illegal. You're right, racial discrimination is very harmful to black people on a whole. I've hired black people, worked beside black people, recommended black people, etc. I've never been "blown up" by a single one of them.
And BTW, it's only "the obvious" when you don't do a more detailed statistical analysis, adjusting for income and population density. When you adjust for those factors, black folks do not commit crimes at a rate that's higher than white folks. That's part of the problem. A lot of folks don't want to look at more detailed analysis.
And BTW, it's only "the obvious" when you don't do a more detailed statistical analysis, adjusting for income and population density. When you adjust for those factors, black folks do not commit crimes at a rate that's higher than white folks. That's part of the problem. A lot of folks don't want to look at more detailed analysis.
Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
pretty sure outfits like the FBI who deal with that data have plenty of statistical analysts and computer resources at their disposal. if you think you can show something they and others have missed, feel free to present it.
The FBI doesn't adjust for factors like income or population density.
But again, that is getting off topic. Basically what you're trying to do is statistically justify people's racism. If you'd like to start a thread where you try to do that, feel free to do so. This thread is about the fact that there are more racist republican constituents than racist democrat constituents. Wether or not they're statistically justified in being racist is not relevant, and as previously stated, we've already decided as a country that racism is wrong.
I'll give you one thing to look at though, the NFL, which is predominantly black, but of higher income. The popular notion amongst the racist portion of republicans is that the NFL is a league of thugs (often used as a proxy for a racial slur), but the reality is that NFL players commit crimes at a much lower rate than the general population of young males do, and even at a lower rate than the entire population of all ages.
The FBI doesn't adjust for factors like income or population density.
But again, that is getting off topic. Basically what you're trying to do is statistically justify people's racism. If you'd like to start a thread where you try to do that, feel free to do so. This thread is about the fact that there are more racist republican constituents than racist democrat constituents. Wether or not they're statistically justified in being racist is not relevant, and as previously stated, we've already decided as a country that racism is wrong.
I'll give you one thing to look at though, the NFL, which is predominantly black, but of higher income. The popular notion amongst the racist portion of republicans is that the NFL is a league of thugs (often used as a proxy for a racial slur), but the reality is that NFL players commit crimes at a much lower rate than the general population of young males do, and even at a lower rate than the entire population of all ages.
a contention you have yet to prove other than it's your opinion. this isn't proof. it's your opinion that certain events by a few label the whole as the same. that in itself is bias.
this is a classic example of bias and "guilt by association or extension".
"some Republicans might be racist therefore most Republicans are racist because they are Republicans" isn't fact, it's projecting your opinions on the whole.
Not my opinion. Pure fact. The word racist has definitions. More of the republican constituents fulfill the requirements of at least one of those definitions than democrat constituents do. It's easy to see if you're not turning a blind eye. For example, one of the definitions is simply racial discrimination, so people who refuse to hire someone based on their race fulfill that definition. Another is the belief that a race or ethnicity is inferior to another, so the portion of Trump's base who were attracted by his racist rhetoric about the Mexicans also fulfill the definition. The Birthers, the Proud Boys, the David Dukes, Unite the Right etc. Do you know that around 60,000 Louisiana residents were the type of serious hard core racists that would vote for David Duke in 2016? How about the rally where they chanted "Jews will not replace us?" I believe it was called "Unite the Right." Trump said that there were good people on both sides. One side was protesting the removal of monuments to a white supremacist who fought to keep black people enslaved. You don't see the democrat constituents getting angry over the removal of monuments to white supremacists. Then they try to cry that it's history. Hitler is history too buy you don't see any monuments to him in Germany.
Lots of factors going into that statistic. Hundreds of years of systemic racism being the main one. Poverty related to hundreds of years of systemic racism being another one. When you adjust for factors like income level, there's not a noticeable difference in crimes committed by race. That's getting off topic though. If you and Devo want to discuss that in a seperate thread, have at it.
Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
You're putting up a straw man again. I've not said "most." My contention is "more." The words don't mean the same thing. People put up straw men to argue against when they can't argue against the main point.
BTW, the players in the predominantly black NBA also commit crimes at a lower rate than the general public and at a much lower rate than their general age/gender demographic, despite racist republican hero Rush's claim that "I think it's time to get rid of this whole National Basketball Association. Call it the TBA, the Thug Basketball Association, and stop calling them teams. Call 'em gangs." He's one of the ones responsible for perpetuating the racism amongst that portion of the base. At his peak, this racist republican's listenership was around 20 million.
I'll admit how racist this former Democrat and Republican is.
Tucker Carslon has had Mike Tyson on the last two nights, interviewing him.
I have to admit, he may the the guest that has MOST impressed me with his words, and his thoughts on his career and life.
I never knew, he was deep in the criminal justice system, and, was saved by an old grizzled Italian Boxer, who took him into his home, eventually became his guardian when Tysons mother let him become the guardian shortly before she died.
Loved him, fed him, taught him to be a man, and, as an aside, how to box, and you know the rest.
Honestly, I was in tears listening to him speak.
You had a child, immersed in the inner city criminal lifestyle, who was saved because of the love of someone who wasn't of his race.
The saddest part is, his "Father" if you will died a year before he really became famous.
I know Tucker is an Anethema to some of you, but I suggest you find a copy of the show from the last two nights, its well worth watching.